Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Not so Glorious… – Glorious Model O 2”.
When it comes to PC gaming, peripherals glorious is sort of like the dark horse Champion that I’ve always dreamed of hey. They might not sell the most mice, the most mice, that’s weird to say, but they always produce pretty darn good results and the price is always quite fair. Today we have one of their first sequels, the model 02 essential Like Oxygen. I was kind of a I’m kind of a little disappointed. I thought this was going to be kind of a cooler gift box, but this is just trash. Do better glorious inside this gift box? There’S three devices. One of them is the Glorious Mouse Bungie, a great device, uh, absolutely not necessary, considering we are unboxing a wireless mouse today goodbye what is inside of this nice little case. Oh, it’s just a little travel case that that’s that’s all. That’S in here cool and now the model O2. This is one of the most popular models of Glorious mice. It’S an ambidextrous one.
You know kind of like a G Pro, maybe 305 sort of shape. Uh. You know like most glorious mice, although there are some close body ones. This is a honeycomb Mouse, uh, which I am slowly growing to like a little bit more. We have this little thing of papers register your product. I will not.
Your RGB brightness is set at five percent. Oh that’s pretty neat, I kind of like that. It lets you know I will be installing software, so I’d find that anyway, but just a little tip cool. I love to show I’m quite excited to unbox this Mouse uh.
It’S not drastically different than their last Model, but I don’t think it needed. It was quite a good product, but there’s a lot of uh significant refinements. That should turn this into quite a compelling little package, but we will cover those as we get to them. Let’S keep unboxing silica last couple things in the box. We have our paracord cable. It’S nice little touch that it’s the same color as the mouse uh. Even when you plug it in it’ll, look good together.
I guess you could run it as a Wired. Mouse, maybe use the bungee uh, but uh. We will not be doing that cable, good quality. It’S nice, nice little detail. We have the Glorious logo etched into the USB. Next we have our dongle and our dongle adapter. I’M a big fan of including adapters like this, because you can use the same cable to charge your mouse as you would use to plug in your dongle, keeps it simple, uh, less cable, it’s always a good time.
That brings us to the main event. The model O2 Wireless itself glorious has changed a lot about the model o, including the texture, which is a little rougher to my hand, but I think it feels fairly premium and it would last the shapes also a little bit different, including the honeycomb design. That is circles instead of you know, hexes. You can actually see all the way through, which is interesting, that the honeycomb design persists on the bottom, meaning that there is kind of a big point of Ingress at the bottom of your mouse, which I’m not a huge fan of. That being said, you shouldn’t be dragging your mouse through a puddle of Mountain Dew anyway, in terms of Aesthetics on the mouse. I am glad that they’re kind of Bringing Down the giant face on the side to a little logo at the top as well.
As you know, some branding on the side – I am not a big fan of flashy mice. I don’t even like RGB on my mice but uh. This is a little bit better. Another change is they’ve reshaped the buttons they kind of curve, a little bit more to your hands, based on the shape and my you know, small to medium-sized hands.
I will immediately Palm grip this mouse, which is not my default hand, stance. My stands enhanced, but it’s comfortable in the hand I find I have many points of contact, which is you know good for for Palm. This mouse is a little bit bigger than I would like for my style, but it’s definitely very comfortable and the texture provides a solid amount of grip in terms of other buttons. We have our two side buttons. My thumb lands pretty naturally on them. I’M not a big fan of buttons that are designed to feel sort of seamless from each other. The the side buttons are fairly pronounced from the body of the mouse itself, but I can definitely tell you right now. If I use this mouse a lot, I would press both buttons most of the time and often press the wrong button on the bottom notes. We have a reminder that we live in 2023, update all your peripherals and then we have the stickers for our PTFE feet. It’S pretty smooth uh, I feel like the Glide pads are a little small and so the experience I’m having is it’s not bad, but it’s certainly not amongst the smoothest mice I’ve ever experienced on the bottom.
We have our DPI indicator and we have the Banff 2.0 sensor, which has a whole slew of improvements we’ll get into, and also an indicator of. One of I think the most important upgrades this mouse gets like the original. There is the 2.4 gigahertz mode, but this one also comes with Bluetooth.
Most of the time when I’m at home gaming or working I’m going to use the 2.4 gigahertz mode when I travel there’s a huge risk of losing it. My laptop and many many laptops only have one type a port, and so, if I need that one, I’m unplugging my dongle putting it down, you know unplugging replugging and there’s just a risk. You know of it going missing, you don’t have to do that.
You can do Bluetooth sure you lose a little performance, but what’s a little performance in the face of overwhelming Victory by not losing your dongle moving to the inside of the most glorious has upgraded the switches on the inside to 80 million rated ones, as opposed to The 20 million rated ones that’s four times, you know on paper, reliability that can’t be a bad thing. These scroll wheel feels fine uh, not too loose, not too tight. I feel like it would get pretty loose fairly quickly. I personally, like looser scroll wheels and this one’s already feeling kind of on the edge of Toulouse.
I don’t like the texture on it. It feels okay, but it it kind of feels cheap. Overall, I would give the feel and build of this mouse. You know a solid pass, there’s a few spots that kind of look crappy, the seam between the bottom and top assembly.
Uh can be felt and seen, and I think that that sort of brings down the overall impression, at least from a distance like you, can’t, probably see it as well as I can, but that’s you can hear it. That’S just my finger rubbing against this. This is probably the most pronounced Gap. That’S somewhere that there’s a high likelihood my hand would be touching I’m kind of a little bit disappointed in the overall build quality.
Another thing that’s upgraded on the inside is the battery. The previous model o was rated for around 70 hours on the 2.4 gigahertz Channel. Now you get 110 using the dongle and to up to 210.
