Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!

Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!”.
Hey what is up guys, i’m kim Bhd here and the new Nexus family has been announced. Today. Everything is official now, so the rumors can finally stop. So this is a video where I’m gon na go over all my thoughts on it, the Nexus 6, the Nexus 9, the other stuff that was announced and gave all my thoughts on the official stuff, as well as the other things that have been uncovered in twitter And google and other places i’ve found, so you got some extra information here. So this is the video to share with everything we know about. The new Nexus is and what we need to know.

Let’S just get right into it. So, first of all, Android 5.0 is now a thing and it’s completely finished now. So it’s going to be rolled out to nexuses and Google Play edition devices over the coming weeks. So I have a Nexus 5. I have a Google Play edition, HTC One m8. If you have these devices to or a nexus 10 or a Nexus 7, these will get updated to Android 5.0. We saw the Developer Preview before, but I’ve mentioned before.

That’S not really complete that wasn’t the complete final operating system. So now, in the final one, we’re gon na get a couple of new features: we’re gon na get this battery saver mode. That’Ll extend the life of our device and the last few percent by up to 90 minutes, which is great. We get multiple account support before we can only have that on tablets. But now you can have say a guest profile on your phone too, and there’s also now smart lock, which is introduced to basically have trusted Bluetooth devices, be able to unlock your phone and not require a password whenever they’re connected. So you get all the material design stuff you’ll get all of the animations we talked about when I showed the Developer Preview and also 5.0 is Android.

Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!

L lollipop in case you were caring about the codename, but that’s not the most exciting thing that was mentioned today. Of course, the most exciting part is a new hardware. That’S come out to run these new operating systems.

Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!

So let’s take a look at the Nexus 9. The Nexus 9 is an 8.9 inch display tablet, that’s replacing both the Nexus 10 and the Nexus 7. So this is sort of an in-between tablet.

It’S made by HTC and it’s beautiful. The specs are pretty solid. The 8.9 inch display is a 2048 by 1536 resolution. It has 2 gigs of RAM and a dual core and Vidia k1 chip at 2.3, gigahertz, 16 or 32gb of storage, an 8 megapixel camera and a six thousand seven hundred million power battery. Now those Nvidia k1 chip is 64 bit ready, so is paired with two gigs of RAM, but of course it can handle a lot more and the fact that it’s going to be running stock Android 5.0 is probably going to perform really well. I haven’t seen a whole bunch of other devices with the NVIDIA k1 chip, except for the shield tablet that I reviewed not too long ago, but I mentioned in that video that it was a really seriously good performer and it also rammed pretty close to stock Android. Honestly, the Nexus 9, it looks like the most impressive Android tablet. I’Ve ever seen it has this brush metal sides.

It has those massive boom, sound speakers. Thank goodness, HTC kept with that, and it has a couple of other HTC features like built-in. So you can double tap the screen to wake it little things like that will be moved over, but it’s a very impressive looking piece of hardware with all the metal on it and the sleek looks so even though it’s a four by three aspect: ratio, I’m okay With it replacing the Nexus 10, because it has the front-facing speakers that the Nexus 10 has probably even better, it also has a keyboard case, a first-party keyboard case made from Google and that’s really important, because I use the Nexus 10 standing up. So I can look at it and watch videos and stuff all the time so having a case that’ll prop it up and having a keyboard on. It is really nice I’ll get to the price of that in the description or right below the like button. But the price of the tablet will be starting at 16, gigs $ 399 for Wi-Fi only there’s also an LTE model too.

That will be up for pre-order on October 17th. I’M excited to get my hands on it, just because it’s replacing the Nexus 10 I’ve been used for so long and also because Android 5.0 lollipop is pretty tempting to me now. Secondly, let’s talk about the Nexus 6. I did a wishlist video on this guy right. It’S a Moto X blown up, so what we’re seeing now is its official, a 6.0 inch quad HD AMOLED display it’s a big phone and essentially you’re gon na get a lot of the things that we predicted about this new Nexus, One looking at the Moto X, The design hasn’t changed all that much it’s gon na look very familiar if you’ve seen it and you might even now be able to call the Moto X as sort of a nexus 6 mini with Motorola features. The specs of the thing look baller, absolutely boss. It has a Snapdragon 805 chip.

It has three gigabytes of RAM. Has the audrina 420 GPU, it’s a top-of-the-line device clearly and a lot of the things that we’ll talk about later reflect that and a lot of people’s immediate reaction to seeing six inch phone is well. That’S way too big to be a phone. I really wish it was smaller and at first I think this too, but I want to feel it in the hand because I looked up the measurement. The vertical measurement of the iPhone six plus is 159 millimeters, and the vertical measurement of the much larger screened Nexus 6 is 159 millimeters.

So this is a very similar size in the hand to the Nexus 6 and I’ll look for other reference devices for perspective and when I get my hands on and I’ll be doing a video to share with you guys exactly how big it is in the hand. But I’m curious to see how it feels it’s also a very thick phone, it’s ten and a half millimeters thick, but that also gives the advantage of a couple things: one: a 3200 milliamp hour battery and 2, a 13 megapixel camera with optical image stabilization. It doesn’t have the dimple on the back like the Nexus 6 does, but it has that same ring, camera flash and because it’s made by Motorola it makes me think it has very similar camera optics, which does concern me. Cameras have never been a high point on nexuses image.

Nexus 6 & Nexus 9 Impressions!

Processing in general has never been a high point on Android devices, but they’ve worked on this and because it’s stock Android, it will likely be a little bit different. So we’ll see how the camera performs fingers crossed. It’S better than the Moto X and better than other previous Nexus is, but that wouldn’t really be saying much. I am particularly happy about the specs and a combination of things that make this a really premium device. It has a massive battery and really high-end specs, which makes me think, even though it’s a quad HD display stock Android 5.0 lollipop on this device will probably last a long time and perform really well. It also has a couple of the extra features we talked about from Android 5.0, so it has that battery saving mode.

It has a turbo charging technology, which means you’ll be able to put it on the charger for about 15 minutes and get six hours of charge out of it. I will be testing that, and overall, it looks to be built like a tank. Just like the Moto X was kind of hard to bend the thing when it’s completely made of metal around the ring, and it seems like a pretty impressive chunk of a phone to hold in your hand. Now here’s where it gets a little bit different.

The final price will be 649 dollars starting off contract. What all the previous Nexus is have typically been a lower end price, the latest one being $ 350, and you can still buy the Nexus 5 for $ 350 off contract. But when you think about it, this is actually not that crazy of a price for the Nexus think about this again it has the audrina 420 GPU. It has the Snapdragon 805 chip, three gigabytes of RAM, a huge, beautiful quad, HD 6 inch AMOLED display a massive build, a 3200 milliamp hour battery.

When you put all that into perspective. All these specs $ 649 is not that bad. The iPhone 6 plus is nine hundred and forty nine dollars off contract. So I’m not gon na go ahead and say this Nexus 6 is overpriced, yeah, it’s way more than the previous Nexus is, but this is sort of the beginning of a march of well.

We talked about Android silver, it’s a more premium feeling stock Android experience, it’s a reference device, that’s not necessarily cheap, because other people are gon na be able to buy it too. It’S gon na be sold in carrier stores AT .