My New Smart Kitchen Tech!

My New Smart Kitchen Tech!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My New Smart Kitchen Tech!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and it has been a while, since we’ve been back in my kitchen, this is not going to be a tour of any sort, but we did add some new tech in here that really ups the game and changes the Way we use some common things that you find in the kitchen. Now you guys know i do smart home stuff all the time on the channel, but if you’re interested in like a course where i teach you guys how to get your own smart home started some nice cool tips, tricks and everything you really need to know. I’Ll have a survey down below with a couple of questions for you guys. I really want to make this tailored to what you guys want. So do me the solid check it out and let me know what you guys want to see in learning how to build your own smart home.

Now i really do appreciate you guys helping out with the survey, so i’m going to be giving away a brand new google home hub to one of you guys who fills it out. So you can maybe get a kickstart on building up your own smart home. But as for what i’ve got going on in my kitchen, let me show you guys so first thing we’re going to talk about is the faucet right. So what we’ve got over here is the kohler graze connected faucet. So you’re probably wondering judd how you gon na make a faucet smart right, well check it out. First things: first, they added a sensor. So when you go up to the faucet and you want to use it just wave your hand, it’s got a motion sensor to turn it on and off. This has completely changed the way i like.

I want to use a faucet, you don’t have to use your hands, you don’t have to touch anything if your hands are dirty or if you know you, your hands are occupied with stuff. You can just and then you get to using it really really cool uh. This faucet also has like a nozzle that can come out standard like decent quality faucet stuff, but the sensor is what’s really cool.

Now, of course, it doesn’t just stop there. You can use a voice assistant, so you can say: hey google turn on the faucet all right and you can actually tell the faucet how much you want it to pour and then it’ll pour the exact amount. So if i want to make some coffee, i can grab my kettle hit start and i’m going to get exactly 24 ounces of water. So clearly a lot of features in here that you just wouldn’t expect. Now we did touch on coffee, which brings us to our sponsor for today’s video commenter. Now for those of you who don’t know, cometier they’re a barista quality brew made with science and their flash frozen in the world’s first 100 curbside recyclable, aluminum capsule.

My New Smart Kitchen Tech!

Now you might be hearing flash frozen wondering. What exactly does that mean judd? Well, cometier works with the best regional specialty, coffee roasters, and then they perfectly grind and brew the coffee and then immediately freeze it to lock in all of the flavors and when you’re ready to drink a cup of coffee. All you got ta do is, of course, get some hot water. Throw your coffee in, and your coffee is pretty much good to go it. It happens in seconds you guys it’s kind of insane and with that frozen puck of coffee, you can actually do a couple of things. You can obviously make the coffee that you want, or you can make something like an iced latte, throw it in some milk stir. It up and boom you’re good to go now, i’m a pretty tech forward person – and i like things like this – that make everyday stuff just like super convenient and fast. If you can’t tell so this thing to me, i think is awesome. So if you’re looking for great tasting coffee, that’s really easy to make.

My New Smart Kitchen Tech!

You guys definitely got ta check out comments here. I’Ll of course, have them linked down below in the description and for a limited time, commentary has a special offer for fans of the channel. You can get 20 off your first purchase, plus free shipping when you click my link and that’s 10 free cups of coffee and over 30 off.

My New Smart Kitchen Tech!

So you guys go ahead, check them out. We actually got this like electric kettle from them, which is so nice to have in the kitchen here. You guys check it out.

You can actually turn it on and then you can set the exact temperature. I know certain teas need a very specific temperature uh. You can actually set it here.

Have it hold that temperature? This is the best looking kettle that we’ve added to the kitchen, but now we have one that has the functionality and like the look, but all right. Let’S move on to some of the other cool tech that we’ve got in here like this bad boy, so guys this right here is the june oven, and let me tell you this thing basically replaces a lot of different stuff. So if you remember in the previous videos that we did in the kitchen used to have some toasters over here, this is where the toaster would be, and you guessed it, this giant thing is also a toaster uh.

It’S an air fryer. It can roast bake reheat. It does a lot of things.

Keep your food warm! This thing is pretty amazing. Now it’s expensive ari picked this up, it’s really expensive, but it has been one of those things that it replaces so many different things in the kitchen that it is well worth the price. Now, of course, it has like this screen built in right here.

For me, it’s been pretty responsive. You can actually go in and figure out exactly what you want to cook. So let’s say you just want to do some toast right. You got your breads english muffins. It’S got like a long list of like it. Even has hot dog buns like what what and what is this trader joe’s thing like and it got whole foods.

What are you like? I’Ve never even looked into. Oh, you can see the fruits that they have over there. That’S so cool that is cool, that that is super dope. Man trader joe’s whole foods. This is for hipsters man, but i will say uh. This thing has been awesome, so you pick the food that you want and it’ll automatically optimize the oven to cook it in the best way.

