My ultimate goal for LTT

My ultimate goal for LTT

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My ultimate goal for LTT”.
Since the start of ltt, what milestones did you had for the company and have you surpassed them? Are there any new milestones that you’ve set that uh you haven’t crossed? Yet i mean the goal was four to five people and it being having enough revenue that we can all make like a a real. I want to have a real wage. You know um, that was it from there. It went to.

I want to be a real company and then and luke can attest to this. I did actually do the voice and i did actually say that, like seven eight nine years ago, i’ve been saying it since very early definitely happened in that exact voice. Yeah.

I want to be a real company. One million was was pretty cool, yeah yeah, one million was cool 10 million. I honestly didn’t complicated yeah. I i did a lot of personal reflection at 10 million just because so much of my life has been poured into this i’d say for me personally.

My goal is for that real company to be able to function without me. That’S that’s a big one. That’S the next level because there’s a big difference between a ceo that is running a successful company and a good ceo and to me just because this company is successful with me at the helm, doesn’t actually mean that i built a good company. The true measure of a good company is that the culture and the hustle and survive with mismanagement, the the decision making good manager can survive without me. So that’s that’s really my next goal and i that’s a big part of why labs is so important because, right now i feel like it’s it’s my it’s it’s my personal passion that drives a lot of the the change in our in our content and it’s not Just me, there are different kinds of changes that are driven by different people. The camera department is notorious for constantly pushing me for better production values.

For example, the hdr rnd that is being done here is has not been done by me. I i had to, i had a briefing with ed on it today where i was like. Oh, what have you been working on for the last while and he he showed me all all the stuff that we’ve been doing all the calls we’ve been having with we’ve been talking with youtube, we’ve been talking with adobe um, you know learning how to how to Use these tools – it’s like oh okay, well, cool, keep at it right like, but i feel like the that passion that drove me to stay up until the middle of the night replying to people’s threads on the forum to make sure they didn’t buy the right thing. That’S something that we don’t have an obvious internal replacement for and our writers are great, but you need that it has to it has to trickle down.

My ultimate goal for LTT

You know what i mean like like the the writers and the editors and the shooters they’re, not the bosses of each other. Do you kind of get what i mean, and so, if you can’t have an individual that is injecting that passion and that drive, then what you need is a department whose entire job is to have that drive, and so that’s a big part of why labs exist Because one of the things you want to pull something into more of an analytical space, so you can create actionable items instead of just forcing it to be passionate all the time. Yes exactly arm the team, with the tools that make it easy to to to. To put that analysis into the work that they do and and it’s not, the lab is not just for video reviews.

My ultimate goal for LTT

The lab is for consumers. The lab is for our business team man, one of the first things i want the lab doing once they are fully set up is vetting sponsors i mean when we have a charger company come in and say: okay, we’ve got a 65 watt charger. It’S this small. Make sure, and if it’s 66 watts then let’s talk about that and if it’s 64 well then we’re changing the talking points, damn it and like i just i i feel like it’s it’s the solution to so many, maybe not necessarily problems but but future potential pitfalls.

Having that having that team in place and and building out that that infrastructure, thanks for watching and thanks to seeker lab for sponsoring this week’s clips secret lab chairs, are engineered to keep you comfy and with up to five years of warranty and a 49 day return Policy you’re covered if anything goes wrong head to the link in the description to get your secret lab chair today. .