Nintendo Turns on Microsoft

Nintendo Turns on Microsoft

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nintendo Turns on Microsoft”.
Welcome to techlinked your source of monthly updates, on which Tech Giants are mad at each other, who stole who’s boyfriend this week more at 11, which is right now you want me to do it again. No good welcome to Tech. Nintendo has issued dmca takedown requests to Microsoft, subsidiary GitHub over software tools used to emulate Nintendo’s Sovereign copyrighted games, which were simply not meant to be played outside of their natural habitat, severely underpowered consoles. One such tool is lockpick which allows users to dump decryption keys from their switch games so that they can be emulated on PC by Thugs and Ruffians rap scallions, even gross The Gallows for you. Nintendo fears for the Integrity of the true experience of playing their games on the switch since emulating switch games has the terrible side effect of making them playable not designed for it. The true experience is just watching your Pokemon glitch out of existence and then crash. This takedown doesn’t simply apply to the original posting to the software, but would also affect anyone who forked the GitHub repository, which is a way for people to copy a project on GitHub so that they can experiment or iterate on it.

Take, for example, Simon Ahrens on Twitter, who received a copy of Nintendo’s dmca request when he made the forking mistake. Some speculate that this is due to the tears of the Kingdom leak and Nintendo. I get it. I know taking away the ability for users to get keys from games they legally paid for and thus incentivizing those users to obtain Keys illegally sounds like a solution to piracy, but wait if you carry the three, if you, if you don’t do that, I think we Got it wrong? According to leaks, Google is planning to make search more visual, snackable, personal and human, which I assumed meant they wanted to be the go-to search engine for cannibals, apparently with that extremely quotable corpo speak actually means is that Google is aiming to tackle search, prompts that aren’t Answerable by their traditional Farm to Table search results according to leaked internal documents, the newly humbled emperor of search will be adding short videos to its results because of how young people like to get their information gossip, they love that tea.

Nintendo Turns on Microsoft

They like this show like they just Yorkshire, is gone. An internal Google study suggested 40 of the youths use tiktok or Instagram when searching for restaurants. As a result, not only will future Searchers be asked follow-up questions by an AI chatbot. Are you aware that what you just typed is a little cringe? Oh God, I can’t do it okay, but also may be prompted to swipe through visuals, like tick, tocks or shorts, because when you’re Plumbing the depths of accumulated human knowledge on a topic, you want to start with the thoughts of thousands of 14 year olds with main Character syndrome, they no more than you think this man looked at me for five seconds in a gym and I felt attacked. Let me explain and then spends four minutes telling us nothing anyway and then and Uber’s ex-chief security officer has been sentenced for covering up a 2016 hack after receiving an email from hackers telling him they had the data of 50 million Uber customers and 7 million drivers. Then security, Chief, Joseph Sullivan, paid the attackers one hundred thousand dollars under the condition of them signing an NDA to not disclose the hack to anyone for his crime of covering up the exposure of at least 57 million users names and phone numbers. He was issued a fifty thousand dollar fine and sentenced to three years of probation. Was he supposed to secure the prison? Use your mind, use your brain guys: 50 current and former Chief security officers from the likes of Netflix us, and even the US government sent a letter to the judge, pleading for Sullivan not to go to prison. They said their job requires. Nuanced judgment calls in a largely unregulated environment. I mean how was Sullivan supposed to know. He was committing a crime he’s not a federal prosecutor anymore. It’S been years yeah and it’s not like he was regarded by like as like a security expert in Silicon Valley anymore, because he was charged with his crime. But you know before he was now a scanner. The handy little app that’ll transform any piece of paper into a professional looking document, provided that the piece of paper in question was already a document. It won’t like write documents for you. That’S chat, GPT, but iScanner does use intelligent optical character, recognition to convert scans into editable text. That means you can scan important contracts and sign them directly in the app and even analyze and solve complex math equations. We won’t tell your professor, if you won’t got piles of medical papers or tax documents stuffed in overflowing folders in the back of your closet, scan them all and keep everything nice and organized your closet will. Thank you join millions of others who use eye scanner to manage their documents on the go so check them out at the link below.

Nintendo Turns on Microsoft

I want to do more main stories, but all I have are these stupid, quick bits. Mom, let me go to my room. Twitter has admitted private Circle.

Tweets have been viewable by everyone on Twitter merely most of the month after the issue was discovered by users. Circle tweets just where everyone’s agreeing with each other Circle tweets are supposed to only be viewable by other members of the circle. Yet Circle users have been getting likes and views from Outsiders. I didn’t want everyone on Twitter to know how much I love the TV series monk starring, Tony Shalhoub Elon Bridge a company that made popular iPad accessories has gone kaput. They actually released a trackpad keyboard for iPad Pro months before Apple released, the official magic keyboard and added native trackpad support to iPad OS, but Apple reserved, trackpad gestures for first party accessories and also Logitech, who Apple, apparently likes better Apple, did offer the functionality 2 Bridge. As long as they could figure it out themselves without debugging tools which Logitech received through hard work and favoritism, the inability to compete and cash flow issues sealed the company’s fate.

All that’s left now was a logo on their website and a massive. Why? Why, indeed, why why why why Lisa, why you are tearing me apart? The Apple watch has been credited with saving a woman’s life due to its fall detection feature marking the first time a human life has been saved by knowing what season it is by the way. It’S currently not fall when the user’s co-worker founder collapsed on her hotel room floor, She called 9-1-1 only to find that emergency services were already on the way when reach for comment Apple responded.

Now the Apple watch has the ability to Save a Life. The only feature left to add is the ability to take one Chinese company power leader has announced a new revolutionary CPU line called powerstar and unveiled their first ship the p301-105. Now some people have been claiming that the CPU is just a rebranded Intel Core 10th gen chip because they looked at the P3 with their eyes, but Power leader says these chips have been specially designed for daily desktop users.

Of course, they never said who design them. I won’t Intel the company didn’t mention a price or release date, but you can find this leaked information by searching for Intel core I3 10105 and French biotech company neoplants has released its first line of genetically modified house plants, their superpower, the ability to clean indoor pollutants With the power of 30 normal plants, I was really hoping for telepathic ferns, but I guess slightly better. Air quality is fine. As long as you throw them, you got ta start it wow wow. The soil they’re planted in has formaldehyde eating microbes, which is a way better superpower.

The X-Men aren’t calling you back either way, but the formaldehyde eater has a much better shot than the HEPA filter man and he hasn’t made any progress because he again he can’t move he’s a plant. Let me in and don’t filter out the tech news we’ll be back again this Wednesday and if you don’t come back I’ll, be sad and when I’m sad I get mad and when I get mad, I’m sorry I’m still upset about the quick bits. Mom .