What’S even crazier, though you guys is, it can do that whole. Tell you the best way to cook it, set it up right, but if you just put in some food there’s a built-in camera that automatically detects what that food is, and you pretty much just press cook and you’re good to go. It’Ll cook it in the best way possible, so it identifies it and it gives you the best settings to cook it.

You don’t have to press, you don’t have to sit, no, not jay. You throw some toast in here. I’Ll just show you, okay, so i’ve seen it do toast and i just learned it can do hot dog buns, so we’re gon na try a hot dog bun right come on you guys! Oh you just select, it continue start toasting! That’S cool! That’S technology! Listen man! This is nuts. This thing is absolutely nuts now, what’s even cooler is i told you guys it has a camera built into it so that it can identify what’s in there. But let’s say you walk away. You want to check in on.

What’S going on in there, you can actually go into the app you can see how long you’ve got left, but you can get a live view. So, if you want like, is it getting toasted the right way? It’S absolutely insane. Who’S gon na eat this hot dog bun.

This is probably like as tech forward as you can be in the kitchen takes a long time to toast, though i’m not gon na lie, that’s my complaint. It takes a little. It takes a little long, all right.

It’S actually finished, we got ta, we got ta check on this, so we’re finished whoo! Oh, this is perfectly it’s. So perfect. Wow, okay, perfection takes time. I guess this is really good like look at it. This is good.

I’M gon na go make a hot dog real, quick and while we’re on the topic of like cooking arie’s, been actually doing a lot more recently, you guys would be proud of her, but we’ve got something else. That’S been really useful and that’s this yummly smart thermometer. So you guys know about like kitchen thermometers, you put it in the meat, throw it in your oven, then you’re, like always constantly checking it to see if your food is the right temperature that you want it to be. This thing right here takes away the need for all of that and like a cooking thermometer, you throw this guy inside of the meat that you’re cooking and then, of course, it’ll keep track of the temperature, but there’s no reader or anything it’s smart. So, of course, there’s an app with the app it’s actually really cool. You can see the exact temperature of the meat. You can keep track of it, while you’re using the app and what’s really cool. Is that once you go into app and you tell it what you’re cooking it’ll be able to detect exactly how long it needs to be in the oven to get cooked the way you want it to be, there’s no put it in there for five hours or Four hours check on it, you throw this guy inside and it’ll. Let you know exactly how long you need to be in there. It stays connected to this.

So while it’s inside of the meat, this thing will be giving you your readings. So it’s really cool and it’s also rechargeable you can just kind of throw it in here and it’s smart but like it can withstand being in those crazy temperatures. The the tech in here won’t just get messed up. There’S just a lot of really cool tech out there for kitchens that you wouldn’t expect now something that we’ve all kind of heard of before are like electronic food scales. So we’ve got one here. This is from a tech city.

Name’S not important. What’S important is the tech here, so this is a food scale, as you’d expect. You can turn it on, but when you do turn it on you’ll notice, there’s a giant screen and that giant screen gives you a ton of information and, as you’d expect, it has an app too. Basically, the way i would use it is you’ve got your scale here right and then i basically tell the scale what i’m weighing and i don’t know if you guys can see it here, but all the nutrition facts show up right here on the screen. So i got a few strawberries over here. So look some just some standard strawberries right.

So it’s connected it’s talking to the scale i put a strawberry down and i’ll get real-time updates not only on the weight but the calories, potassium sugar. All that gets filled in. I wish i had this in college back in college.

I used to count my calories like a madman. Something like this would have been super clutch. If i want to know exactly what’s going into my body now, what’s cool about this, is that it’s super cheap on amazon.

I think you can get it for like 30 bucks or so for all the functionality that it has. I feel like that’s, not a lot of money. I feel, like that’s a solid, that’s a reasonable amount, so if you’re somebody who really needs to keep track of like more importantly, like sugars, you’ll, know exactly how much you’re consuming during the day. This was a very recent find for me and i’m so happy.

I picked it up. This is something that’s going to be used for me on the daily and those are like the main things that i wanted to talk about. I got this thing too. Recently, it’s a magnetic can opener and it’s all automatic check this out. So you can throw this right here, on top of any old, can right so check it out carl right and guys it does like this really clean cut. You don’t have to worry about getting your fingers cut when you’re messing with the can that you opened it’s nice cheap little gadget.

I found on amazon, but it’s clearly worth it so that about wraps it up for this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Hopefully, you got some insight into some of the cool things that we added here at some point: we’ll do an updated like whole house tour showing off everything that we’ve changed in the kitchen, because we’ve changed a few more things, but till that video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed this one if you did be the cool guy girl that gives this video a thumbs up, and if you want that smart home content to be tailored to things that you feel like you need the survey guys. Definitely do me the solid check that out i’ll catch you guys in the next one till.

Then it’s your average consumer base. Now we got ta cook beans too, he’s throwing it out y’all. No, i’m cooking! It .