Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NO GALAXY FOLD FOR YOU!”.
It’S time for tech linked who’s, ready, everybody there’s no one else here, except Dennis Happy Easter Dennis, but SpaceX was probably not enjoying their long weekend as the company’s Dragon. Spacecraft apparently exploded on its landing pad during the countdown for an engine test. I said apparently, because SpaceX is official statement called the incident. Simply an anomaly but leaked video seems to show the explosion definitely happening. In addition, large orangish clouds of smoke could be seen at the launch site so something exploded. I know explosions anyways the dragon is SpaceX.

Is capsule designed to hold a crew, and it already successfully flew an unmanned demo mission to the International Space Station in March, while no one was hurt in this incident, SpaceX will probably have to do some deep analysis to try and figure out what caused the problem Which could delay future missions and just to make a LAN Musk’s weekend even worse, a Tesla was documented catching fire in a Shanghai parking lot yesterday as well. What is this Elon? Did you just make a bunch of fake cars and rockets and stuff as a prank? Is a clown gon na bust out of Dennis’s Model 3? If he buys one, why would you do Dennis dirty like that? Dennis? Oh, he says he can’t afford one anyways okay, Linus, give Dennis a raise. Samsung is not playing around with a launch of the Galaxy fold after the whole kerfuffle with reviewers peeling off their devices screen, protectors, which weren’t actually screen protectors and the folds displays failing. Samsung has decided to delay the phone’s launch. The Galaxy fold was supposed to launch on April 26, this Friday for 1980 u.s. dollars, but the company is postponing that indefinitely to evaluate all of the reports of malfunctioning units and run further tests. A new release date will be announced in the coming weeks.

Folding phones haven’t happened yet because the technology just wasn’t there, but perhaps it still isn’t except. I just know why Wei is going to launch their folding phone and everything’s gon na work just perfectly freakin Huawei I mean we might be right to be suspicious of Huawei, depending on how much you trust the CIA, the US intelligence agency, shared information with members of The five eyes alliance – that’s America, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, indicating that Huawei is partially funded by China’s National Security Commission, the People’s Liberation Army and a third division that is also part of the Chinese intelligence apparatus. Now this information was not shared publicly so effectively. This is just another example of an accusation: leveled against Huawei, without any real evidence to back it up and for always part they seem to be doing just fine. Despite pressure from the US, as today, the company said their first quarter. Revenue has gone up by 39 percent compared to the same time. Last year I mean look, I’m suspicious of Huawei too, but at some point you got to show the receipts, America, unless they’re from a CVS. Those are way too long.

I don’t want to see those. I’M talking about receipts Dennis you can’t make it dirty now. It’S time for quick bits brought to you by story blocks video where you can get the footage backgrounds and After Effects templates, you need with a low-cost subscription being a Video Creator can be time-consuming and expensive story blocks. Video helps you get your creative vision out into the world faster and without breaking the bank. We use it here at Linus Media Group all the time, especially when we need to get a video produced fast, like for tech linked, for example, we write, shoot and edit all in the same day. So having access to the footage we need now is crucial. I’M pretty sure if I made Dennis go shoot b-roll for every tech linked, he’d, actually, murder me so to learn more about story blocks, video click, the link below and now it’s time for the quick bits.

Last week we got very specific details about the impressive specifications of the PlayStation 5, but today, according to multiple insiders, the next gen Xbox will be even more powerful. The info comes courtesy of Ainsley Bowden, founder of seasoned gaming, but really Ainsley do we need to start the flame war? This early, please Ainsley, easly, stop intel, is busy redoing their whole approach to graphics and is asking tech enthusiasts on reddit what they want to see in the company’s graphical products. Instead of an ask me anything Intel’s holding ask you anything sessions on their subreddit.

So if you have strong opinions about graphics, tech or just need someone to listen to, you complain about your personal problems. It sounds like you might find someone ready to listen over there. Last week, during the fortnight World Cup qualifier matches epic games, banned 1163 accounts for two weeks for sidestepping region.

Locks players apparently did this, so they could have multiple chances to qualify 196 players who did manage to win some prize money have had their winnings taken away. As a result, why fortnight players and why aren’t you playing apex or pub G instead, what’s wrong with you, citizens in the UK will soon be able to ask the Google assistant for information about government services thanks to the UK government digital service. So you can just say to your Google home ello Guvna. How do I apply for a passport? I’M sorry, UK citizens. I know that’s not how all of you talk and robots are about to get a lot better at handling squishy things.

That’S exciting, Denis researchers at MIT have developed a particle simulation system that helps a eyes, learn how to grab objects without applying too much force. This will be crucial for us to build robots that can give us hugs without also making us dead. There’S also other applications for that that I didn’t think about until just now, because you you’ve got a dirty mind. He’S got a DS weird up here and unfortunately I now have to make this episode dead, because it’s over thanks for watching everybody now come on back on Wednesday, when there will be a lot more people in the studio. It’Ll be a lot less lonely and a lot less weird nope, I’m not doing it. .