Mystery Tech, but WEIRD

Mystery Tech, but WEIRD

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mystery Tech, but WEIRD”.
Welcome to the Wild World of Wii Controllers. That came at me very quick.. We’Ve got ugh. I thought this was a new item.. Look how freaking gross that is. ( coughs, ) Full of cigarettes., (, coughs, ), Didn’t know you can still smoke bowling! Alleys., Oh okay.! If your fingertips are too big or too small, they’ve got a bunch of additional finger tips., It’s a little big..

I don’t like that. Noise., You don’t like the sound of the Wii ball (, scraping noise ). Actually, it’s kind of a [ Matt ]. We have to censor all of that. Now.

Get your mind out of the gutter. ( laughter ). Let’S go Well, that’s a simple accessory.. If I push buttons on the outside, it just pushes it on the actual remotes.. Oh, my ball is pointing.. My ball is pointing..

This is not ergonomic to use.. I will tell you that [ Joanna ] Mii Channel – I did not do that.. Oh, you know what The ball also has a habit of just rolling around and pressing buttons when you set it down. [, Matt, ], Yeah, balls roll..

It’S just it’s just pressing different things right, now., Okay, so I need to use oh okay immediately. I found a problem. The D-pad to actually adjust is over on the top, which means that you are really extending out, like I feel like I’m gon na get like a cramp or something. Cause.

It’S a lot of weight that you have to kind of hold and then you’re pushing down ( video game character, yelling ), [, Matt, ], (, laughs, ), [, Joanna ]. Is it that heavy Goodness gracious? It surprised me When you throw the ball all that weight is meant to fly., But when you’re still holding it. I’M like, I feel a lot of tension here in like sort of my wrist, which does not feel great.. I’M gon na say that while you’re, almost certainly gon na give yourself carpal tunnel thumbs up on the Wii bowling ball. Next up, we have [ Matt ]. This is practice., Something so upsetting about this.

Coming in a vacuum. Sealed plastic bag.! I feel like I’m not in on the joke right: now., [, Matt ], You never are.. Is this a baby? Is this the baby from the This? Is [ Matt ]? Let’S go Wait! What baby from This Is [ Austin ]? We did this on an episode of This Is when we did some of the weird controllers.

Mystery Tech, but WEIRD

[ Matt ]. Oh yeah., I don’t watch our content., It’s the baby., It’s so cute. And it has a hole for a Wii Remote..

Oh no. I don’t like this. Who thought this was a good idea: [ Joanna ] From the bright minds that brought you brought you Cooking Mama Wait. Was it Cooking Baby, (, laughs, ), [ Joanna ]? No, oh, my God.

[ Matt ]! No, that’s the DLC. [ Joanna ], No, it’s Babysitting Mama.! Oh my God. [ Austin, ], (, laughs, ). I meant it like you’re, like a baby and you’re cooking.

[ Joanna ]. That still makes no sense. (, laughs, ) And that’s all you get your home. Button.

Mystery Tech, but WEIRD

[ Matt ] Just point the baby butt at the [ Austin ]. It doesn’t go through the butt I got ta take it out.. You got ta launch the game before you put the remote in the baby.. ( all laugh ).

This is not right.. This is not. This is not right.

Babysitting babysitters guide, memories, options versus play., I’m gon na do babysitting. [ Matt ]. What is versus Who’s got the cooler baby. You don’t do that. Matt [ Matt ], Oh my God., [, Austin, ], Okay, I got ta.

Mystery Tech, but WEIRD

Take. Learn how to take care of a baby.? What do I do? Oh okay, okay.? Okay, what what was going? What am I doing wrong? [ Joanna ] He’s learning a lot. [ Matt ]. This is where we learn that Austin’s, a horrible father.

Careful one more strike and they’re calling Child Protective Services. Milk Milk. He needs some milk.. Ah, don’t get angry., Don’t spit up, Don’t spit up [ Matt ] You’re burpin’ him next. Yeah, let’s go. Yeah, let’s go. Sorry.! I just I just don’t like any part of this.. I don’t like the fact that you’ve got some cyborg baby with a Wii remote sticking out his back.

Thumbs down. Thumbs down. The double thumbs, down.

