New OLED vs. Used LCD?

New OLED vs. Used LCD?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “New OLED vs. Used LCD?”.
Hello dll with the new steam deck OLED out. Do you think it’s better to buy a used LCD model or to spend the extra money on the OLED? I don’t already own one oo, man, it’s so personal, so hold on. Let’S first, first things: first, you know. I don’t want to.

I don’t want to speculate here. Let’S see what steam deck non oleds are going for here: okay, here’s a 512 for 400 bucks, I’m going to ignore shipping, because that’s because they’re shipping to Canada, I will assume you’re, probably American, given that about 40 % of our audiences. What’S that now it says adult owned in the listing for that top one: oh wow, okay, adult owned um.

New OLED vs. Used LCD?

All right! I don’t know if that’s good, I know some. I know some pretty careless adults, so I don’t that makes it. I’M not sure that that’s a positive, I I’m a little. I know that would drop themselves down the stairs, let alone a steam deck doesn’t have a web browser too steam deck. One terabyte SSD is that just the SSD? Oh no! This is an auction. Okay.

New OLED vs. Used LCD?

This is an auction, I’m going to change it to uh, buy it now. Only hello buddy can oh okay. Did I open that in a new tab? Uh? Oh wow, the limited edition. This guy wants 1,200 bucks. What okay, okay, I’m going to change it to buy it now only buy it now. Here we go: let’s shop, okay, 64 gig upgraded to 512.

I would take that over the 512 for sure 320 bucks for 256. Given how cheap ssds are. I don’t mind this deal either. If you can get like you know, 10 bucks or 15 bucks for your 256 gig SSD on Facebook Marketplace.

You throw that into like a one. Terabyte SSD put that in there 300 bucks – hey, not bad from Canada. Nice at that price – maybe it’s kid owned boy is – is that ever appealing because see here’s the thing right guys is the new steam deck is not um is not shipping at every price point.

So if we go to, if we go to valve site here, if you’re buying something for 300 – oh man, how do I get to the US pricing dang it valve makes this really difficult. Oh no yeah, just language, I don’t get to pick it different region. So I forget what the stupid us pricing is because I can’t access it.

Usd oh, hey, yeah. Here it is here we go here. We go here. We go okay, so the steam oet is available, 512 gigs for $ 5.49, so the entry level one right, the the $ 400 one – is still the old LCD version.

So we are talking about a difference of you know if it’s 300 bucks bucks for a used. Last gen steam deck there’s not going to be any used oleds and if there are they’re, probably going to be selling at an elevated price as opposed to a discounted price. So we could be talking nearly double the amount for the upgraded screen, the uh upgraded haptics.

I mean they upgraded, basically everything the better power better battery life, oh man, better battery life. That is a big deal. If you’re planning to play, you know mostly within range of an outlet, I would say yeah there’s a strong argument to be made for the older one.

Actually in any case, there’s a strong argument to be made for the older one. But if you are going to be often from the wall, where you are not going to be able to easily plug in and battery life matters a lot to you, I think it’s worth the extra even ignoring the awesome new screen and it oh man, it’s so Good, it’s absolutely incredible. Yeah and like the the OLED immediately sold out right so like I, I don’t think you’re going to be able to get it easily for a long time. Anyways! Oh yeah! I wonder what the lead times are like do.

They even provide an estimate – oh yeah, no hold on a second look at this estimated delivery, three to five business days, boys I’m, I guess they were ready. This time, they’ve probably been producing these for weeks or months getting stock together so that they could have a launch. That’S not just a cluster of scalping. My friend must be confused, then he’s like. I can’t believe I missed it. I tried to buy it.

New OLED vs. Used LCD?

I couldn’t get it oh, they might be talking about the limited edition clear one uh, that’s definitely what they’re talking about yeah, because those I thought the one terab OLED and that were the same. Those are getting scalped hard. How limited edition is that is like? Is it completely gone? Oh yeah, I think Jake got one okay, nice yeah super cool, it’s limited enough that they weren’t even willing to send out any samples of them.

Even if we returned it, they were like. No. We we, we really don’t have a lot of these, so yeah people are. People are wanting like a few hundred bucks uplift for these things, um and I I think people are going to go for it, especially knowing that valve’s, probably not going to do a like a steam deck 2, like a big Hardware, refresh for probably another year or Two at least yeah, oh limited edition, is still one to two weeks shipping. I didn’t see it. Let’S have a look here: steam deck, limited edition, let’s see if uh, if it’s available, limited Ed, no way estimated delivery one to two weeks, you can still get them. Okay, well wow. What makes people think they’re going to be able to scalp this thing? Is it still available in the US? Maybe this is just a Canadian thing. Oh it’s on its own page, oh no buy! My actual goes to LTT

Now, apparently, hell yeah, let’s go terrible. You got ta, be careful with call like that, because people could redirect it. Oh yeah yeah guys no guarantee it’ll still go there at any point or that there isn’t any kind of bad things happening with it or anything like that um! Oh it’s because people want it outside of the US and Canada.

That’S why and valve hasn’t many. So that’s what ebayers are counting that makes sense. I wonder how many it’ll, let me buy then kidding kidding, kidding everybody relax Luke, I’m pretty sure.

I could feel your butthole clinch from here across an ocean lonus. Why did the stream go down? There’S men outside you know, what’s kind of crazy yeah it won’t. Let me do it at all, because I’m in Japan right now um I I even tried to buy it like through my desktop application of steam, but it redirects me to I understand the desktop application is just loading web pages um, but it it redirects me to Like a browser external browser web page, if I wanted to try to get that one um and I I can’t it it like – forgets that I’m uh yes account buy it. That’S wild all right man! Now, I’m tempted. Should I get one wait? Did you try to buy one? I was. I was seeing what would happen on this end, but no, I I didn’t try to buy one okay, okay, I thought you were.

I thought you were finally ready, finally ready for a steam deck, because I thought we had talked about it and you said you still weren’t going to go for it, it would be pretty would have been pretty nice on the plane man it would have. But you know what I did played Final Fantasy 6 on your laptop read a book I just slept slept. I slept wow you’re, getting old, dude yeah yep. Look how old boring you are yep. Look at these arms Pinner! I got I’m trying man yeah they’re, weak dude. Look at this, though Four Hands, even my arms, are bigger. Oh no they’re about the same .