New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear

New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear”.
[ MUSIC PLAYING ] SUBJECT: 1 Holiday season is like my favorite time of the year.. Subject: 2 Traditionally Christmas for us it’s an awesome, time., SUBJECT: 3 My family do not usually celebrate Christmas actually.. We celebrate three kinds of New Year’s. SUBJECT: 4 MIT itself is like a very mixed community.. Subject: 5 People from Vietnam, Singapore, China, UK Canada, Australia, Japan, –, basically almost any country in the world.

New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear

CATALINA My name is Catalina., I’m a junior at MIT.. I study computer science. And I’m from Bogota the capital city of Colombia. AYOMIKUN. My name is Ayomikun, I’m from Lagos, Nigeria. And wow, I’m currently a senior BINWEI.

My name is Binwei Yan I come from China.. I am a sophomore. CHIRAG. I am Chirag, I’m a sophomore.. I am from India.

New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear

ORIS, I’m Oris, I’m from Brazil, MIT physics, major. CJ, I’m CJ., I’m a junior., I’m from the Philippines. CARINA Hi, I’m Carina, I’m Class of 2023., I’m from China.. I am the co-president of the International Student Association. CJ Christmas and New Year’s are definitely a big deal in the Philippines.

New Years Traditions: From candles to yellow underwear

Christmas season starts in like September. ORIS. Here is just by like the beginning of December. Really, although it does last till at least middle of January.

CATALINA For most of the country, it starts the 7th of December with the Day of the Candles, which is by far my favorite holiday of all.. You start it making like a bowl out of wax and every year you would take the same bowl out and make it bigger and bigger and bigger. AYOMIKUN There’s a huge emphasis on food. Jollof rice chicken, fried rice, mori, mori –, like all these dishes, that are Just so flavorful. BINWEI Trying to celebrate the first day of the year in our special [ INAUDIBLE ] CARINA First is like the winter solstice., And then there is the January 1, which is the globally-celebrated New Year.. And then there is the Spring Festival, which is either end of January or February, depending on the lunar calendar.

BINWEI Everywhere it would be red. Like China, especially loves the color of grass. Chirag India.

It has many different cultures.. Each different culture has its own New Year’s Day. Lots of scenes, lots of fun lots of kite competitions.

AYOMIKUN An hour before it strikes midnight. We just start singing and dancing., And everybody’s just hugging and wishing Happy New Year. CATALINA. There’S like a lot of traditions like small things that people do to have good luck., It’s all very funny., One is like you have to wear.

Yellow underwear., Like you have to for good luck., Like everybody, has to wear yellow underwear. ORIS As we go back next year for our sixth — CJ Sixth semester, ORIS Sixth CJ. Oh, my god. We only have three semesters to go. Oris, Don’t say that CJ. I feel old, ORIS Dude, I feel like a spoiled freshman. CJ, [, LAUGHS, ] ORIS, I’m still a freshman that is trying to figure out how to finish their freshman spring.. But yes, no.

I just wish you all to enjoy your time. Here. CJ. May your 2022 not be 2020 part two. ORIS, Yes, [ LAUGHING ] [ INTERPOSING VOICES ], It’s enough for me. CARINA. We just need to remember that our resilience is our biggest gift. BINWEI Enjoy your life at MIT., It’s a wonderful place. And enjoy your life with your friends.. They are also wonderful. AYOMIKUN. My wish, for you is one of joy, is one of peace, but also one of love.

CHIRAG Do things which you are passionate, about. CATALINA, Don’t forget to wear: yellow underwear, .