NASA watches LTT!

NASA watches LTT!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NASA watches LTT!”.
I heart today’s video about GS. I started a local repair shop with inspiration from lmg. One thing that surprises me was the amount of audio gear that I see. Are there any markets that you reach, that you didn’t expect? Oh um, you know what not anymore.

It definitely used to, but these days, if anything, I’m the one telling potential partners that we reach an audience that you probably don’t expect. I remember back when we first got in touch with amd’s, like Enterprise and server CPU folks. So like epic, they were very hesitant to work with us, assuming that everyone that watches LTT and gamer Bros the rest of the channel yeah, the gamer, gamer, kids or whatever.

But I mean I I have: I have the analytics right. I have the demographics numbers. I know that’s not true, so I basically went okay, so you won’t send us a CPU.

NASA watches LTT!

Fine I’ll, just go buy a CPU. What do I care? So? Actually? I don’t even think we ended up buying one, I think Wendell lent us one or something we got our hands on one. Somehow it doesn’t matter uh. The point is we’re pretty well connected. In worst case scenario, we opened up the purse strings, we buy it right, and so we made a video that was just like an episode of holy. Where we we checked out.

NASA watches LTT!

I think it was a 32 core, like the first epic, that we covered there’s either 32 or 64.. It doesn’t matter. The point is that it absolutely blew up definitely registered for them, because ever since then they’re pretty down to work with us because I feel like for on and and it’s nothing personal, because it’s a mistake that anyone could make.

If your nose is like this close to the product right, you know the strength of it. You know how cool epic is and how disruptive it is from a price to Performance to power, consumption, standpoint uh, you know all the the advantages and everyone you talk to. Literally everyone in your life, so your Hardware Partners, your software Partners, uh your cut, your your current customers gets it. So you kind of go well. Everyone must get it then um, but the reality is that a lot of people work in that industry and you know what maybe just aren’t actually that excited to learn about CPUs. Maybe what they actually are excited about and care about in their spare time is wacky cooling experiments that we do or you know what phone should they buy or uh? How does not to not to keep bringing them up yeah, one of the things that the NASA guys said was that they get inspiration from watching.

You just do random stuff seriously, and it inspires them to push the envelope in certain ways. Okay, I take it back. I do I am surprised then, but like I, I was a little bit too, but there was multiple of them saying it yeah and they might not. You know they might not do the exact same thing.

Oh, I should certainly hope not, but it inspires them to to think in a certain direction or potentially test certain things out and see how well an implementation or a version of something that you did or maybe even the same thing might work in their environment. That’S hilarious, it’s actually like really cool so back to the data center thing, though people are tuning in because they just are excited about technology or or they’re excited about some kind of technology and oh holy crap, the number of times I’ve seen this comment, it’s so Cool to see you guys talking about the thing that I do all the time, I never expected you guys to cover this um. This is so cool and I’ve even seen this one too. Now I can take this to my like purchasing manager and go hey. We should really look at this because it’s got coverage on this huge Tech Channel and you’ll often break it down into something that that purchasing manager might understand, and not just the purchasing manager, their manager yeah. Like there’s, I forget how the saying goes, but it’s like what is it? No one ever got fired for using IBM or something like that. No one ever got fired for buying something, and it’s like one of those really boring, but like predictable companies, I’m sure people are going to be going to be hitting Us in the in the chat. Letting us know like what the expression is, but it’s like that.

Right, and so I think what AMD figured out is that even among tech, savvy people, people who are passionate and Care, there’s influences on them that might not be passionate, might not care or might just you know, want to cover their butts right. So you know what I’ve never I’ve, never gotten reprimanded for buying Intel, so I’m just going to keep buying Intel and all of a sudden whoa epic hold on a second. What’S this apparently yeah, it was IBM.

NASA watches LTT!

Apparently, Cisco has used like a similar kind of marketing. As well yeah exactly right, and so that’s one of the things – that’s really fun and really cool about covering things that we don’t normally cover. Do we get every single thing right? Do we hit you know all the? Do we manage to communicate all the Nuance around the product and its uses? Do we have a a well-built out Benchmark Suite say, for example, for you know, Enterprise, machine learning, the reality of it is no because so many of these organizations are using completely custom software.

Anyway, before they go and buy 10 000 of them, they’re gon na go and they’re gon na do their own validation. Anyway, you know for us, it’s just about hey. This is really cool.

We’Re really excited about it and sharing that passion sharing, that energy and so yeah. I I’m no longer. Okay, I shouldn’t say I’m no longer surprised by the kinds of people that watch us just because they want to share that passion and share that energy and and look for inspiration um.

But I am surprised it surprised me yeah I mean, but it’s like it’s very cool and, like you got ta understand it to a certain degree. I think it sort of makes sense. Yeah I mean if you’re, if you’re um, if you design cars, you know, does that mean you just like? Don’T watch Top Gear yeah because they’re doing silly things that don’t make any sense, yeah, no yeah and yeah? You probably know more about Automotive Engineering than any of those guys yeah, but you don’t get to do that. Yeah you’re, not allowed to do that.

You know. What’S funny, is that’s actually kind of the story behind how we ended up with that 5000 watt. Chiller was a buddy from SpaceX um, oh man, I wish I could shout out his name now.

He came up and showed me this, like cool little LED backlit 3D printed sign thing that he does anyway. I don’t know, maybe you guys, I think we shouted him out in the video where he actually showed off the chiller, but buddy from SpaceX is like yeah. We ripped this thing out, thinking that it was broken. We put the new one and it turns out it wasn’t broken at all. It was actually like a kinked hose somewhere else in the line, and it would cost more to put it back in now, so I got to take it home and I was like what am I going to do with this.

You know what would be fun for me is watching you guys do something stupid with it. Yeah, like that’s sweet. So since we got it, we’ve uh we’ve put it on like a couple different CPUs, we uh, we bios modded a 4090 to accept up to a thousand a thousand Watts like total board power, and then we like chilled that thing with it we’re gon na use. It for all kinds, all kinds of wild things uh, so I guess I I guess I kind of get it yeah, but I’m surprised literal rocket scientists are looking to us for inspiration These Guys, these guys, the the two guys I was talking to about that, in Particular were the people that design uh the the mission control centers, oh cool, okay, so including the like dashboards and stuff, that people use and like the the like quick call, control panel thing and like the all that type of stuff. So it’s like yeah, that’s flipping. Awesome yeah data pipelines for receiving video and then like the the chart that shows where the ISS is going and all this other type of stuff yeah seems like an important chart: yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

Where did it come from? Where did it go? Where did it come from ISS Jones, [, Laughter, ], .