Nintendo Wants to End Emulators

Nintendo Wants to End Emulators

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nintendo Wants to End Emulators”.
All right, Nintendo has launched a 41-page dmca lawsuit against Tropic Haze. The makers of switch emulator Yuzu does Nintendo know what dmca is cuz, I’m not sure that they do they just they kind of seem to think it’s just everything to everyone. Sorry, sorry, I interrupted go on it yeah, it’s an arguable in court thing, so they can get people scared about it. Regardless um they demanded that Yuzu be shut down and deleted. According to Nintendo, Yuzu users primarily use the technology to subvert anti-piracy protection, not any of yuzu’s more legitimate uses. The gaming company disclosed that tears of the kingdom was illegally downloaded over a million times in the week and a half before its initial launch or sorry. It’S official launch uh and that around 20 % of download links pointed Pirates towards Yuzu as a tool to play the game, while no one is claiming that Yuzu contains copyrighted codes. If Nintendo could substantiate that, it is a tool primarily for the purpose of copyright infringement that would be a violation of the dmca. I was pointed out by Rob Fey fah, something around there of Nintendo is arguably more seriously affected by piracy than console Rivals. Like Microsoft and Sony in part, because both those companies have a far greater number of live service, MMO and you know always online style games, I would also make the argument that both of those other companies provide a hardware platform that isn’t a giant piece of.

That’S a pretty good argument. That was my primary reason for buying tears of the Kingdom, a cartridge and never once putting it in my switch. I put it in US switch for us to do a video here. I never put it in mine.

I didn’t end up playing a ton of that game, but the Limited hours that I did play were on an Rog Ally because I didn’t want to run at 26 frames per second or whatever it averages out to like. I, it’s not it’s ridiculous um, especially uh. There there was a rumor recently. I have no idea how credible it was, but that the hardware for the switch 2 has been in development and at a late stage of development for a very long time like they’re, basically just deciding when to give us a console that isn’t a giant piece of Um – and it’s just I don’t know, man Nintendo is one of those companies that just has such outright disdain for its users. I I I have a hard time. I have a hard time defending anything that they do at this point yeah this sucks for a lot of people, because I know a lot of people really enjoy playing nint Nintendo games, but with r tracing yeah or 60 frames per second or you know at not 720P – and I know this is a hey – I actually don’t know that many people and my circle is small and subsists of a relatively similar type of person situation, but pretty much everyone that I know that uses Yuzu also owns a switch and owns the games.

Cuz. Most people are just like yeah, it’s just an insanely, better experience, so I want to play it there. This isn’t actually about pirating or whatever else I just like it’s twice. The frame rate looks insanely.

Better is a, I don’t know bigger format. Whatever there’s like a lot of different Arguments for it yeah, I don’t know it sucks. I know there’s other people on the interwebs that are a lot more invested in this. So if you are interested in it, there are a lot of people covering this right now. So you could look up. Arb K asks.

When are we getting the beauty page pageant pagent um internally? I have been pleaded with to not do it yeah um. It’S not the kind of thing that I can make uh a unilateral decision on anymore. I am no longer the CEO, so I could be an and I could be like haha.

I insist because I am technically the majority shareholder, but that’s not how a constructive relationship Works between um shareholders and board members and the shareholders is the chief executive um. That’S not how a healthy relationship Works between this shareholder and the other shareholder that Luke just mentioned um, that’s just not how any of this works, so it is not a decision that I will be making on my own. I would still like to do it yeah.

I think there’s a way I I it’s a mind field, it’s so basically here’s the problem. We could do it. We could run a beauty pageant where people’s beauty is judged by the way they could play.

Super Smash, Bros and um. You know, while they wait for judging you know, we could do that if Nintendo decides to take legal action, we are believe it or not. Still, a very small company in the grand scheme of things and the legal costs for that type of action should they drag on long enough could significantly harm our ability to continue to operate uh. I I know that I don’t fully understand where it comes from. I think some of it is my fault, because I talked about that valuation that we got when there was the offer to buy uh. But there’s there’s a perception.

I think that we are an enormous company that we’re some kind of heavy hitter um and in the YouTube space, I guess so yeah we’re in sort of an an we’re in a a very we’re in very elite company, in terms of our our our scale. Right. Like we have over a hundred people who work here, but a hundred in Canada is the threshold for like a medium-sized business, we we’re just we’re just barely.

We are actually not a large company. Um we’ve been, we’ve been very successful, we’ve been very lucky, but when you have a $ 100 million Valu or offer that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a $ 100 million valuation. That could mean that there’s some projected growth um.

Nintendo Wants to End Emulators

So you could have been at a very high multiplier of your eida um. It does not mean that I have $ 100 million in the bank. That’S super duper not how that works at all um.

I’M not complaining, I’m doing really great and I’m deeply appreciative to all of our viewers and all of our team members and and everyone, but I don’t have a $ 100 million 100 %. I promise uh so for us to go. Toe-To-Toe with someone like a Nintendo. Is a legitimate risk that it would be up to the leadership team to decide to tackle, not me yeah and it sucks because like it would be really fun to do. But it is incredibly dangerous and for the same reasons that we would want to do it or for highly related reasons to why we would want to do it. Nintendo would probably want to come after it because we’re trying to like you know, we’re very obviously um trying to get around it, trying to set an example to be trying to get around anything.

