Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NO MORE YOUTUBE COMMENTS.”.
So Linus is live streaming right now he decided to livestream right when I was gon na film tech linked unbelievable. So I have to talk a little quieter. Okay, it’s just like we’re having a private conversation. Okay, now it could be argued that Tesla kick-started the auto industry’s move towards electric vehicles, but their cars have always been a bit on the high side in terms of price. Well, that’s still the case, but they’re moving more towards affordable prices.


Yesterday Tesla announced its standard range model. Three would be available for thirty-five thousand bucks before any federal or local tax incentives. The company’s Model S and X vehicles can now also be had for about fifteen thousand dollars cheaper. Depending on the version. The price cuts apparently necessitate Tesla, closing most of its physical stores and switching to online only sales. All this comes at the heels of the announcement of Volvo’s pull start to an all-electric vehicle, seen as a competitor to the model 3 and the first car to feature built in Android, auto and Google assistant, you don’t even need to connect your phone. It also starts with a chair mounted pressure switch, so that’s cool, Wow. Electric cars are now much more affordable for slightly less rich people than before.


Now I’ve avoided addressing this on tech linked because it’s kind of a sensitive issue, but it’s been so in my face that I kind of have to youtube, has disabled comments on all videos featuring children. The move comes in response to the discovery that pedophiles were leaving comments on videos of minors that weren’t just creepy and disgusting, but we’re also being used to link to actual illegal content. Youtube believes the problem is so widespread that disabling comments is necessary to keep children safe.


Some creators will be able to keep comments enabled, but will have to actively moderate their comments. Channels with lots of videos featuring children like family vloggers are understandably upset, given that this destroys their ability to interact with their fans on the platform. But CEO Susan Wojcicki said that it’s a necessary trade-off to keep kids safe. It’S unclear whether this policy is here to stay or whether it’s a temporary measure, but it is a nice reminder of how horrible humanity can be. Sometimes don’t forget we’re monsters, not many ways. You can make a joke about that, and normally we wouldn’t be reporting on driver updates as a major news story, but this is one you might actually want to pay attention to. Nvidia has identified eight security vulnerabilities and their graphics drivers and are urging users to update as soon as possible users who don’t update, may be at risk of remote code execution, denial of service, leaks of personal info and spontaneously combusting be seized. Nope, not that last one. A lot of enthusiasts often stay on an older driver to make sure their system remains stable, but is that worth having to watch your monitor as a hacker leaks, your nudes right in front of your eyes and then dying in a fiery explosion? I don’t think so.

So update your drivers unless you have an AMD graphics card, then I just wasted 30 seconds of your time. I’M sorry it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Mac. Weldon find a good clothes can be such a hassle.

Well, Mac Weldon goes and takes the hassle and gets rid of it. They make modern men’s essentials. Elevated by technical innovation, for example, Mac Weldon, silver line of underwear, shirts and socks are naturally antimicrobial, meaning they eliminate odor, meaning you won’t stink as bad.

Even if they’re, not the most comfortable clothes you’ll ever wear, which they are, if you don’t like your first pair of underwear, you can keep it and still receive a full refund. They’Ve also got free shipping on orders over 50 bucks and free returns, so check them out today and get 20 % off your next order by using offer code technique at lmg, GG, /, TL, Mac Weldon or by clicking the link in the description. It’S on to the quick bits: USB ports and devices have been vulnerable to malicious actors for some time, but now Thunderbolt is joining the club. A vulnerability called thunderclap was expounded upon at the end ESS 2019 security conference, and it could apparently allow malicious Thunderbolt devices to steal data directly from a computer’s memory, yeah, not so high and mighty. Now are you thunderbolt now you know what it’s like to be a USB screw.

You, man, Aussie tech, channel Hardware, unboxed, took a detailed look at invidious, deep learning, super sampling or DL SS, and found that it’s not that different from existing super sampling technologies. As long as you give them, some tweaks, DL SS is along with RT x1 the main selling points of invidious new r-tx line of GPUs, but Hardware unboxed is saying it’s not really a selling point at all. In fact, they might be saying that Nvidia is not even a real company. Wow, that’s a heavy allegation. Hardware unboxed, but I’m with you the open beta for Ubisoft Schlueter shooter.

The division 2 kicks off today, even though anthem just came out a week ago, and it was supposed to be so good and it turns out that it’s not and that’s really dumb. So I guess you can play the division. 2. Now just go just go the cellebrite Universal forensic extraction, device or UFE D is a tool used by US law enforcement to hack into suspects iPhones.

So, as you can imagine, it’s pretty dangerous. So it’s not the best news that it’s showing up on eBay. For a hundred bucks a pop now these are reportedly old models since cellebrite launched a new version, so while they can only hack into older models of phones, it still begs the question of how these devices got onto the market in the first place. Did you do this, and this isn’t really tech news, but it is kind of cool researchers at the University of Science and Technology in China have managed to give mice the ability to see near-infrared light that essentially gives them heat vision.

The only catch is they did it by injecting specialized nanoparticles directly into the animal’s eyes. Look I want to have laser eyes as much as the next guy but needles. It’S not laser eyes. It’S heat vision, all right, I’m tired of talking in this quiet voice.

I want to be myself lie to stop live-streaming for the for good goodness sake see you guys later .