My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!

My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!”.
All right guys grab your snacks grab your drinks, it’s massive Tech time. Do this one! Okay, all right! So we got two things here. First things! First, if you checked out my recent low Te video, you guys might know why. I might want something like this, and basically you can use that to determine the level of minerals that you have in your water if you suffer from eczema or anything like that, you might want to look into it uh, because that water, I’m so sorry AR’s over Here, hacking up the lungs.

It’S all SI sorry. I know you guys could tell. I got a bit of a cold too, so I can’t clown on her too hard. I don’t even recognize your voice. I know they’re going to be like that’s an AR imposer AI.

All right you this is this – is whack. You picked a weak box to start us off made this one fast babe, don’t talk too much, always okay! Okay! I don’t know what was that I don’t know Jay, you could do a transition of but yeah. These are the stands, we’re going to have in The Gamers Paradise, and while these may be a little bit of a boring massive Tech unboxing product that Arie chose, wow uh, I’m happy that I bought these give me Paradise day, all right Jay. What do you want me to all right with the big boxes bigger on, come on? Just just wait a little bit, please! Oh, listen! Fomo is a thing, so I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of the company High ground, but they make some interesting PC accessories in collaboration with like different animes uh.

My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!

But this one is with Naruto. So I was like all right I’ll bite. The only other thing they got me with was, of course Gundam right here we have a keyboard. This is sick packaging. Look at Sasuke Sasuke is a bum. Let’S see here, okay, that’s nice! So I got a Kakashi keyboard, I’m not going to lie! This thing is kind of sick yeah. It looks really good, so they had a few different options. Uh Kakashi was one of them Sakura, that’s her name right, oh yeah, I’m trying to flex my knowledge. So, of course, it comes with all the different things so that you can change your key caps and all that, so it does have RGB. So if you plug this thing in see, it’s got the RGB.

Oh, you can see the letters. Oh okay and I was going to say I wish there was letters on these, but you can see the letters on the bottom of the keys, so that’s actually really sick and you couldn’t tell over here we got a mouse pad. Oh no, that is Sasuke. Oh, that’s: nice, okay, Sasuke versus Naruto, oh man anyway. I’M actually really really stoked about this. Where do we put it streaming setup streaming, setup’s like 95 % there? Okay, we’re not touching that also coming soon, all right Dom. What are you going to hit me with? All right all right so because we are working on The Gamers Paradise, your boy had to pick up something to cover all his bases over. Here we have the play seat, Logitech G, trophy Logitech, G Edition. Really I mean that’s the name, that’s what the box says play log. No, no, no, no you’re, saying it wrong.

This is the teach me this is the um, the brand name, the you know, the brands names they’re like logos at the top. You read trophy Logitech open a box. Is that often opens thing he just tears it apart. So if you can’t tell this is like a seat for a racing simulator, if you’ve got like a racing wheel and the pedals, this is going to be able to go on there.

My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!

So I figured this has to be the one and this look perfect for The Gamers Paradise. Now we’re not going to build this thing right now, but we’ll let you guys see what it looks like in the current Gamers Paradise basement. Basically, new guy, je first box. All right I’ll wait till it’s it’s! Let see now guys we’re going to see if Jean is like whack or not, I’m just kidding oo, all right, nice job, okay. So this is the Xbox Elite Series 2, nothing new here, but this is customized to match the streaming room. Let’S see, let’s see, let’s see mhm can I be honest.

My Massive Tech Unboxing 58.0!

That looks like something you have already all right. Are we anybody else think that confession? It’S exactly what I had before surprise. You watch yourself, okay, but but I changed the Petals in the back: okay, okay, they now match up here and they match the room all right, gen. You did great, listen uh! Ladies and gentlemen, if you will look right here, you never saw this before. Have you ooh? Ah, oh my goodness yeah this thing looks absolutely amazing is going to work perfectly for that setup that video is coming really soon and I am pumped for you guys to see that okay next one so check it out. We got some awesome stuff from our friends over at colorway, so, like we’ve been talking about, the streaming setup is happening and we have to get the right accessories to go with it.

So this right here is the Logitech g502 X, Plus that colorware seal, oh wow. That’S nice is that a pearlized white. It is that’s nice I’ll, throw my specific build, so you guys can see, but we also have our streaming Bic. Oh that’s, tough! Oh wow! That’S tough and I went with like a pretty clean, matte black but of course with some teal accents and we even have it labeled your average consumer. So you can go ahead and do that on colorware site all right, so we got some stuff for the streaming set up, but we got something fun over here too. That for me, is that for me CH it’s definitely not dang.

I was really hoping check it out, so this is part of their illusion, lineup, where they have like a paint that changes color depending on how you’re looking at it. So this is their Sunset version. It’S Sunset gloss and o. Oh, my goodness that looks so. Nice can I have it please, d D, oh you jealous now I am now I am oh snap. Those are nice n.

These are. These are sick. I don’t look at me with that face like no. You really want it.

Yeah, all right I’ll give you the link so wow yeah. They have a few different color options for their illusion. Lineup, and this is nice. Yes, I’m excited, though, because this is the glow 2.0 from Nomad.

Listen, Nomad, dropped this crazy Apple watch band. It was the glow 1.0, I completely missed it, but they dropped their newest one. This is 2.0 and now they’ve got a case to go with it. You already know your boy is a giant kid and I like glow-in-the-dark stuff yeah.

You sound that four-year-old Austin’s going to love. This is what I was going to say. So you know it’s a green case, not usually my go-to, I’m not like a big green guy, but for glow-in-the dark. I will be see.

I thought it was going to look more on the white side. I think the original glow was more on the white side and then it it. You know glowed in the dark, but I think that with this the glow is going to be a lot more prominent. Well, it’ll definitely be able to find your phone at night yeah.