[ Joanna ]. Are you going to you know yeet this one like you do all the other packages No.. I will gently give it to Matt, so he can deal with it.

Cause my turn’s over. Matt [ Joanna ] You’re, the proud new owner. [ Austin ], Don’t shake the baby. ( “ yeet” background noise, ) ( explosion sounds ): [, Austin, ], Wow., [ Joanna ] No [ Austin ] Cold-hearted. Are these just boxing gloves But wait.. Oh my., ( laughter ), So this one clearly seems like where you’re supposed to put the Wii remote.

Won’t get it in there.. Okay, here it comes.. Oh, I don’t like this Bro, this thing’s in there so tight.

So I have my Wii remote on the outside, which I will say makes my fist feel very stiff. Creator Clash here. I come All right here.

We go. [ Matt ] You’re a little you’re a little out of breath there, buddy. [, Austin ], Actually kind of fun. Why are my hands literally? Not in the right? My right hand is like way: above. [ Joanna ].

Oh, the this music., Let’s go., ( video game music plays ) [ Matt ]. Are they gon na copyright, this [ Joanna ]? No, it’s fine., [, Austin ]. The gloves actually work. Pretty well. Certainly feels better than just taking the Wii and the nunchuck..

Now gim me five minutes to get out of the ring: here. [ Matt ]. You seem pretty out of breath. After doing that., [ Austin ] No.

[ Matt ]. Let’S do something a little bit more. Your speed. [ Austin ] Okay..

What is this ( laughs? ) The fishing wait. It comes with the Wii, remote and nunchuck and everything. Oh. What a deal Have either of you guys ever been fishing [ Matt and Joanna ] Yeah.

[, Austin, ], Okay, good. [ Joanna ]. Have you [ Austin ]? I have two fishing trophies from when I was a child. [ Joanna ], Oh wow., [, Austin’s, Mother ] Go Austin, go [, Austin ] I caught the most fish when I was six or seven and then I caught the biggest fish when I was like eight Or nine.

Got the trophies. [ Matt ]. I feel like I’m very quickly being encased in boxes over here. [, Austin ].

It does look like you got a lot of Wii accessories. [, Matt ]. Oh this video’s just getting started my friend. [ Austin ].

So I’m gon na insert my Wii remote in. Wait. Ohhhh wow that feels terrible.. Try, it.

[ Female Video Game Voice; ] Miss [, Austin ]. What do you mean miss? Let’S move on, even though you failed to cast correctly after three attempts. [ Joanna ]. It got sick of waiting on you., [, Austin, ], Okay, yeah, I’m done with this.

This sucks.. If you’ve got the patience, maybe., [, Matt ], What happened to “, I have a bunch of fishing trophies, ?”, [, Austin ], Sometimes they’re not biting Matt. It’S called fishing, not catching., [ Matt ], That that was weirdly, poetic.

[, Austin ]. I’Ve got ta, give this a thumbs down., It works okay, but it seems needlessly complicated and also not that accurate.. Also, it’s not that much fun.

Sorry. [, Matt ], All right. So fishing wasn’t your game.. Maybe hunting would be better.

[, Austin ] Chicken Shoot. Wait. This is your game [ Joanna ]! Yes, the game of my people. [ Matt ], Yikes., [, Austin ]! Well, okay, then.! What accessory do I need for Chicken Shoot? Is it a Wii [ Matt ], Okay., [, Austin ] A crossbow., Not a word, I can’t say on YouTube to get demonetized a crossbow., [, Matt ]. I believe it’s officially the zapper. [ Austin ] Zapper, I can say zapper. [, Matt ] And if I remember correctly, this one had a bunch of channels to run all the cables. [ Austin ], Oh yeah, you’re right..

This whole thing opens on the bottom.. I can run my cables. Ah look at that.. This was actually designed by people who care.

Sorry. Where were we at Okay? This is designed by Nintendo.. Let’S not go that far. [ Joanna ].

Okay, my dad bought me this game. So say: nice things., [, Matt ]. Why is it using a Glock [ Austin ], I’m zapping’em. [ Matt ].

