Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NEW Apple HomePod 2023 Unboxing!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and today we’ve got another box from our friends over at Apple, and you saw the title you know what’s inside: let’s get to work bam, so we got two boxes over here. It’S the new second generation homepod. So this is the White Version. I believe we’ve got the midnight here as well. Here we have it.
This is midnight. Then we got the white now I’m actually kind of excited to get a closer look at midnight because it’s going to fall in line with the theme that we’ve seen with the new Macbook Air. I believe one of the iPhones also comes in midnight, so it’s got like that hint of blue. So I’m really pumped to see what that looks like in here.
I’M just gon na open it. I’M gon na open this one. First [ Applause ]! Oh, oh! I can see it now from afar. This is just going to look black, but when you get a closer look at it, you can kind of tell it has that those hints of blue to it.
That’S really dope. So this is the new homepod up top. It has a new bigger screen, so you’re gon na be able to see those colors throughout the entire screen should look really good uh.
One thing to note: detachable, cable power. Cable is not stuck this time here. We have it it’s what you also get inside of the Box: yeah oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, but the homepod. We actually saw this thing come out a while ago and I think when it was first released, it was 350 bucks. Now Apple’s selling this one for 2.99, I think the first one also went down to 299 before they discontinued it, and now this one’s coming out the gates at that 299 price point and at the bottom you got this rubberized base, so it’ll be able to stand Just like that, plug in your cable, oh no, oh there’s a little indent, it has to go in a certain way boom.
Shall we get to the white one. Now white is pretty much in line with what we’ve seen before. It’S not a new color and you also get that white cable for power and, of course, your paperwork, no stickers, no, no stickers. Oh really nah man nope, just as quick, start guide and warranty information, but you can’t just pull a random cable and plug into it.
I think you could like, if I wanted to just let’s just grab my PlayStation cable and see yeah I mean you could, but here you have it you guys. These are the new second generation home pods, let’s plug them in and talk about. What’S new? Oh, you guys feel that base yeah okay, it is quite you know, we got. We do rock home pods in here, so we’ve got one over there. I’Ve got two in my office. We can uh do some comparison, so you guys can see what the how different the looks are.
Oh, I need a I didn’t update to the latest version of iOS. Shame on me. Let me go ahead and download that now slacking out here all right and we’re back, updated, updated scenery too it’s night time now, but let’s go ahead now, we’ve got it popping up right on our home screen thing: it’s actually my lock screen, but let’s uh go Ahead and set it up and this this process is so crazy.
So it’s just blinking right here and oh I mean it, it showed up. I guess I was closer to this one, so it just did it. So, let’s do this for home use homepod as an Apple TV speaker not now, and just going ahead and setting it up.
That’S one thing I like about Apple devices: it’s always a really seamless process like this couple Taps and we’re already getting set up. So never mad at that. Okay, so that one’s set up touch it. I just topped it over, and it saw that it was in pairing mode set up, oh use as a stereo pair. That’S crazy, and it shows you the different colors and everything. Why not use as a stereo pair well now that we’re all set up? Let’S talk about some of the changes what’s different here? Well, we’ve got our old airpods right here.
Airpods, you hear me. So we’ve got our old home pods right here, uh now from a color standpoint, you can. Can you see this on camera Jay yeah? So this is more like a space gray. I believe, I think that’s the color name they went for, and this is that midnight.
So yeah very clear difference here. This one might look a little bit different, but I’ve just had this home pot for a while, it’s just a bit dirty, but it’s supposed to be white now, physically up top you’ll notice that you can see your volume controls, just like you could, with the homepod Minis you can see that plus and minus for the volume. Also, the screen is a bit recessed. Now this one’s not plugged in, but let’s, let’s really quickly show you guys the difference between the screen sizes. So right here you can see how big the screen size is, and if we look over here, you can see you’ve got just a small bit of color, that’s the original, and with this guy you can see just how much bigger it is. So that’s what I don’t know where you are that you can show me in the home app tap home in the upper left, all right, sorry! So, just right there, you can see the size difference.
