My Favourite Games Of All time!

My Favourite Games Of All time!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Favourite Games Of All time!”.
What is up guys, misty who’s, the boss here and welcome to my top 5 favorite games ever so coming in at number 5 we have trying to now. This is a seriously seriously nice-looking platformer available on almost any console so on the PlayStation, 4 Xbox one and PC. This game looks absolutely stunning. You sort of walk in certain areas and you literally just have to stop to observe the environment, although it can get a little bit repetitive, trying to is extremely fun and co-op, where they’re having very, very simple mechanics but effective ones at that, although with a lot Of games pretty much every game that I actually play, I tend to find myself playing for the character progression we’re trying to.

I was quite surprised to realize that I was actually playing it just to see what the next bit looked like or just because the mechanics were genuinely really really tight, well, controlled and well thought of so game. Number four is Halo. Reach an Xbox 360 exclusive.

Now bear in mind that this is not exactly a new game which helps explain why the visuals are may be subpar compared to something like trying to now Halo Reach was the culmination of halo, 1 halo, 2 and halo 3 and out of the four games. This was by far the grandest, it had the largest scale battles, it had the strongest enemies and it had huge amounts of multiplayer, customization and options, and, although I didn’t really pay too much attention to the campaign and storyline of any of the Halo games, really one Thing I really really loved was the firefight that we first saw in hero 3 ODST, and it was significantly improved here. They are, did more game modes, more rewards and just more stuff to think about and do game number three is guaca melee. So this is available on the PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, and I actually played the game on the Vita which, although it is the weakest console out of the three, it still looks basically the same on all platforms and runs a smooth 60 frames per. Second, first of all, I found the visual art style kind of refreshing and I also loved the fact of how smooth it was. It really did change things up.

My Favourite Games Of All time!

Most Vita games run at 30 frames per second maximum. Now not only are the platforming mechanics really really solid and very challenging, but the combi is literally perfect. These guys nailed it to start where they feels a little bit awkward with sudden pauses in the middle of it.

But after deep a bit of usage, it just starts to feel really really satisfying and you just can’t get enough of it. I found myself playing guacamole fully twice through to the end and then downloading DLC and going all over again and having a whale of a time while I was at it. This is one of the very very few games. I actually got a platinum trophy on, so the next game is Borderlands and there is nothing quite like this. I loved all three games in the series number one number two and the pre-sequel they’re all incredible games, there’s something very, very unique. These are the first games to actually combine an RPG style character, building sort of idea with our first-person shooter, and it was so so incredibly effective. Being a really big fan of both genres.

Having them combined was just an awesome thing to see. Also, the graphics are very bright nice. It was one of the best-looking Xbox 360 games. One actually played it about as a good five six years ago now and the one thing about Borderlands which basically separates it from any other looting game.

Is this randomly generated? Loot, there are literally millions of possible guns you could get and in the current games Borland’s Borderlands the pre-sequel, they quote trillions and this game is literally all about loot. There is so much to obtain you gain experience for killing enemies. You can get new shield mods new grenade mods. You can gain proficiency in weapons.

You specialize in you get skill points, there’s just a non-stop stream of good stuff coming and that just keeps you wanting to play through the second time through the third time and literally into infinity and don’t get me wrong. I loved all three games in the series, but for some reason, which I can’t quite place, my finger on, I had the most fun with number one. So next up is monster. Hunter freedom unite. There is so much wrong with this game. It’S ridiculously ridiculously hard.

It doesn’t exactly look too great. The controls are a total nightmare, but for some reason this is the best game I have ever ever played I’ve sunk two, maybe three times more hours into this game, then, basically anything else. I’Ve played Monster Hunter is basically regarded as one of the most difficult series of games ever made and among those games this is probably the hardest. So you can imagine you going into a quest to hunt this which towering beast on your own or with a friend.

It’S actually even better with friends, and you know you hunt it down using all this loot that you’ve crafted and this armour that you’ve made it’s very very satisfying, and this game basically relies on the satisfaction, but it’s just so great that it overwhelms. Basically, all the other things you feel about the game, the fury, the frustration, the anger, the sadness. Also, this game is long long long and by that I’m not talking sort of 10 hours that you see on most sort of action games. I’M saying that if you actually spend time to complete every single quest on offer, you could be spending two three four thousand hours in this game. It’S a whole new world and even though, to an outsider, a hunt like this might seem monotonous when there’s so much at stake and in the sort of heat of battle. You literally forget that time is happening. All you think about is how to avoid their next attack or how to damage this limb or chop off that tail. It’S very, very intense, there’s a lot of mechanics and it’s just a beautiful experience so guys those are my top 5 games. Let me know what yours are in the comments below thanks for watching and if you enjoyed this video, I would really appreciate it. If you subscribed, you .