Now the Real Work Begins… – Moving Vlog Day 2

Now the Real Work Begins... - Moving Vlog Day 2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Now the Real Work Begins… – Moving Vlog Day 2”.
It’S absolute freaking chaos today. It’s moving day day, two. And Yvonne, and I have to run and do this sponsored VR thing.. So, basically, we’re letting logistics loose on our house with no instructions other than we put some pieces of tape on things and those things need to move.. Will the cat tree end up where it needs to be Only after coming back from that VR thing.

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(, upbeat, music, ), (, digital chirping, ), (, upbeat, music, ). In all seriousness. The goal today is pretty straightforward.. We only wan na rent a U-Haul for one day, and that means everything, big.

Dining room tables, couches beds, wardrobes ( clears throat ) enormous cat trees has to move today.. Unfortunately, it is spitting rain today and we don’t even have the garage to use as a staging area because of all these go-karts that were completely legitimately obtained from the office. I mean, could you resist They’re so fun.

Truthfully? I have no idea how they’re gon na pull this off, because the kids have made such a mess at the house in the last few days, while we’ve been getting ready to move over at the other house., And especially a lot of our tech. Stuff is sort of complicated. Cable, managed and wired through the walls., Hey, kitty., Sorry., You’re gon na have to stay in here today.

Sweetie., Hey Dan, has Yvonne talked to you about garage contents or anything like that No. Okay., Good luck.. Are we moving the trampoline today? Not today. Long story, but we’re not using the U-Haul for that. We’re gon na roll it., Stop. Okay., Luke, enough., (, laughs, ).

A wild Luke makes an appearance by the way he’s coming to the VR thing with us. Hello.. Maybe he’ll help us move later., Yeah., (, lively, music ), So the other guys with the truck are still on their way.. I’Ve been left here alone with Andy Linus’s house. We’re gon na start by just organizing a couple. Things.

Now the Real Work Begins... - Moving Vlog Day 2

I’ve already cleaned out. The garage. Was a little bit messy.. There was a lot of crap all over the ground, which we don’t wan na track back into the house.. These go-karts are really heavy too, but I think we’ll be okay..

Now the Real Work Begins... - Moving Vlog Day 2

We’Ve got some boxes.. We’Ve got a way through to bring all the furniture in and out because we’re moving stuff in and out in the rain., Hopefully I’m not by myself.. So my hope is that these are leaves and they’ll just come out..

Now the Real Work Begins... - Moving Vlog Day 2

So it’s got this neat gear system in the middle.. I don’t know if Maybe Linus table tips., How many of you at home have a table in your house Answer down in the comments.. We also need to move all their furniture in their bedroom., Their beds and their dressers, and unfortunately, they haven’t really had time to tidy up so there’s stuff, everywhere. They’re, also not attached to each other..

This dresser here is gon na fall and kill someone maybe.. It’S a little awkward honestly.. I haven’t known these two very long and now I’m going through their underwear drawers grabbing all their stuff and putting it in boxes.

And I’m in their house. Alone. Feels weird.

Luke and I are gon na take go-karts to the new place. It’ll, take a little longer but he’s never ridden them. In. (, Linus, laughs, ).

You know you look like Bowser on the tiny little cart. Woo., Oh shoot., I overcooked it.. All right.

See you there. What’s up, ladies and gentlemen: Oh that’s a spicy meatball right there.! I’M not gon na try, that., (, laughs, )! Just don’t wan na hit the walls., Hey look., Someone’s straightened the thing. Yeah. Dan did. Dan.

Did it Nice. [ Luke ]. After you made it crooked. Pivot.

Oh. You wan na go down the ramp. I see. Yes.. Oh you wan na go this way.

Yep.. That makes sense. Actually.! Oh wait., You wan na carry it vertically.

Yep.! I had this completely wrong.. I thought we were gon na tip it horizontally off the edge.. Do you think that would’ve gone well? I don’t know. Okay.

Hard to say.. I used these cool suction things to put the chargers onto our nightstands.. They could lift the nightstand by Oh, my goodness. Yeah.. Well, how do you get it off? They’Re, not permanent.! You just have to get between them and kind of, Because they’re that same stuff that you used to be able to get for your phone case to stick it to glass.. Oh okay., It’s just that. Yeah.! So you just-, But you just get it really clean before you. Stick it hold it on really hard and it’s like …. You can literally lift the whole nightstand.

