Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MY FAVORITE TECH RIGHT NOW”.
This episode has been brought to you by Graphic Stock. This is the web’s largest repository for royalty, free images, graphics and vectors, And, unlike other sites that charge you per image that you download This one here is gon na, have a membership, so instead you’ve got unlimited access to over 300,000 images. There is a 7 day free trial as well, and during that period you can download up to 140 pieces of content. This is the kind of stuff that you can use and not get any kind of copyright infringement, So click the link in the description or head over to for your free trial.. What’S up guys Lou here back with another video and today we’re gon na be doing something new something fresh Often I guest asked “ Hey Lou.

What are your favorites ?”? We know that you unbox enormous amounts of things, But I don’t often get to sit down with you guys and tell you about my favorites, The things that get unboxed here that end up in my life long-term That I use in this case. As far as today’s video’s concerned on a daily basis, [ faint bird chirping outside ], Those are like baby chicks. Now these things have shown up in videos previously. So if you wan na, I don’t know, get some more detail, go check out those videos, I’ll link them in the description.

This isn’t technically tech, but it holds all my tech Look. You can see I’m actively using it. We’Ve got the baggage tag on there. Still This is the PackSafe, I believe it’s the Z400.

I love this bag. I’ve been using this bag. Jack can attest to it on trips, since I did the original video for it., It’s durable, rugged spots and pouches for everything. Look at this thing, So a nice zipper pocket on the outside solid satisfying. This zipper can go underneath this little flap here to make it tougher for pickpockets and whatnot. So you’ve got a lock over here on this side as well, and when you pull the zippers over string them through there and keep that completely locked., The strap itself is slash-proof.

There’S a mesh cage inside the bag, there’s even an RFID-safe pouch for your travel documents. Passport and so on, and then on the backside, this passthrough for luggage, which I use all the time., This strap here if you’re not gon na, be using it. If you’re using this more as a briefcase, you can unclip it from this end and there’s actually a channel where you can store it., It’s something that I can’t get away from. I love it probably more now than when I even got it So go check out the original video. Next up. You guys have heard me talk about this guy right here.

This is the MX Master mouse from Logitech.. This is another example of something I love more now than when I got it. Super comfy to hold. It can be connected to multiple devices. It’S got this really satisfying wheel here, which can spin freely or in a geared manner. Probably my favorite feature the button on the thumb-rest here.

See that how I can click down there And, of course you can map that to whatever you want through the app. I don’t know you can’t beat this mouse. In my opinion, it’s my favorite mouse on the planet right now.. Lastly, this is probably the question I get asked more than any other “ Lou, which phone are you using right now, ?” And honestly, I have gravitated back to the Nexus 6P Real nice dbrand skin got it blacked out. I wanted that stock Android experience. I did think “ Man it’s a little bit big”. Maybe I don’t know. Maybe I would prefer something with a slightly smaller form factor, but honestly you could really.

I don’t know you could take advantage of the larger screen from a multimedia perspective.. Nothing too flashy. Just nice, clean, skinless, experience., Favorite tech picks tech that I’m using right now, But it’s also time for the wildcard round., A new toothbrush concept, a sonic toothbrush plus cleaning system, The “ Aura Clean System”. They sent this baby over they’re like “ Lou. We want you to check it out, maybe give it a go” 99.9 % pathogen removal. They have said that there is a deal for all of you, beautiful Unbox Therapy viewers right now, Ooh.


Now, look at that guy that looks like you, Jack See that guy there They’re doing a deal on this right now for this Unbox Therapy, debut 50 % off with the code UNBOX I’ll have the link in the description, so you can check it out, but 50 % off cool So here is the cleaning base. So here are tips they’ve. Given me 3. Here There we go A little power, brick A power cord.


Let’S see, if we have oh, we have juice, Ooh, [, toothbrush, buzzing ]. My assumption is okay, so basically [ loud click, ] Wow. Alright, It’s aah It’s UVC rays. They destroy the DNA of pathogens.

Here we are, I’m done. I’M brushing up Getting spiffy Turn it off and I’m gon na hit it right here. [ loud click ] Like this, And I can hear it action. The light is illuminating Drying, UV light killing those nasty germs.

What’S the point in cleaning your teeth, if your toothbrush ain’t clean, What are you gon na go for Not this .