No More Instagram for Ü!

No More Instagram for Ü!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “No More Instagram for Ü!”.
Sure there is a way to get your tech news without watching this show, but I wouldn’t recommend it.. I tried it., It’s weird. Meh., The company formerly known as Facebook Meta, has issued a warning to the continent of Europe. The whole thing that it would pull its social platforms out of the EU if they’re not allowed to continue storing vast troves of European user data on its US-based servers..

No More Instagram for Ü!

Oh my God! What a threat.! No Facebook, don’t., ( presenter, chuckling )! What will Europe do without Instagram and Facebook? More likely they care about? Whatsapp. Meta’s threat comes after a European Union court ruling stating that US data protection laws weren’t up to par with European standards, which led to a regulator in Ireland deciding that the steps Facebook was taking to protect the user, data. ( people in background laughing ). This is turning into a weird accent., We’re inadequate.. Was it a password123 situation? We don’t know.. If that decision is upheld later this year, though, Facebook would be forced to end data transfers from the EU to the US..

No More Instagram for Ü!

So Europeans, you might be interfacing with the last IG thirst trap, you’ll ever see. ( people in background chuckling, ) ( presenter, slurps ), Enjoy it thots., [ Background Audience, ] Double tap: again., [ Presenter, ], Facial recognition. Technology has been struck another blow in the US, with the IRS, announcing the cancellation of a controversial plan that would’ve required citizens to verify their identity using the tech when logging into the tax agency’s website. Ha talk about dystopian. [ Background Audience, Member ], Verify., (, presenter, Chuckling ), I just wan na, do my taxes, man. [ Background Audience, Member ] Verify., The walk back comes after members of both US political parties, both all two of them voice, their concerns to the head of the IRS about the system called

No More Instagram for Ü!

It was concerning on a number of levels like not only would taxpayers be forced to upload images of themselves to a database, that’s already a huge target for hackers, but also it’s the IRS., Everybody hates them, and now we’re sending selfies. [ Background Audience. Member ]. They don’t deserve that., It’s not right. And the US governments ban on Huawei and ZTE Tech came back to bite them when the $ 1.9 billion set aside by the FCC to help pay for swapping equipment was dwarfed by the $ 5.6 billion in requests sent in By carriers.

You see you’re not buying the made in China stuff anymore.. It’S all real leather. [ Background Audience. Member ] Ohhh., But it’s not like the FCC was completely out to lunch..

Originally, they thought it would all cost $ 1.8 billion, but they upped it to $ 1.9 billion to be safe., [ Background Audience. Member ], Perfect cover. Yeah, that’s good., FCC chairwoman, Jessica, Rosenwartze, says they’ll work with Congress to ensure there’s enough funding available to help everybody. It’ll just involve printing.

Some extra money is all., [ Background Audience. Member ] Yeah No harm in that., Invest in bitcoin., [ Background Audience. Member ] In places fun in the pool.. Now it’s time for the quick bits brought to you by JotForm, which helps you design, professional, looking forms for your website or your business or your business’. Website.

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I really like it so sign up down at the link below and get started today. Right now. [ Background Audience: Member ]: Let’s do it JotForm. [ Background Audience. Member ] Jot it down. Many have tried to catch the quick bits. Many have failed. No problem for us.

Though. [ Background Audience. Member ] Ha This one right there.. Although traditional new iPhone season isn’t until the fall Apple might just have something for you next month, if you’re in the market for a lower cost device and who isn’t in this economy, A new iPhone SE is set to be announced early in March, featuring 5G support.

A better camera wireless charging and even a top end A15 processor, making it the only iPhone worth getting in my opinion. Androids have the iMessage reactions, now. [ Background Audience, Member ] Ha ha. We can do anything. [ Background Audience, Member ]. What do you want? A lightning connector, You get a whole new text that says so and so liked.

It sucks.. After gutting its Stadia games division. Google is advancing talks with game developers such as Capcom and Bunge to license out Stadia’s infrastructure..

The idea is we’re giving up on this. ( person in background laughing ). The idea is, third party developers could use it to offer their own streaming services..

Looking at you Sony yours, sucks. Or offer streaming games on other platforms such as consoles., The best part they don’t have to use the Stadia name. Anywhere. [ Background Audience, Member ].

What is that You don’t like that? Word ( presenter, chuckles, ), Wi-Fi 6E routers and products have been a little hard to come by and according to one analyst, that’s never going to change.. Although 6E is the newest Wi-Fi standard., The first devices featuring Wi-Fi 7 are set to start coming out next year. And because of the chip, shortages and supply chain issues affecting 6E’s availability. Most consumers don’t simply appear to care that much about Wi-Fi 6E, because what is it Use? Regular numbers. License plates are confusing. Tech. People could probably help a bit.. It’S extra spectrum allocation actually Six extra Six S. It works for works for Apple. Nissan’s. European division will be focusing on EVs after reviewing new European rules regarding car emissions and deciding it would be too expensive to design a new lineup of internal combustion engines on the continent..

However, this doesn’t apply to the US where the rules are looser and demand for gas engines is still high, especially in pick em up trucks, which isn’t surprising if you’ve ever sat through a block of commercials during NFL game.. I have not done that.. Also, capitalism wins in the US.

There’s a lot of rich people in oil. So It’s a lot of electricity And Ubisoft has heard the criticisms over its decision to get into NFTs loud and clear and they’re doing something about it. They’re, offering free NFTs to their employees.. You wish you worked there. Ubisoft’s employees were no happier about the company’s decision than gamers were., So the brass tried to change their minds by giving them NFTs a virtual hat: Hey free hat One virtual fedora per crew please., I’m gon na bet. This will do more to cause griping at the water cooler than it will to actually convince anyone that NFTs are a good idea., Put the hat on the water cooler in the game and then everyone’s happy.

Yeah. A little AR app. You can look at the hat and it’s a good idea to end this. Video too much tech news can hurt the brain. Come back on Wednesday, more tech, news., Yep., Yep .