And that’s not a light. Nightstand. Yeah. Here.. You can take your cricket in..

Well, I was gon na help you with the bed.. No, we need- Sure. Yeah.. We need more than a can-do attitude to lift the bed. Okay.. You know what Wow. I say that stuff just to make her make that face at me., (, laughs, ), It’s so funny.. I can’t get enough..

I do wan na go off the edge for this one. Okay. And what I’ll do is I’ll, just already be here. I’ll, assume the position. Okay., (, laughs, ) And then we’ll ( laughs, ) Okay. Am I under it all the way Might need to Oh there. We go. Okay..

Well, I can see the stairs. The issue is anything above the stairs. [ Alex ] Okay.. Are we going up? I think so..

I think that’s where the bedroom is so.. Oh boy., Oh no. Corner. Yeah., It’s flexible., She’s, a flexible boy.

Who let one rip Ow.. I tripped. I’m good though..

Then you and I are gon na grab this cat tree. Whoop. Okay.

Leg right in the way.. Sorry, hon. Sorry is the most important word in marriage.. Even when you’re, not sorry – and you don’t even know what the problem was just lead with it., It’s good.

Okay.. So I think the plan is to bring it to this corner.. We never actually did a sanity check on the size of this thing. So can we see if it fits Yeah.? Oh, that’s not bad..

Now we’re gon na tear all of this off it. We’ve got new carpet because, as you can see, the original’s a little worse for the wear after 10 years.. But what we’ll do then is we’ll move this shelf down a little bit. We can put that light.

Fixture back together and, in my opinion, is a perfectly legitimate accent for a classy living room.. Now I wan na add like an extension. Coming across this way, Yeah.. How awesome would that be If they had little shelves up there, the cat could just perch up there and watch us.

[ Luke ]. That’S exactly what it would do. Wait. What are you guys doing? You’Re taking the table? Out., That’s coming in the back., No no.

We’re just taking the leaves because they were gon na fall, over., No I’ll just ride in the back., No no. No. It’s fine.. That’S what Luke said.! You all were: wrong..

Okay, I’m good.. Let’S go. Seriously. We’re going nowhere.! Luke will stay here and make sure I’m safe.

Is anyone going to back me up. I’Ve already said no and I’m the biggest one here. I can throw you around like nothing. I’ll, be fine..

I got this. Come on.. I give up., Let’s go. Editor. This didn’t happen at all., Bye., ( door, shuts ), Nothing but a jar of dollies.. What have we got for supplies? Luke? We got no food. No.. We got no water., No water.

[ Luke ], But we’ll survive., But we got crazy. Eyes. ( door rolls up. ), Ah okay. We died.

We died in here., It’s been so long., No food., No water., Oh where’d, that washer come from Well, it might explain why. We’Ve only had four washers. [ Linus ] Out of …, I’m assuming eight.

Eight. Dan, took this apart. [ Cameraman.

], What if we just put it flat on the ground Dan goes home immediately starts getting blamed for absolutely everything.. Yeah.. 100 % of the things are now Dan’s fault.. I love it. ( somber, music ).

The crew is running back to the old house. To get some plastic bins and stuff. It’ll be a little easier in the U-Haul. They’re.

Leaving me here to make myself useful., So I figure I’ll rip all the carpet off the cat tree.. It would be much more useful if you could do things that were putting things together that we just took apart rather than taking more things. Apart. Yeah.

Is that okay Here.? Can you hold this for a second Yeah. She’s screwing me., Screwing me., There’s something I wanted to do and now she’s Okay. You ruined my shirt from Is it okay Yeah it’s fine. Okay.

Oh. ( chuckles )? Oh I’m sorry., I’m sorry. Good girl. Okay.! Oh, I’m all wet too., So unhappy.

Okay. Yeah., Okay. Okay.. Would you like to get down now? The boy decided to fill this one based on size, not weight.

The thing about a bin full of books? Is it’s basically like holding a giant freaking log. And that’s everything which means that now the real work begins. The work of telling you about our sponsor. Squarespace.? Do you think making a website is hard? Well, it is, but it doesn’t have to be.

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Just do it.. Just do it. 10 %, If you guys enjoyed this video, maybe go check out the previous episode, which was a little more tech-heavy, but definitely equal in terms of shenanigans, maybe more. ( upbeat music, ) .