What is that thing in the bottom [ Austin ]? It’S a minion. A-ha. I got it, I’m shooting planes down. I mean zapping planes, down. [, Matt, ], Okay dude over here, trying to ( bleep sound ), thing. [ Austin ] Okay.

[ Joanna ], Okay., [, Austin ]. Let’S try a different game.. I think it’s the time that we move over to a different game.. All right, let’s try the zapper and Link’s Crossbow Training..

Well, I will immediately say this looks nice for a Wii game.. I’M actually feel okay about this.. This is not bad.! Oh, I can zoom.. Oh that’s! Helped. Okay.! This is actually kinda fun.. There’S a lot of latency, but honestly it’s it’s still like fun. Enough.. Oh my target score was 20,000..

I got 4,000. [ Matt ], (, laughs, ), [ Joanna ], Wow. [, Austin ].

I thought I did good. [ Matt ] Uh. Oh there’s a skeleton.

[, Austin ], My years of arcade target practice is helpful.. Ah, why am I turning Turn turn. Link? What are you doing? What are you doing Turn? Ah, Why? Why am I turning Bro, I’m not even doing anything [ Matt ]? I don’t think you’re gon na make that target score. [ Austin ], I’m gon na still give the zapper a thumbs up, because this is definitely the most high quality accessory. I’Ve tried today. But boy.

I appreciate modern technology so much more now.. Next, we’ve got the wonder: stick for my Wii.! Well, the good thing is it’s completely portable.. I can take it apart and take it with me.. Never leave home without your wonder, stick., That’s what my dad always told me..

I appreciate, though, that this is a relic of a different age. It’S still completely sealed in the box.. This doesn’t feel like a pool cue.. This feels like a big wand.

Wingardium Leviosa Okay. [ Matt ] Mike [ Kinsey ], (, high-pitched laughter, ), [, Matt ] Mike. I have no idea how I’m playing so [ Kinsey ] Uh, oh., [, Matt ], Oh no [, Kinsey, ], Uh, oh., [, Matt, ], Oh., [, Austin, ], Oh., [, Matt ] Really got ahold of that one. [ Austin ], Oh God, this is terrible..

Did people actually pay money for this [ Matt ]? Well, we did. We paid $ 50 for this., And also it is known for blocking the censor. Yeah about to say you know being able to use it for the game.

Thumbs down on the Wonder: Stick. [ Joanna ], (, laughs, ), [, Austin ], That’s heavy.! That was really heavy.: Okay, okay, okay.. Let’S see what we got next..

This is awesome. It’S a real go-kart for Mario Kart [, Matt, ], Well, sort of., [, Austin ]. It apparently supports up to 250 pounds and can be used for all ages. [ Joanna ]. You know that was my game. Thanks, Matt.

[ Austin ]. Let’S blow the cart, up. [ Joanna ], Okay., [, Austin ], Oh god., I’m gon na take off my shoes for this one. [ Matt ].

It sounds awful.. I’M gon na be Luigi. The correct option. [ Luigi ] Yeah ho [ Matt, ], (, laughs, ) [ Joanna ]. You might want to go. [ Austin ], Oh, no, no wait, wait, wait! Ah, no, no no. Hold on hold on it. Actually, reversed.

Hold on hold on [ Joanna ]. Not there but [ Austin ] Hold up.. I got ta. I got ta flip this thing, around. All right. We’re.

Finally up and running., I’m being lapped somehow. Dude. You have to turn this so much. [ Joanna ].

I mean that’s just that’s just how it goes in Mario Kart, Wii, okay., [, Austin ]. This does not feel like it’s designed for adults.. I’M just gon na say that right, now. Does anyone else wan na try this? This is very frustrating. [ Kinsey, ]. Okay, alright alright.! Let me let me uh [ Austin ].

It does say for all ages. [ Kinsey ]. Let me get into compact mode. (, laughter, ), [, Kinsey ], Just perfectly guys.. I just got ta go like that., Oh my God. No! This steering is so this is so it’s not responsive like at all. [, Austin ]. This seems like a cool idea, but I think it’d be better just to do it like this.

[, Joanna ], You mean like the Nintendo Wheel controller. They, you know: [ Austin, ], Yeah, [ Joanna ], made for this game. .