Okay, now you know what we have to do right bathe it in the light’s. Looking at me, like I’m crazy, all right, that’s long enough! It’S dusty up! There! Y’All, oh get out of here wow, that is nuts, and we got we still yeah. This is what yeah I’ve never taken these off. I just got to have a green case now.

That’S all this is amazing M. Thank you welcome. We actually picked this up from the razor store and we got the new Razer Firefly V2 Pro R store yeah. They got like a full-on store. It’S in the mall but yeah guys so they’ve got fullon dedicated RGB, usually with RGB mouse pads you’ll just have it around the rim of the mouse pad. But now they’re, like you know, wear razor will go all in with the RGB, so the entire thing gets lit up. Now I want to see the white one first white, one yeah, I’m underwhelmed. Are you really? Yes, because the box has all of it. The whole lit up going crazy. Okay, I see we have to go downstairs there. We go that’s better yeah. I like that.

I I’m feeling it see. We’Ll always be honest with you guys, cuz, I wasn’t feeling before Oh this is. This is dope, looks like you’re floating on the arch yeah right, I’m I’m gaming on a rainbow. Can I feel a mouth by the way cuz I in the video you were like, so it’s so it’s so light all right.

Is it really? Oh, my God uh-huh. I did not anticipate that feel like absolutely nothing. I know, and we brought down the black one too. That thing looks even better since you can see the colors more on black, but they’re.

Both fire, they’re, fire and and they’re fly it works is another razor Mouse. No, I didn’t buy another razor Mouse all right. I bought the razor Mouse because I wanted to match the Box. What advertising does matter all right, I’m not going to we’re not going to do a whole thing here. Cuz we unboxed the bassist V3 Pro before, but it’s a it’s a clean looking Mouse. No, it is clean, woo Jay, you might break it. There’S Tech in here man all right. So this is a cool little lamp that I saw on Amazon, oh wow.

Oh, so the idea here is Oops. Why that that look different wait hold up hold up. Why is this doing this hold up? It looks pathetic right now: oh okay! Okay, it did look a little pathetic, but po it around like spaghetti boom. That is super dope.

So it is not connected to anything up there. It is using magnets to take the metal ball at the end of the LED, uh and hold it straight up. Pretty nice matches your uh office aesthetic. It definitely does so you’re going to take it.

Oh Jay, like everything, is in your office right, come on. Let’S come shoot in my office guys, so there are settings so you can do one for low for bright and then this breathing effect what’s nice is that it is rechargeable. So you don’t have to have this thing plugged in but yeah it does come with a USB travel pouch and a microfiber cloth all right over here. We, this feels whack. I don’t know it’s your stuff man, oh, no! No! No! No! No! No hold on! I recently picked up some SSD enclosures, I’m not sure which one I’m going to ultimately go with. We have one from sateshi over here and one from U green, so these should support Thunderbolt. So we should get really fast speeds. I should have an SSD here somewhere. So check it out. This is the kind of SSD that goes inside of these guys.

Now you can’t just put something like this into your Mac. You could put it into your PC, but if you want it to be external storage, you’ll need one of these guys. Now these I went for in particular because they support Thunderbolt and on Max that’ll, give you really fast speeds. So I’m looking to see which one of these is going to be better for me.

So this is going to be a lot safer and better than like. Your typical external hard drive, that’s it’s like a mechanical drive, cuz, those are slower and you breathe on those things the wrong way and they break so over. Here we have the AL lumu package. I just like that.

I grabbed it like that. So this is their new Apple watch band. Let’S try it out what happened the cases sold out. We just got an email, the glow cases they’re sold out already.

Are they really yeah? That’S crazy update people so in the middle of shooting this video there are no longer any more glow 2.0 cases, but apparently they’re resellers on eBay, so don’t buy it from them for double the price. That’S crazy! But all right! So here we have, the Apple watch band now check it out. This does have an interesting little feature where you can pop this open and you can just take it right off, so you don’t have to do the big latch over here and if you want to match your Apple watch Ultra, they also have it in like this Titanium finish all right, so I don’t know what this is. There’S a bunch of boxes in here, though it’s a dock for the the razor Mouse, we’re not talking about it, although do you remember when I unbox it used to be like all Razor stuff, razors razor, this is the razor, so this is a razor backpack. Oh, these are those inexpensive speakers. Now I got to test this out to see how good it sounds. I hope to put this thing in our bedroom setup also coming soon couple quick things I like about it. It has the knobs to adjust your base and treble and overall volume built right into the speaker.

So I think that’s dope, all right so over here we have ooh this. I wonder what it is. Listen. Can we not do spoilers? Can I just? Can I tell them myself: this is really cck on the video. Please don’t leave. So what we’ve got right here guys is the Pinnacle of Technology.

This this. This is an automatic paper. Towel dispenser like what you see in public BS, oh dang, dang.

You really! You really ruined that for me, but you can have it in your house. So basically you just go like that. You leave some towel hanging out of the dispenser it supports for the batteries, but we don’t have that on us right now, we’ll just plug it.

In okay, oh you see that it just sucked up the the paper towel I’ll. Take this there we go uh, oh seejust, that I can get with for old people out there like us, the Pinnacle of Technology. Over here that’s cool, would you put it in the house? No, you imagine the kids, they would just play with it the whole time awesome.

I need a tissue yeah just always all day. Imagine changing that thing. We barely want like to change the really lit.

Tak too, I didn’t do anything special. All you do is yet you still struggle to replace our paper. Towel holder, our paper towel holder, is far more complicated to put down just pop all right that about wraps it up, really yeah. Thank you! A peace love you! You maybe wait the whole video for this. Yes, .