NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play

NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, i’m your host muse and today we’re unboxing an nes classic edition. Do you guys miss the 80s? I miss those 8-bit games. I know i do i love to go down memory lane every now and then and play my old games. Unfortunately, my snes recently has started giving me trouble. It acts up a bit.

NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play

It’S got this lovely discoloring, but i wouldn’t really mind that if it weren’t that it didn’t disconnect sometimes – and given that you can’t save – you totally lose where you are in the game which actually brings me to this lovely system does have a save function. You got five slots for each game, so you can save where you are and pick up later, which is a great thing for these old 8-bit games, where you couldn’t usually do that um. I’Ve also got some of my older games. Here.

NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play

I’Ve got my original mortal kombat super mario rpg love it. Then i’ve got my legend of zelda and mario kart still one of my all-time faves uh. It is my favorite game for gamecube hands down and i still love to play it for party games. But now we play it on switch. Of course. All right, are you guys ready to open it? I know i am it’s packaged like a chinese finger trap, it’s a starts to come out and then it’s like just kidding just kidding.

NES Classic — Unboxing & First Play

So i’m going to try to open it from the other end. Just because i don’t want to hurt the box here and there we go. I guess this little flap here i was grabbing the inside of the box, as i was trying to slide it out. So it just uh didn’t feel like being presentable today, good times, all right so got a manual.

You don’t need to pay any attention to that all right. Here’S our little classic controller, it’s funny too, because until you take out your old systems, you don’t remember just how small the controllers were. I feel like they were huge and so easy to play when i was little and now that i’m an adult, i’m like. Oh my gosh they’re, so it’s so small compared to the controllers that i play with now um. So that’s always been kind of funny to me when i pull out older systems um, but no it’ll be fun to play. It doesn’t have that many buttons and that many controls, so it’s uh all right for it to be this small just because it’s a lot simpler system anyway, pretty adorable little controller here, but i think it’s pretty close to the classic size. They just were smaller controllers. All right, let’s see here just our wall, brick for charging and we’ll just set that aside and now we’ve got our our little nes classic edition yeah.

It is absolutely adorable uh. It looks like the classic nintendo man. I remember hitting that reset button so many times and pulling out the cartridges and constantly using those little pink. They look like razors like like leg raisers nowadays, but they were just your little alcohol slits to uh clean out the cartridges so that it would read them.

You know especially uh duck hunt. We played duck hunt a lot um. This is actually just for looks it doesn’t open because you don’t have you know miniature nintendo cartridges. Clearly those wouldn’t fit in there um it’s adorable. It’S actually probably only about the size of two nintendo cartridges um, but it’s absolutely adorable and has 30 of the biggest nintendo games on it. So that’s awesome! So, let’s see what else we’ve got in here, probably just cords, but you know it’s an unboxing.

So, let’s see so now, we’ve got ac adapter, oh and then it comes with a little hdmi cord for us. Okay, so basically you’ve just got your yeah like it shows in the back. You’Ve just got your um, your power and your hdmi, so no other cords needed for this guy. The hdmi cord is of course, much less colorful because you know back then you had your your red, yellow and blue.

You were hoping to plug in in the right combination to get the system to work. I’M kidding, i was like four, the first time i hooked up a nintendo, so i definitely had my special moments trying to hook up the video cables all right. So, let’s see here all right, you plug this into your wall. Brick plug this into your little system, all righty, perfect, it’s a nice good fit.

It doesn’t feel like it’s just gon na fall out. I’Ve definitely had a couple systems where the cords were not amazingly sized for the uh outlets there or for the ports and here’s our hdmi, and it looks like we are ready to get this bad boy hooked up to a tv. So we can play it for you guys for sure um, let’s go ahead and unwrap our controller, it’s so small, it’s so adorable! Oh my gosh! I myself absolutely love miniatures, but it’s cracking me up that it’s literally the size of two original nintendo games, because that’s how big the original system i mean it was really big. So this is pretty darn adorable. Let’S see here, get it all hooked up here. Okay and boop, so here you have it here’s our little nes mini here and our one little controller that comes along with it now before i run off to play all 30 of these awesome pre-loaded games for you.

I also want to talk about some awesome features that we’ll also get to look look at when i play the games for you. You can hook this up to a tv and it has multiple settings there. So you’ve got the classic setting. So it looks like you’re using an old classic tv.

You’Ve also got the classic game setting. So it looks exactly the way that the games look back when you played them in the 80s and then you’ve got the programmer settings so that you actually see each full pixel. The way that the gaming programmers saw them when they were designing the games. So you’ve got three different options there to really get the full impact of these games if you just really want to dive into the games per se. If these tiny systems with pre-loaded games are of interest to you, guys and you’d like another video in the future, covering some more options for these, let me know and i’d love to do a video of other options out there. That might be a little bit more cost effective and for different systems, all right guys so now that i’ve got it all out and set up and everything i’m going to play a few games for you, guys and kind of give you guys some um finishing thoughts On the system uh after i get a chance to play a few of the games now i haven’t played these in forever, so this could be really interesting and kind of funny, so we’ll see how it goes, starting with three lives.

I bet i can lose these real fast. Oh man there’s actually some strategy to this game, but i didn’t remember: oh no man. That makes it not very forgiving. Doesn’T it i forgot just how oh unforgiving these old games are here goes another one? Oh, i wasn’t looking at the right guy there and that’s all three lives so pretty quickly.

Ah, that’s a lot more fun! Hey! Oh harry! Okay! Okay, okay, can i poke you? Okay, poke you again? Okay, you take two bucks. Two bucks for you uh two bucks for you. Oh, i died okay! Well, that’s that so far, zelda’s move fave. Can i jump on this guy? No! Okay, fine! Didn’T want you anyway, i’m just kidding.

I did it oops all right. I should probably try to actually get somewhere no, but i was so much bigger than you yeah. I burnt a couple lives, getting used to the controls and figuring out if i could actually jump on goombas yet, but you know that happens. Oh – and i only had the three well that was fun um plays just like the classic nintendo uh.

That being said, it’s pretty funny how some of the controls are so different from today’s games. So definitely threw me for a loop a couple of times trying to go through the select and startup menus. I’M just getting used to the classic controls again, but it was a lot of fun.

So definitely take your time check it out. If you get a chance, you know what to do like this video, if you like it, share it with your friends, subscribe if you haven’t click the bell, so you’re notified whenever we get new content to drop, remember to check the links down in the video description For amazon and ebay remember those are great affiliate links that help out our channel at no additional cost to you now. While the system is supposed to retail for 60 dollars, it is out of stock, so it’s being sold by other sellers for about three times that price right now, whether it’s worth it to you totally up to you, i think it’s a great little classic look, but If you’re not um married to the look and that’s a little bit of a high price for you, you can just go and buy another controller online.

It’S sold with just one controller, so they do sell the controller separately and you can get these games on your wii or wii. U and just buy the controller and play with the original controller through your wii mode. So you can get a very similar experience as to what you get out of this little box on your wii or wii. U just by downloading the games and ordering a controller thanks.

So much guys for watching and i’ll see you next time you .