It’S not a big deal honestly, but no it’s cool. I mean the difference is huge, but it doesn’t really impact. Anything is what I’m saying. Oh so it does not.
It’S not gon na show any like text. Okay, no! No! No! No! No! That’S just for the sake of uh. You know. So in C.
Is the circle the colors a little bit better yeah, I mean I’m not mad at it, though it’s nice yeah, color well, is the white one going to show the color as well yeah. I think so, let’s see yeah there we are yeah, looks good. That’S what I figured okay cocky, so from a physical standpoint, we’ve got the bigger screen, the new color on this guy detachable, cable and the base is different. Now, for some other Hardware, changes that aren’t as visible these both now include humidity and temperature sensors, which I’m personally a fan of being able to have this inside of like Austin’s room or something I’ll now be able to keep track of the temperature right from my Phone uh, which is going to be huge because if that boy is too hot, he does not sleep.
So I’m not mad about that. Not only that, oh and you know I’m a dad now, so I’m always thinking about how I can use tech for Austin. It also has integrated white noise, so I can ask Siri to easier play some white noise yeah. So now this is going to be a great white noise machine for Austin’s room, but I do think the homepod minis also feature the same sensors, so they got an update and I think it unlocked those features so now I’ll be able to put that instead, I’d Rather, a homepod mini there’s something like this. It’S a little too much for Austin, but I’m glad to see those features here. Nonetheless, now another feature that these have is sound recognition and we’ve seen this on the iPhone where it can detect certain sounds and alert you to them.
So let’s say you have a homepod at home and your fire alarm is going off. If you don’t have maybe a connected fire alarm, you can now get alerted to it right from your phone, so you can, you know, take whatever action you need to check in on your camera, see what’s going on. This is what the iPhone can detect and I assume that these can detect the same so there’s quite a few different things: water running, coughing, there’s all kinds of stuff shouting, even like oh man, who’s having an argument downstairs in my basement. Let me go find out. What’S going on now, if you’re also big into the smart home world uh, these will have thread and matter support.
Okay, so check it out. We got this guy right here. This is a smart plug, so this is a mattered device, as you can see here.
So we’re gon na go ahead. We’Re gon na try testing this out, see how functional it is, if you guys, are interested in seeing a more dedicated video about matter and thread and how that could change up the smart home World. Let me know with a comment down below and not to mention these got the cool handoff feature that we saw with the homepod mini. So if you wanted to, let’s say, play a song on your phone, you want to pass it over and that could be pretty dope.
Let’S say you get home listening to your music, come by, let your music take over, have it playing throughout your house. It’S not a bad feature, I kind of like that interactivity between the different Apple devices, but now, let’s talk about sound quality. I’Ve always been a fan of with the homepods. I always thought they sounded really good. Surprisingly, deep sound from some pretty small speakers, social relax. So, let’s uh try out some tunes foreign.
It’S got some deep bass, man, but yeah. The sound quality has always been there. These do some really cool things with the beam forming microphones, so that, if you place them in certain areas, uh they’ll produce sounds that make sense. So if you have let’s say you have this against a wall, it’s not going to send vocals to that wall. That’S probably going to send some of the higher end, or maybe the bass and have it bounce back at you. They do some really cool stuff with the tech in here to make sure it’s producing some pretty cool audio towards you. If you’re in the Apple ecosystem, you guys are probably the ones who want to pick something up like this, so stay tuned for a full, dedicated review. Where I go over all the ins and outs of this guy and I’ll catch, you guys in the next one.
Hopefully you enjoyed it 300 bucks. Let me know how many of you guys are picking up one of the new home pods uh, but that’s about it for this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it if you did be the cool guy girl that gives this video a thumbs up I’ll catch you guys in the next one. Until then, it’s your average consumer peace all right now we’re going to hit some of that non-royalty free stuff.
This is the good stuff you ready, Jay all right here we go .