Not MORE Youtube Ads…

Not MORE Youtube Ads…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Not MORE Youtube Ads…”.
People keep saying they want a new LTT Christmas album, but what about a techlinked album? It’S just a 35 minute long tech news, themed cover of We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy. Joel care to invest YouTube is real jazzed about a new ad format. They’Ve been piloting for about a year on TVs, it’s called pause ads and involves an ad popping up as soon as viewers pause. The video they’re watching, because Tech Executives cannot bear the thought of anyone’s eyeballs going literally 1. Second, without fresh content, they’ll dry up, they need to be lubricated well great news.

Not MORE Youtube Ads…

In their q1 earnings call, Google said the pause, ads pilot drove strong brand lift results, and, while they didn’t say whether they plan to roll this out to more users, it would be kind of weird for them to decide. They’Ve made enough money from this kind of AD and now it’s time to stop. It also seems to align with similar pause screen ads recently rolled out by Roku and the UK streaming service Channel 4, the latter of which apparently puts the ad right in front of the paused video. So you can’t even get a closer look at a big bloke on Goggle box. He looks funny at least YouTube’s version shrinks the video a bit and throws the ad up on the side. Admittedly, that doesn’t sound too bad if the top comments on a Reddit post about the format or anything to go by it looks like part of the reason YouTube has kept.

The trial going for so long is because, as far as ad placements go, this is one of the less invasive options. The ad still robs you of the crumb of attention you were about to use to have an original thought, but, let’s be honest, it wasn’t that good qualcomm’s big claims about its arm-based laptop chips continue. The company now says their recently announced Snapdragon X may be a tier lower than its upcoming X Elite lineup, but it can still outperform Apple’s M3 by about 10 %, at least in multi- threaded performance. That’S a bit hard to believe, given that a new leaked Benchmark of what is presumably Microsoft’s upcoming surface laptop 6 powered by a Snapdragon X Elite couldn’t beat a Macbook equipped with an M3 Pro, but it does get Mighty close. That is if all of these early benchmarks are to be believed, which they are not. According to a piece published Yesterday by semi, accurate, a tech news site, seemingly admitting that they may be talking out of their ass.

We give you the truth. Kind of multiple sources told semi acccurate that Qualcomm is cheating on their EX Elite benchmarks and public demos. The company denied those claims in a statement published yesterday as usual. The proper advice here is to wait until actual reviewers get their hands on the product, but it’s just hard to ignore the possibility that windows on arm could be something other than hot garbage.

It could be cold garbage, at least it’s less smelly. Maybe, although, given a recent analysis, predicting that the coming wave of AIP PCS will be accompanied by a 10 to 15 %, price hike, Qualcomm intensely pushing Snapdragon X, hype could very well just be the world’s most hilarious. Prank got you. Ah, they actually suck Tik Tock parent company bite dance has until January 19th to sell the app or get deported thanks to a recently passed law, but it ain’t giving up that easy.

Not MORE Youtube Ads…

They’Re marrying Facebook, it’s a green card. Marriage, the Chinese Tech Giant says it’s preparing to sue the US government to block the legislation and sources, told Reuters that if the company’s legal op fail, it will burn Tik Tok to the ground. It’S not about the money. It’S about sending a message.

It’S not sending a do. I’M imagining Tik Tok Joker, it’s Tik Tok, but other sources told the information that, despite the public bravado bite, dance is considering an option to sell Tik Tok without its proprietary recommendation algorithm the source of all its power. However, bite dance explicitly denied this report in a post on the social media owned by the company toow. While reporting about this law has focused on Tik Tock, any number of other social apps, with over 1 million American users and owned by a foreign adversary defined as North Korea, China, Russia and Iran like, for example, WeChat, are also affected.

The clock is now ticking and American Tik Tok users seem to be having a tough time, imagining what they would do if the app was banned. Well, India banned Tik Tok in 2020, and everyone just moved to to YouTube shorts and reels. If anything, I feel like Tik Tok deserves to be banned for giving us shorts and reels. We didn’t want that either, but you’ll be giving style icon prepared for anything with a pair of shoes from our sponsor vessie.

