National Maker Faire: GrowBox

National Maker Faire: GrowBox

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “National Maker Faire: GrowBox”.
We’Re back here at national Maker Faire, i’m talking with Sasha from grow box. Let’S learn about you know what this does and what powers it and why it’s so cool, so Sasha. You want to tell me about your project yeah sure. So this is a fully autonomous plant growing system. So the idea is you put in a seed and it takes your seed all the way up to a fruiting plan, and it does everything automatically.

You just have a nap. You see everything about it like your plant. How it’s doing water levels, things like that and it’ll? Send you a push notification like you need to refill your water, your nutrients or you have a plant, and you can sorry like a fruit and you can tweet it. You can take a look at it like modify the lights things like that, and it’s all run through this computer with some circuit boards on it.

National Maker Faire: GrowBox

Ok, so we’re makers and we love microcontrollers. You got to tell me a little more about that. What what’s the brains behind it now? Did you make it sure? So this is an Intel Edison. We chose it because it’s very easy access to.

National Maker Faire: GrowBox

I opens, and also because as a built-in Wi-Fi chip, so that means that this thing only needs to be plugged into the wall power. You connect it with Wi-Fi with your phone and then everything just goes through the internet and it’s all powered like I said through one outlet, we have a power board here: it powers all the sensors, all the pumps inside and the intestine itself. Well, that sounds really cool and you said it’s tied to an app and if we wanted to learn more about it, where should we go grow box, though I oh, alright? Well, thank you so much for coming to National Maker Faire. If you happen to be in the DC area, make sure you stop by and see Sasha and learn more about his project.
