My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.

My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.”.
Okay, this video has been a long time in the making I’ve been using and abusing the wall. We make 20 Pro for a month and a half now this is what you need to know. I love that I can stick it on charge 10 minutes before leaving the house, I loved the experimental camera that feels every bit as much of a toy as it is a tool. I love the lightning-fast face, unlocking that can work a metre away or even when there’s no light at all, but as with every phone, when you really spend time getting to know it, you also discover it’s less fluttering side. The hall we meet 20 Pro is one of the few phones for which, even after this much time, the design novelty hasn’t worn off. It turns out, though it is a delicate bit of kit, I’m pretty careful with my phones and after less than two months.

There is obvious damage on the screen and the camera module, and with this phone, I’ve actually felt the need to use a case which credit where do does come in the box. You could try a screen protector too, but I’ve gone through about three of them and from everything I’ve tried. They don’t play nicely with the curse of the screen, so you just got to be careful on the subject of the screen, though it’s generally really good.

It’S bright enough to view outdoors rich and sharpened so that even on the 1080p setting it looks super crispy. This sharpness makes browsing the web a pleasure and it gives photos and videos are really defined finish, but it is also what are the phone’s main downfalls? It’S not representative, so for me, posting photos on social media you can probably imagine, is crucial and because this display looks so different, so adjusted compared to most before posting. I actually have to factor in how photo might look on other phone screens as opposed to just seeing what looks good here. Obviously, this isn’t going to be as much of an issue for everyone, but most people will notice your photos looking different when you transfer them to another phone or even send them to your computer.

It’S a good thing, then, that straight out of the box, the may 20 Pro takes amazing photos, the ultra wide lens night mode and a eye stabilization when taking videos are novelties that have not worn off the other things, you could see them as bloat or you Could just see them as a bit of fun. I actually had a really good time, not too long ago, playing with the light painting modes and the results were better than expected. I’Ve enjoyed pulling out portrait color mode and again this is good enough to be more than just a gimmick. I’D say I’m impressed with the 98 % of the photos that come from this phoned detail-wise.

It’S amazing because of that 40 megapixel sensor colors are saturated but toned down from past Huawei phones in a good way and zooming in three times. Optically still feels like a blessing and just returning to the screen for a second, we got to talk about glue gate. This is a problem that a whole bunch of people have been reporting with this phone, wherein the display is not glued on properly, so that when you’re viewing the screen in some lighting conditions, you can actually see really obvious, yellow stains on it. Now this is unforgivable, especially for a phone at this price.

It’S a really bad error to have, but at the same time it’s not been a deal breaker for me, because these stains only really show up when you’re, using something with a dark background and you’re doing so in very low light. The fact that there isn’t a headphone jack on this phone is a shame, but you might know it has a very unique and clever dual speaker setup. The majority of the audio actually comes from behind the USB port and on one hand, I think it’s amazing what they’ve done here, but on the other hand it kind of feels like they’re fixing, a problem that was never really there. I don’t know about you, but I never really had a problem with how the speaker grille looks on most phones and given the choice. I would definitely take the extra volume that you get on a phone like the note 9 speaker as opposed to the cleanest.

You have here also not a huge issue, but it doesn’t mean that if you’re trying to charge your phone whilst also listening to music, it’s gon na sound, pretty muffled because essentially you’re blocking the speaker. My love-hate relationship with this phone is embodied with the software experience. The mate 20 pro runs on Mui 9, which I don’t hate and actually has some really useful features.

My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.

It is fast I regularly use screen recording and on the few occasions I’ve wanted to wirelessly protect. My screen have been surprised at how simply it works. It’S a bit of a shame that notifications are not handled very well. Sometimes you can’t dismiss them other times. You can’t expand them, and social media apps especially seem to have just one too many bugs isn’t very good, which gets in the way when you’re trying to do a lot of social media stuff. I’Ve got to make it clear, though, that a lot of its nuisances can be forgiven just because of how snappy it is, even after being used heavily and loaded up with applications. My first party, apps and internet browsing are just as snappy as they’ve always been. Gaming poses little threat, although it is worth noting that, while the Kirin 980 chip here is based on the bleeding edge 7 nanometer manufacturing process, its graphics processing unit isn’t quite as capable as apples or the Android competition it’ll be facing early next year.

You’Ve probably heard a lot already about battery life on this phone and I’m happy to say whatever we found out initially has stayed true over the period I’ve used it. I haven’t once felt the need to be remotely careful with battery, which is a change from my last few phones, where I would always be keeping an eye on brightness and turning GPS and Bluetooth off wherever possible, just to keep them going. I also did not anticipate how useful super fast charging would be okay. So when you consider how many things can go wrong with a smartphone, then, while we may 20 pro sales through these hurdles, it is a slick, stylish phone made for gadget enthusiasts with its porsche design.

Camera array, it’s in display fingerprint scanner and it’s Twilight gradient finish. This whole Glu gate thing is a serious problem, but at the same time it’s not immediately obvious unless you start looking for it, I didn’t notice it. For the first four weeks I was using the phone and little niggles aside. It nails every fundamental pillar and even though we’ve had some amazing phones from Samsung Apple and Google, this is the relationship that I’m gon na be carrying on till 2019. So thanks a lot for watching guys, my name is Erin.

My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.

This is mr. who’s, the boss, I’ll catch you and the next one. .

My LOVE / HATE Relationship with Huawei Mate 20 Pro.