Nintendo Wants to End Emulators

We wouldn’t be trying to set any examples. Yes, that is not the case. We would be trying to run a beauty pageant.

Nintendo Wants to End Emulators

That’S true. I would like to make it very clear. That’S true, that is what we would be doing.

The plan is, you know if they were going to do activities between, they could do a variety of activities they could they absolutely could, in fact, maybe that would be a good thing yeah if they could do anything they wanted yeah. Maybe they play another game. Maybe you know the console is there? Maybe they play Tic-Tac toe, but there’s a variety of games available. Maybe there’s lots of consoles available, maybe maybe they play hopscotch. I mean it’s just time between judging and we’re just trying to make it more entertaining for them. H.

Fascinating yeah, all right so we’ll see long story short. How did that come up we’re talking about Nintendo and dmca and Nintendo just being generally jackasses um? Okay, our discussion question here is what happens to nint. If, if Nintendo wins, what happens if they lose, I mean I think, if Nintendo wins, it’s going to send huge shock waves um through the emulation Community.

I think that uh this is a. This is a very important battle here. Um this will. This will almost certainly set a precedent for uh for future similar battles with that said, I would be very surprised if you know suddenly Nintendo emulation and suddenly game piracy disappears. Because of this I mean um.

If it was as simple as as you know, winning battles in court, then music, piracy wouldn’t exist and movie piracy wouldn’t exist. It would just go more underground, but coming back to our conversation earlier, that may be enough. That may be enough friction that enough people buy Nintendo games legitimately that um it maybe won’t matter anymore. I mean I would honestly make the argument that even Yuzu as it is, is very high. Friction the majority of people. I know – and this is people I know this is not you know, people that some random, not Tech Circle person interacts with, like the vast majority of the people I know, would either a not be able to figure out how to get Yuzu running or B would Be able to but look at it and go no. I got something else to do today. It’S it’s! It’S a bit of a a pain in the butt and, if you know exactly where to go and which file is safe and exactly what directory to put it in whatever yeah yeah sure it doesn’t take long like you can get Yuzu up and running in, like 3 minutes, but if you don’t know all of those things man, you can end up on some sketchy sites and you can end up you can it could it could potentially – and this is a very real risk – it could potentially cost you a lot more than then Some switch games so yeah I mean you get your like.

You end up with some stupid key logger on your computer. You get your identity stolen, that’s going to be not worth it dog yeah. So all that being said, I honestly think this might bring more eyeballs onto Yuzu and switch emulation in general than ever before. Um I’ve never been more tempted to download it and I’ve never downloaded in the past. Oh it’s it’s pretty good. Yeah yeah I mean I.

I i’ I use it. I’Ve just never bothered cuz. I was like I don’t know whatever yeah. If I’m going to play a switch game, it’s usually cuz, I’m probably going to be in a situation where I only have my switch anyways. So right and you don’t have an ally, so yeah you’re by yourself, yeah, you have no Ally, except if Yuzu does get sued into Oblivion and told to delete their thing would disappear. Yeah except it wouldn’t because it’s open source.

So so it’s not going anywhere, which kind of makes the whole thing feel kind of um yep, yeah, yeah, good job Nintendo, but the easiest way to grab it would be to grab it now. If that was the case, not I’m not saying you should remember that time, Nintendo was talking about uh doing like a sponsorship deal with us. How glad do you think they are that they didn’t? Do it remember that time they like flew me out to Toronto? No yeah oh yeah, and then you like crushed that little kid in Mario Kart, wow yeah, really you you’re so proud of that you have to bring it up right now. He beat a child at Mario Kart, a little girl pathetic mhm.

Did they cry? No? Oh. They were upset, they were Beyond tears. 10, so I yeah they. They brought. They brought us out to Toronto to check out the switch and then uh I I was trying to like test it, but I I wanted to check like controller range and stuff and they wouldn’t let me and then they were doing a Mario, Mario Kart mini tournament. Up on the stage – and they put me on the far side of the stage from the actual switch console itself um and it I was having a very hard time and at this in time I played, I would literally like okay. So some people don’t know this back in the old house when we used to film out of the house, I lived in the basement. I actually genuinely lived in the basement, so what I would do is I would wake up.

I would go upstairs i’. Go to work, I’d work, I’d come back downstairs and I’d play Mario Kart until I fell asleep and then I would fall fall asleep. I used to be very, very good and that’s around this time, so I expected to do quite well against a bunch of randoms effectively, but I could barely even drive. I was having a a lot of issues uh. I felt that, like the controller was disconnecting, so I started asking them like. Do I need to move closer? Is this a range issue and they’re like no? No, no, no, no uh and the the one of the people near me was like yeah.

You must just like not be that good and I was like okay yeah all right next race, I’m going on the other side of the stage, so I switched sides of the stage, but they swapped one of the people out, and it was like this little girl And I was like okay well, I need to prove that I’m good. So I was like crushing everybody, but my plan was to pull off to the side right before the end and not actually win the race, and then I didn’t realize that they had the training wheels thing on. So I turned into the side – and it dragged me over the finish line and forced me to win so I like crush this whole race, and then I get to the end smack into the wall and then drag over and a bunch of people were like what, Like we understood you didn’t have to do that, I was like I did. I I didn’t want to the real joke. Is Luke thinks he crushed it, but he was the only one with the training wheels on. Oh man, that’s so it was uh.

It was quite the moment yeah. It felt like a jerk, totally looked totally looked cool at that event for sure .