My Reaction to Asmongold’s Reaction

My Reaction to Asmongold's Reaction

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Reaction to Asmongold’s Reaction”.
Uh, oh in other news, I completely forgot to uh put this in the dock, but we did a review of the star Forge systems Creator, PC yeah. I did watch whatever that thing was called and one of the and your video isn’t the number one yeah. Well. I searched for okay, okay uh, one of the creators who is actually behind starforge PC, uh asman gold.

I think that’s how I pronounce that did a reaction stream watching the review. Just it appeared uh he’s either an excellent actor or it appeared that he was doing it live raw hadn’t, seen it before um and discussed sort of the criticisms that I had as well as the Praises that I gave to the system. So it’s funny to me that that actually has more views than the original review. That’S that’s a little different yeah. I think that’s what he does sometimes yeah.

So that’s uh. That’S a thing that happened this week. I’D say that it is probably worth a watch. Um yeah yeah yeah I’ve, I’ve watched it.

My Reaction to Asmongold's Reaction

I think that I don’t I wouldn’t have done it any differently from him, but he was very click very quick to declare Victory when I said anything remotely positive. I think that makes it fun though it is, and and what he’s trying to do is make an engaging stream right so sure. So if, if you, if you say something positive, he’s gon na try to cut you off before, you potentially make it negative celebrate and then, if you trash on something it it, you know, it makes the story more interesting sure it makes sense um, and I think That uh, but I will also say that he seems to be taking the criticism very seriously so two to his credit – and I don’t know much about the rest of the ownership group. In fact, I don’t know much about him either.

My Reaction to Asmongold's Reaction

I it’s just not really a space that I participate in um to his credit and hopefully the rest of the ownership group. They seem to be taking the issues that we had very seriously, and you know hopefully they’re hopefully they’re in this, for the long run. I’M you know still. I still believe what I said at the end of that video um.

My Reaction to Asmongold's Reaction

There’S, there’s risks associated with buying from any you know, brand new company that is still kind of trying to figure out what they’re doing. Sometimes it can go very right. Sometimes it can go very wrong, so wish them wish them the best of luck. Uh.

I also stand behind everything I said about how challenging this business model. Is it’s really tough? It’S really tough, there’s there’s just not there’s not that much money in it and there’s costs that will be cumulative. There’S costs that will pile up over time as as soon as you’ve got a hundred systems out there. Someone is going to call support every day and that’s not something you’re making money on once.

You’Ve got a thousand systems out there. Ten someone’s are going to be calling every day and that’s not something you’re making money on, and so these are just costs that all of a sudden you’re kind of sitting here going well yeah that really wasn’t part of our calculation when we were selling these things. But now we’re just carrying these on an ongoing basis, and I know that there’s a lot of other boutiques that will that will that will talk to these people and we did. We did a tech support that video hasn’t gone up yet.

Okay, we shot another tech support stream and you know the kinds of things people will call in about can be simple, but very time consuming. In some cases you know multiple reboots or you know, reformatting something, and if you’re trying to provide good customer service, you can’t just abandon them right yeah. So it’s it’s tough. It can be time consuming.

It can be expensive um. I I wish them the most of luck, and my final word on the subject is that the logo is 100 Acorn involved. There’S simply no doubt I mean it even has have you seen the logo? Oh yeah it he.

It even has like an asterisk kind of behind the balls, which is you know here, I’ll mime it out for you what that probably is uh wow yeah wow yep wow. So I don’t uh. I don’t make the rules yeah.

I don’t decide what is or isn’t of one of those, and it was obviously done with intention, but I do find the trying to play it off as if it wasn’t entertaining which is it is. I am certain the whole point, but yeah I mean we can help here for those of you who are not familiar with what the logo looks like for starforge systems, Hammer really totally yeah. It’S just you know it’s like Thor’s hammer, so the the handles kind of you know proportionate to the size of the hand and you’ve got the block down there and it’s called star Forge so there’s a star in the middle of the flat side of the hammer.

Uh yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. It’S a penis rocket, yep, okay, cool! I’M glad we settled that once and for all [ Laughter, ] .