Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MYSTERY UNBOXING FROM SAMSUNG!”.
What is good guys, and it is everyone’s favorite time of the week – it is time for unboxing, so we have been talking to Samsung, trying to figure out the craziest most interesting products that the company has available right now and they’re sitting here in this box. So if you guys are even close to as excited as I am to see what is actually in the box, then we’re doing a pretty good job. So with that being said, let’s crack it open all right. So it’s a pretty heavy box and definitely the largest one we’ve ever heard from Samsung and inside they’ve got their top five most unusual products currently available for sale.

So as usual, we’ll save the best to last and let’s crank this box over, it’s a pretty standard. Fedex box on the outside, but with a fragile sticker, running all the way around the front. That’S when you know it’s exciting and the first product is from Staedtler.

As you might be aware, this is a company that specializes in stationery. That’S what we have here is a collaboration with samsung for samsung. It’S called the norris digital and it uses EMR technology aka the same technology used by your S, Pen in your tablet to effectively be able to replace it.


But of course there is a certain novelty here. This genuinely looks and feels in terms of size, materials and dimensions like a genuine iconic, Staedtler pencil and so actually having something like this, which can interact digitally with your smart devices. It’S quite a cool concept and so to show this off.


We’Ve got another surprise product, the Samsung Galaxy Tab s 3, and this is essentially Samsung’s current, a flagship, Android tablet: let’s quickly unbox it and see how the pencil works with it. This is very reminiscent of Samsung’s flagship smartphone packages and inside we’ve got an adaptive, fast charger, USB type-c, cable and the traditional s-pen the default option I kind of like the woven material the tabla is presented in. So, let’s take that out and surprisingly something has also dropped us another thing just to go with this: that is the book cover so because this is a tablet that is completely based around productivity and getting stuff done.


They’Ve got a cover which has a dedicated full-size keyboard anyway. The tab s3 has a full-size nine point: seven inch Super AMOLED display, which is basically one of the top screens on any it’s also unexpectedly thin like it barely feels like you’re holding anything in your hands, and I quite like the new design here. This is based more closely off Samsung’s, more recent flagship phones, aka, a glass construction kinda looks like a really stretched out Galaxy S, nine.

So, combining these three elements together, the Tab s 3, the keyboard cover and the Norris digital pen. You’Ve got a pretty potent productivity combination there, the pencil works just like Samsung’s own s, pens, but the only thing to bear in mind here is that it’s not adding any new functionality of its own. The selling point here is the novelty combined with the ergonomics.

You take a well designed pencil like this and combine it with Samsung’s pretty sophisticated s-pen software which can reject your palm automatically neat in your handwriting. It’S pretty slick, writing experience all right, the second product again, of course, something very strange, but it’s one of those ones which you perhaps didn’t realize how much you want it. It’S called the USB LED cap and the idea is, is you’ll, be able to clip it on top of any power bank and turn it into a lamp, as it is a pretty inexpensive product.

There isn’t too much flashy stuff going on with the packaging here, but it’s nice to see the consistency between the products. The LED comes in little housing, which you can then slip it out of and plug it into. Basically, anything that provides power and it’s bright and I suppose it kind of has to be to justify using something like this over just their torch in your phone.

But I would say it provides about three to four times the amount of light than the torch. In my ass line, plus ters now by default, it’s gon na probably cover up most of your USB ports on your power bank. But if you wanted, you could always just shift it on to the end, and once it looks a bit funny that frees up the rest of the ports to actually still use moving on.

The third package is heavier for sure, and it’s a Wi-Fi wireless speaker thinks honest and it’s multi room integration, but the difference here is hurt. This one is shaped like an egg and it fires audio in 360 degrees. The added benefit, and probably what makes this such an interesting product, is that whilst most multi room speakers are fixed to a wall and have to be plugged into the mains, you could unplug the r6. Take it any way you want it connect to your phone via bluetooth and have a six hour battery life. That’S pretty cool inside the outer packaging.

We’Ve got another little bag which actually contains the speaker itself and I’m not completely sold on the design. It almost looks like a prop from a Harry Potter film, but at the same time, the father they’ve kept a fairly devoid of text and other interferences makes it a clean design. A slick uniform shape that shouldn’t have too much of a problem fitting in any room. Audio wise, it’s actually surprisingly good value for money. After first booting up, you can tell the base. Is there the trouble? Is there and the detail? Is there? But I wouldn’t say the 360 aspect is particularly noticeable. There is an app that comes with it, which would allow you to operate different speakers positioned in different rooms and also links you to various different services like DISA and Spotify. All right along a similar line. We’Ve got package number four, which yes has the ability to be a speaker, but also it combines several other elements with that. The outer box is up to the same high standard as the rest of the items on this list, but this is a much cheaper product than the r6, for example.

So it’s sound quality wise. We aren’t expecting it to be as good, but when I read the product paid for this item, I couldn’t stop myself smiling, because it’s actually in a lot of ways that really clever and nifty piece of kit. So the bottom half is a 360 speaker controlled by bluetooth, pretty standard stuff, but the top half is LED, and this can be customized up to 16 million different colors and you can shake it to change the color of the LED or you can use the application.

This thing supports wireless charging and it has an 8 hour battery life, which is something you don’t expect given how small it is sound quality wise, I would say it’s only average, given the size of the speaker, but factoring and all the other stuff. It allows you to do. It makes quite a compelling little gift or item number five, and my personal favorite on the list is a galaxy s. 8 physical keyboard case, which comes in two parts, you’ve got the rear element which flips onto the back. Like any other case and the front element which provides supposedly an unusual hardware and software combined experience that you don’t get on any other phone, given the different nature of this product is not surprising that the packaging somewhat contrasts from previous items on this video. But Samsung has done a pretty good job, keeping the underlying elements consistently similar, for example, the fonts used on the outer packaging.

Even the instruction manual looks almost identical between this and any of the other items. Both the front and rear elements of the case have a matte black finish. Pretty uncontroversial should pretty much suit everyone and every color of phone. So far, this is only available on the s8 and the s8 plus, but I’m hoping for an s9 release.

It’S something I can definitely see the appeal of and the installation process here is completely seamless. You just clip the back element on as with any other case and the second you apply the front element. It is instantly recognized because is built from the ground up to work with this phone. The screen completely adapts and all elements that are currently sitting below this keyboard. They turn off to save battery and as much as Android has evolved to use on-screen navigation keys.

There’S something innately satisfying about having physical ones, and the same is true for the typing experience to start with, it’s a novelty that ends up taking you longer than your virtual keyboard, but as you get into the rhythm of it, you can pick up speed. Just as we did with virtual keyboards five to ten years ago, alright guys, I really hope you enjoyed this video. It took me perhaps through the ages to film and edit and if you’re not already subscribed to channel.

If you could smash that button, it would really mean a lot to me, but that being said, my name is Aaron. This is mr. who’s, the boss and I’ll catch. You guys next time.