So that’s got you covered for plenty and plenty of usage, but you know what else is plenty for anyone, our sponsor Newegg, thanks to Newegg, for sponsoring this video looking for the latest technology to upgrade your gaming rig home office or entertainment setup. Look no further than Newegg as one of the largest online retailers of computer hardware, software and electronics. Newegg has everything you need to take your Digital Life to the next level. They offer competitive prices fast and reliable shipping 30-day hassle-free returns and excellent customer service to ensure that you have the best shopping experience possible. So when you’re, a tech, Enthusiast, gamer or just looking for the latest gadgets Newegg is the go-to destination for all.
Your Tech needs check out Newegg mg.gg Newegg excellent, we’re plugged in slid the dongle in turned our buddy boy to 2.4 and uh away. Here we go okay, there you go sure first impression when I turn it on. I am not a fan of RGB, but I think this looks pretty nice. Actually that really five percent.
I don’t believe you in terms of software. We have the Glorious software, so we can customize it. Let’S click and see what’s available to us lighting.
This thing is uh cutting in and out a lot what the hell is going on. This is not a great experience. They lied to me.
They said it was five percent brightness, okay, so that’s gon na 100. Let’S see what that looks like yeah, it’s brighter. You can customize your key binding and your performance, I’m a big fan of this. I usually just disable uh everything, but two dpis. You can change the color of the DPI stage, so you know which one you’re using, I don’t think the lights doing anything. So I have the different DPI stages that I’m switching between, but the light is not doing anything I want to maybe have to turn the lighting on.
That would be a big mistake. Yeah that’s stupid. In order to get the DPI indicator color changing on the mouse. You have to turn on the RGB on your mouse.
That seems like a little bit of an oversight. Hopefully it’s something that can be fixed in firmware um. Thankfully, I know that I want 800. So, outside of that, you can change your liftoff distance, so you can kind of increase your accuracy when you’re doing big big movements and kind of lifting your mouse on and off of the mouse pad and your debounce time, which is an interesting thing to change. Basically, your debounce time is the time uh in between button presses, where it just won’t register, and so, if you’re worried, you know about double clicks or whatnot, you would turn up your debounce time.
You know I’m a pro gamer, though I’ll be going down to zero. Milliseconds, let’s go, you can also change your polling rates. Uh, I’m not concerned about battery today, so I’m going to leave it a fire or something beyond that.
You can save and Export your profiles, kind of standard stuff, uh, nothing super extraordinary in the software, but it’s uh it’s there, which is always greatly appreciated. I’M definitely having an issue with Dropout uh. The dongle is, you know two feet away from this mouse. I’M not sure what’s going on the mouse is charged uh. I don’t think that it’s a laptop thing, but maybe it is it’s kind of an annoying issue. We’Re going to pop into CS, go and see how this thing performs at clicking on heads now that I’ve swished my hand across this desk pad a couple times.
My impressions of this mouse are kind of dropping it. It’S feeling you know kind of cheap uh. It’S not sliding as smooth as I want it to it.
It’S fine, but I can tell you right now that I am not loving this. Why is it dropping out? What’S going on, I’m gon na try a different USB port. If I wasn’t shooting a video, I would be much closer to the screen, so I could see a little bit better.
Okay, I don’t know what’s going on, but that is not a good experience to have my mouse, just kind of drop out every 10 seconds or so uh. If it wasn’t for that, I would be crushing these Bots that’s kind of a problem. It’S a Dooms like other nice, I’m kind of fed up with these dropouts, I’m gon na test this mouse wired, so I’ll unbox, this mouse bungee huh. This is not having the dropouts, which leads me to believe.
Oh David, you suck that it’s more of a mouse issue which is not great. It seems like it’s stopped like it’s not doing it at least as often the problem here is not the accuracy. The Band 2 sensor is up to 26, 000 DPI and 650 IPS inches per second, so that’s kind of the speed it which is able to track that’s good, that’s better than the previous generation of mice and totally adequate. It’S a 1 000 Hertz polling rate, which is absolutely okay, but the fact that I’m having so much Dropout is really alarming.
We plugged in the mouse wasn’t having the issue, and so it seems like there’s some wireless connection problem I just before. I say that I should just try a different Mouse and see if that this is the issue one of the worst mice experiences I’ve had in a long time. Maybe I’m unlucky, maybe I got a dead one, but uh this certainly isn’t inspiring confidence. What is the issues uh? It’S just there’s lots of Dropout and then I’m it’s just having issues just connecting. So I I never in my life have I needed to call in Tech Support to get a mouse to work properly. Uh after updating drivers uh, including Mouse drivers that are kind of just generic ones, uh, it seems to be working a little bit better, not a great user experience, but at least now we’re not having dropouts nearly as bad. The problem persists that it just doesn’t feel like that great of a mouse.
Therefore, in conclusion, should you buy this mouse? How much does it cost nope the hard note it’s an okay Mouse and I feel bad saying this. I, like glorious products, a lot of the time this doesn’t feel quite as refined as some of their other products and the feel of it. The experience isn’t great, it’s still a fine Mouse.
The accuracy is good, the buttons are fine, but I think there’s better options. If you want to stick with glorious, I still love the model D minus both the wired and wireless one. I think that’s a better shape, uh yeah! The sensor is not, you know as up to date, but it wasn’t a problem before you’re never going to go over the 400 IPS anyways and there’s a whole bunch of refreshes that I’m sure going to come now that they have the new sensor. So yeah don’t get this mouse hold off, wait for another glorious one or you know, get a Logitech a 305..
It’S a lot cheaper and feels uh kind of better. That’S it thanks for watching short circuit. If you like mice, videos, why not check out video where I unbox one of the best mices I’ve ever used, which is a Razer strangely enough? .