NextDesk Review: Motorized Desk!

NextDesk Review: Motorized Desk!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NextDesk Review: Motorized Desk!”.
Hey what is up guys mkbhd here – and this is a next desk, so i realized i’ve owned one for a while and there’s been one in the background in my videos plenty of times, and i got a lot of questions about it after i posted my updated Gear list on kit – and there aren’t that many videos about it, so i want to make this quick one. Basically, if you have cable management goals or if you just want a high-tech desk, this is something to at least consider on the surface. Next desk is a pretty normal desk, plus some high-tech design, some sick features and some hydraulic legs that let it move at its core. It’S what’s called a sit, stand desk, you’ve probably heard of it. You can sit at it or you can stand at it.

NextDesk Review: Motorized Desk!

It’S supposed to be healthier, blah blah whatever i just feel better standing up once in a while, and there are plenty of other motorized sit stand desks, but this one just happens to be what i would say is top-notch like the highest end, one you can get Or at least that i’ve found there’s this controller up at the front, and it has some up and down buttons, of course, and you can set up to three presets for heights. I generally have two my standing height and my sitting height, but it definitely goes even higher and even lower than i need up to 51 inches high or 24 and a half inches low. My standing height is usually around 46 47 inches because that’s the height where your arms are parallel to the desk, while using the keyboard and the mouse. That’S, i guess the ergonomically correct way to line it up and sitting you just roll a chair up and you’re good to go now. I said it is high end. It does have a couple of features or a couple options that make it a little better than just a plain table right so number, one cable management – you can get it with this cover on the back that you can slot cables into that works in hand with Number two: a built-in power strip on the underside of the desk. This is really clutch, so everything on the desk can curl around and plug into this power strip on the bottom, and then that power strip is just one cable that plugs into the wall. So it was actually supposed to be bolted to the bottom of the desk here, but i guess mine got dislodged during shipping, so i just stuffed it in the vanity cover but same effect.

You now only have one cable coming off the back of the desk. Also bolted to the bottom of the desk is the controller. That’S used to sync the legs up and power everything.

So this is what helps the hydraulic legs move and raise up smoothly. So this desk can lift a lot of weight and it can also double as a video tool to get some motion into shots if you want to instead of getting fancy with a tripod. So it’s smooth to raise up and then stop, and it’s also smooth to lower itself. It’S not something you think about until you have it, but it’s pretty neat and nice to have also this grass is not real. Okay.

Moving on, there are several versions of this desk. This wood, one is nextdesk terra and the one at my apartment, you’ve seen is metal. It’S the nextdesk air pro and the difference between the pro and non-pro models is the number of legs. Basically, the non-pro has two legs and the pro has four legs which actually helps a lot with support.

I think the biggest downside of this terra is there’s a slight bowing right in the middle. If you have something really heavy there or if you press down on it or lean on it, a lot just a slight flexing, but you probably won’t have this problem. If you don’t go with the extended version of this desk, this is the extended version and it only has two legs. So it’s like the worst case scenario for flex and yeah.

The metal ones do not flex at all. So, just something to note anyway, that’s pretty much! It just wanted to give you guys a sneak peek of some of the tech. That’S going into the new studio, anything that’s tech related as i set it up. I’Ll probably make a video about it. I already ordered a custom nextdesk as well i’ll get that in a couple weeks, you’ll probably see the details of that on twitter and snapchat etc. But that’s it for this one. That’S your next desk! Thanks for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one, peace .