Netflix was still doing this?

Netflix was still doing this?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Netflix was still doing this?”.
All right Netflix ends, I didn’t even know they were still doing. This Netflix has ended their DVD mail service. This September, Netflix will be finally uh, ending its 25 year old DVD mail service, which brought in 145.7 million in Revenue last year. That’S a lot more than I thought.

Netflix was still doing this?

Yeah the DVD division had a dedicated fan base among users without consistent internet access, as well as those who preferred its broader selection of more obscure titles, many of which are not widely available on most or any streaming service. But the DVD division has slowly shrunk over time. It once posted a selection of over one hundred thousand titles.

Netflix was still doing this?

While now it’s unclear exactly how many titles the Netflix streaming service carries, but its us Library carries around 6 000 titles similar to what was carried by a single Blockbuster Video location at the Chain’s Peak, our discussion question what should happen to Netflix’s DVD collection and what Alternatives are there for people looking for unusual titles or low-cost physical media. Well, what should happen to their DVD collection? I, I really hope they don’t just recycle them that would suck, maybe if they just left them with the last person who rented them like. I don’t know like honestly like what I’d, rather they not just end up garbage, keep the service going for a while, but you just don’t have to return it anymore. Yeah like that that’d be kind of chill that’d, be super cool um for people looking for man.

Netflix was still doing this?

What alternatives do I say it like? What do you? What do you want from me if, if rights holders won’t make their media available at that point, I mean that’s down to your own personal moral compass right like if you want to watch it like. Why is someone standing in your way? Why do you why why tolerate that privateering, I didn’t say it is if it is available by legal means. Of course, you know you it’s it’s how creators are compensated, but if it is not available by legal means, it’s not like you could compensate the Creator by buying it. If you can’t buy it. What do you want from me right it? It’S uh, it’s very interesting to me that, like honestly, three years ago, people didn’t really talk about piracy that much oh yeah.

It was kind of dead, yeah, Spotify Netflix, it’s like yeah steam. You had pretty good solutions for everything. It was the Golden Age of not having to Pirate content and now, like Nintendo’s, doing the things that Nintendo does.

Oh yeah, that’s classic stuff like this keeps happening and people’s cost of living is going up and their wages are not matching it, and also like this perfect storm is coming back for people put the hats back on. It’S really. It’S it’s interesting to me that the industry is like allowing this to happen because they don’t see what’s happening yeah instead, it’s like oh well, we’ll just hike the rates yeah. Well, no, actually, that’s not a response. Yeah um, I mean Disney seems to be kind of waking up a little bit. Apparently they are going to be loosening the restrictions that they’ve put on uh licensing their own IP to third-party services because they figured out what a gigantic hit to their bottom line. It was like Disney plus, while it has generated like a hundred and however many million subscribers is not a huge W for them. Compared to stains too many services staying focused on what they do best, which has apparently run theme parks these days um and creating content and Licensing it to a wide variety of providers all over the world like it. Just it’s like yeah duh. We had a good thing: everything was working and now yeah guys you had, you had done goofed it up, I’m not gon na subscribe to Disney, plus and Prime video and Netflix and whatever HBO’s thing is called now. What’S it called just max now, I can’t even remember I can’t keep track. They keep changing all the different Services.

I can’t even keep track of them. There are certain things that do make sense to me on a separate service. I don’t want to pay for sports ball. I don’t need it. I don’t care, I don’t have time to follow it. I shouldn’t say I don’t care. I actually do sort of peripherally pay attention to. What’S going on, like I kind of know whose favorites to win the you know, NBA Super Bowl or the I’m kidding uh, you know or the you know, Stan Lee bowl or whatever like I, I I I do that I do it on purpose. I do. I do kind of know who the major players are um, and most of that is just so that I can have conversations with people.

It’S like. Oh you know, LeBron’s the all-time leading scorer. Now, let’s we can talk about that a little bit and how that’s super cool or whatever, but I don’t have time to watch the game. So I don’t want to pay for the broadcasting rights that whoever I’m giving money to has to pay in order to have cameras in the stadiums right um.

But if it’s TV shows I just yeah, I I can’t yeah, I I can’t yep people are upset. People are upset about my sports ball stuff formula, football yeah, I like it. Oh no um. Someone doesn’t like the thing that I like yeah.

This is hilarious. Sync plane on float, plane great username. I think um didn’t they change from HBO, because it makes people think softcore porn when they hear it.

What not necessarily that, but it apparently yeah they changed the branding because it makes people think of like very adult content and they want to do more like it’s. It’S Warner media who owns them now right. So that’s where you’re gon na get this new Harry Potter, um television series that frankly feels very unnecessary: I’m not even gon na wade into the controversy around the author. I want no part of any of that, but isn’t that media’s whole thing right now is like resurrecting Dead series and just making it bad. I mean I guess, like that, that’s a that’s a pretty consistent Trend.

I’M not surprised! It’S happening. It’S just it’s happening to everything. How do we ruin this, but there’s talks about remaking Princess Bride if you want it to be more on the nose okay hold on a second, though Princess Bride came out in like 1984. 88, whatever it can’t it’s old yeah.

It’S all it’s at least old, Harry Potter’s baguette literally for real, though the actor is like still like young yeah. I just I I’ve met. I just I can’t yeah. Oh oh yeah Twilight is apparently also getting a TV series.

Yeah you’re gon na want to talk things that are unnecessary, but no the thing about the Harry Potter, one that feels particularly unnecessary, is that they were good. They were already good Twilight. I mean at least you could make the argument that maybe they could make it better this time, probably not, though rough yeah .