They claim their shoes are extremely waterproof and keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Their stormburst low top shoes combine the comfort of a sneaker with the grip and coverage of an outdoor boot but sleeker, and that rhymes and vessie has added extra layering for added warmth, as well as as extra grip to prevent you from slipping and sliding in unfavorable Weather conditions, unless you want to the storm bursts, are feature packed and will make great gifts with the unpredictable Spring weather, coming up so check out the vessie stormburst and get 15 % off your first purchase at vessie TechLink. What is a quick bit? No! No! No! Really I’m asking because I I I don’t know anymore – is that little Segway before the ad break, or is it all the little stories after I we? Nobody Knows. The FCC has voted in a split 32 decision to restore Obama era.

Not MORE Youtube Ads…

Net neutrality, rules that prevent internet providers from favoring certain websites over others and to be fair you’d, probably be pretty annoyed to find out that. The reason why Naruto shipuden on Hulu won’t stop buffering is because Comcast is deep in the pocket of big crunchy roll. That being said, it’s not clear that this kind of Foul Play is actually happening, and further judicial review might find that this newest change to the net neutrality rules is a violation of the major questions Doctrine, which basically means that elected officials should be making big policy Decisions, not random appointed bureaucrats. After all, we don’t vote for the FCC chair. That’S what the Illuminati is for.

Apple has open sourced a family of AI models called open Elm that are designed to run on device rather than through Cloud servers, and because of this, the largest open Elm model has 3 billion parameters about 500 times fewer parameters than open AI GPT 4. Naturally, they all kind of suck on The mlu Benchmark, Apple’s smallest open Elm model scored 25.7 2 out of 100 uh for reference. Gpt 4 scored 86.4 speaking of open sourcing disappointments, though Microsoft has released the source for the infamously, buggy and unpopular MS DOS 4.0.

This week, after finding out the news, redditors joined together in asking Microsoft to please open source, something else, it’s okay to open source things if they suck it’s literally giving your younger brother, the crappy thing, you’re done with Nintendo’s highly anticipated switch 2 console will apparently have Joycons, what and they’ll attach to the console magnetically according to Spanish site Vandal, who also correctly reported on the switch oled’s features before that console was released. So I guess we can trust them. A little bit. Vandals reporting is is based on information from switch to accessory makers and, while Vandal doesn’t know if current joycons will also be supported by the upcoming console, they claim your switch. Pro controllers will be compatible, at least until the joysticks start, drifting more than the entire city of Tokyo. I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo, see me know, have to go pass and Furious rocket League. A high school principal in Baltimore was temporarily suspended. After a recording of a racist rant in his voice was uploaded to social media, and the fact that I said in his voice is a bit of a foreshadowing here, except that it turns out. It wasn’t a recording of him at all. It was an AI, deep, fake, created by the school’s Athletics director who the principal had investigated for possible corruption. This is scandalous. The plot of HBO’s Vice principls, the Athletics director, has since been arrested, but it seems he was only caught because he used School computers as well as his school issued.

Email address to sign up for the voice, duplication service and to distri distribute the fake recording. This would seem to indicate that disturbingly dumb people can make deep fakes now and, according to a recently published research paper, biotech startup profluent has created an AI model trained on crisper Gene editors pulled from nature, which can create artificial Gene editors previously unknown to God or Man, profluent has apparently already used this technology to to edit human DNA, which honestly feels a little fast. It seems now we’re not just making AIS that can make new and improved AIS, we’re making AIS that can make new and improved human beings uh.

But have we considered what will happen if the AI starts hallucinating, while making our new generation of gataka children wow good reference? I mean you could just be giving birth and boom elephant baby. That’S 22 months of gestation. No one wants it, but the best thing about our future elephant Offspring is that they won’t forget to come back on Monday for more Tech news that I think, isn’t that a myth they must forget, but they never forgive.
