Nvidia was clearly wrong – AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX

Nvidia was clearly wrong - AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nvidia was clearly wrong – AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX”.
Nvidia laid down some hard truths on the industry. Moore’S Law is dead, they said gpus just can’t get faster and cheaper the way they used to they said and then AMD was like that’s stupid. Here’S faster gpus for cheaper than the last generation, God I’m introducing the Radeon, RX, 7900, XT and XTX. I want to make this very clear. These are not exactly value gpus, they’re still coming in at 900, and a thousand US dollars for the XT and the XTX respectively, but they are significantly less expensive.

Fps per dollar, if AMD, is to be believed, then Team, Green and they are a hundred dollars less expensive each than the last generation top and almost top cards from the 6000 Series. So let’s go ahead and take a closer look at these bad boys. It gets even better as we go. Not only are these cards delivering up to in the range of 70 better performance than last time around, but look at this they come in down right. You can get them out of the damn box. They come in downright reasonable form. Factors. Wait is this: no, this is only the XT.

This is only the XT. Maybe the XTX is an absolute chungus monster, but this is. This is totally fine here hold on a second hold on a second I’m gon na. Tell you more about it in a minute, but first, let’s pull out an RTX 4080 for comparison. What the heck! I think it’s fair to say that the 7900 XT has more. In common physically with an RTX 2060 card than the 4080.

Nvidia was clearly wrong - AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX

look at, that is that wild or what? How did they do that? Well, for one thing: it’s rumored that the RTX, 4080 and 4090 were supposed to be even power hungrier than they ended up being, which might be why the coolers for them are so overbuilt for their final tdps. The other reason is that, as I just alluded to amd’s power, consumption for these cards is to be clear, very high at 300 and 355 Watts for the XT and the XTX respectively. But that’s still within the range of what you can do in a dual slot. Not quite dual slot, almost dual slot, but only full height card design.

That’S one of the really big ones. How much taller cards have gotten over the last little while, especially if you want to build a small form factor machine or something like that, you’ve really run out of high performance options. Another thing, aside from performance that we can talk about here is the display outputs. We’Ve got HDMI DisplayPort other more different display port and USB type-c on the AMD.

Nvidia was clearly wrong - AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX

The reference cards, but the coolest thing about this is that these DisplayPort ports are the new uhbr 10 DisplayPort 2.1 standard in practice. That may not end up meaning that much because, while AMD does advertise these cards as capable of high refresh rate 4K and even 8K gaming, even amd’s, most optimistic advertised numbers here are nowhere near what uhbr10 can do we’re talking 4K at 480, Hertz and 8K at 165 Hertz uh. I mean it’s worth a try, but I don’t think that’s going to happen while we’re going over the physical attributes of the cards power. Look at that no controversial 12 pin power, connector dual 8-pin pcie power connector, so you won’t need an adapter or to change out the cables on your modular power.

Nvidia was clearly wrong - AMD RX 7900 XT and XTX

Supply AMD, like Nvidia, has opted for a PCI Express Gen 4 by 16 connector. So if you were hoping to take advantage of your pcie Gen 5 motherboard in some way, it will be through storage, not through your GPU. Oh and I admit that having not actually paid that close attention to the presentations because um other people were working on the coverage, I do not know if the XTX is physically different or not is it. This is a little taller.

It’S a little taller. It’S a taller boy. If you wanted to know what 55 Watts looks like like that, that much more this unboxing is brought to you guys by Bessie Footwear. That’S right when you get your vessi Footwear it’ll, be a lot newer and cleaner than this uh. These are these are old, but that’s good, that’s good! That means they last. The Christmas season is upon us, which means that it’s a great time to stay warm and dry vessi boasts that their sneakers are lightweight easy to pack and feature waterproof materials that offer you reassurance when the weather can’t their dime attacks layer will keep you warm in The winter and cool in the summer, they’re comfy breathable and did I mention already that they’re lightweight making vessies the perfect gift for yourself or for someone else check out their holidaysale at vessey.com Short Circuit or use code short circuit at checkout? If you just missed it.

For 15 off plus free shipping to select countries aside from their performance claims, though, one of amd’s biggest marketing points for the 7000 series is the improved to Performance per watt. That they’ve made with our dna3 and they’ve done this in a number of kind of cool ways. So, first of all, they’re using a combination of tsmc’s, five nanometer and six nanometer processes to build the first ever triplet GPU. There are some functions that they can’t move off of the main die like compute Hardware, Graphics, hardware and display in media engines that main dies built on tsmc’s five nanometer process, so they can pack as much as possible in and they really did.

I mean this thing’s got literally twice as many stream processors as amd’s previous Flagship card, but they were able to move their gddr6 controllers and other. I o functions onto these either 5 for the XT or six mcds or memory cache dies, and the reasons for this are twofold: one is to save cost and two is to well mostly save cost, because apparently these functions don’t really shrink that well, so it just Wasn’T worth it from a from a cost perspective, so that’s the main reason. I guess either way the bandwidth between the gcd. So that’s the main one and the mcds is a whopping.

What is this? 5.3 terabytes a second, so that’s 900 gigs a second per MCD. Absolutely flipping wild one of the other big innovations that AMD has introduced to improve performance per watt is decoupled clock speeds, so they are apparently running the shaders and the front end on these gpus at different speeds. So the shaders are advertised at a game clock of 2.3 gigahertz, while the front end is expected to hit in the neighborhood of 2.5. Is that for both cards or are those clocks different between the two? Ah, yes, that’s for the XTX, so the XT is in the 2 to 2.4 gigahertz range.

The reason for doing this is apparently that, by backing off even just part of the card, a little bit off of that voltage per frequency curve, you can save a ton of power without giving up too much in terms of performance. Amd has also added dedicated AI accelerators to these cards, so we’re looking at two AI accelerators per compute unit, but what exactly they’re going to be using these for is not clear at this time. To date, AMD does not have an AI accelerated dlss competitor, but I would imagine that something like that wouldn’t be too far behind if they’re putting the hardware out for them AMD does have a pretty okay reputation for um. Well, there’s sort of two ways to look at this: not having fully developed drivers at launch or or glass half full way of looking at it really squeezing extra out of their cards over their lifespan.

So it’s quite possible that we will see big improvements to these cards through AI accelerated rendering tricks over the next few years. One thing they’re, using AI for right out of the gate, is apparently to help their encoding and decoding performance. This is something that’s been been. A bit of a thorn in the side of AMD lovers for the last well, I mean yeah many years actually that nvidia’s end banking coding engine is just a lot better for things like game streaming or even just screen capping, so that you can share a quick Tutorial with your friends, I’m really hoping that amd’s, h.264 and h.265 are going to be much better performance than before and more than that, I’m hoping that I don’t have to worry about h.264 and h.265 for much longer, because av1 will just take over and be the Industry, standard and amd’s av1 encoder will be great and that’s that’s what I’m really rooting for here.

The XT has 20 Gigabytes of gddr6, while the XTX has 24 gigabytes of gddr6 and we’re expecting a performance Delta between the two of them of somewhere in the neighborhood of uh. Wait. Is anybody even talking about that, yet damn it AMD the XT is going to be slower, though I mean look at it. It’S smaller if the volume is anything to go by and probably be about, say 20 percent slower, not how that works by the way. I think the last big thing you guys need to know is that these cards are coming December 13th and we are expecting to have a full performance review with power. Consumption. Clock speeds FPS all that good stuff up at that time, so that you guys will know, has AMD dethroned, Nvidia or not. Well, we all know the answer to that.

Even AMD is not comparing these cards to the 4090, but come on. That’S a sixteen hundred dollar card. Who cares if you could have like 4080 performance for 900 or a thousand dollars instead of twelve hundred dollars? I think you’d be uh, maybe not happy, but you’ll. Take it just like you’ll. Take the end of this video subscribe to Short Circuit .