Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My daughter and I React to the Best Setups of 2023 – Episode 9”.
I’Ll be reacting to more alltime best setups from the r battle station, so sit back and relax and let’s get into it, calling old space Travelers Star Trek Fleet command requires your Aid. They’Re. Looking for brave commanders to guide their crew to Victory, recruit over a 100 iconic characters across the entire Star Trek universe and explor. A vast Galaxy in this open world to complete missions de feature enemies and conquer territor. To say that you have the entire galaxy to explore would simply be an understatement.
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Unfortunately, my wife is occupied with a few things. So I have to keep an eye on Olivia for a little bit, so she’ll be joining us for a few setups, don’t touch the keyboard, no, no! No! No! No! No! No, don’t touch the keyboard. No! No! My keyboard doesn’t work. You broke my keyboard olly. What did you do? Oh my God, destroying this laptop. When did you press the screen went black you’re more devastating than Shayla? Oh, my! The and the keyboard doesn’t work, so I’m technical difficulties, guys um.
I will be right back a few moments later, all right and we’re back remade my whole setup from a dark room to this small area and again we are seeing those wooden slat panels pretty much everywhere. Now those are becoming very popular. We got a beautiful sit and stand desk high-end speakers. Those are the KF ls50s.
If I’m not mistaken, I actually got a pair of those for my setup if you guys remember a while back, but I just didn’t like the look of it. So I downgraded back to the Kanto tux, but these definitely look so much better in this setup because it matches the wooden accents from the wall. We got a few plants hanging from the wall and the PC tucked away, underneath the table yeah very clean setup for sure I don’t know what it is with those desk microphones. I see a lot of these on Battle Stations just pick up a boom arm.
It’S going to be so much better, so much more convenient and efficient for you, instead of um leaving it on the desk, because if you leave it on the desk, it’s going to pick up your keyboard clicks if you’re going to be gaming or typing on it. What would you rate this setup out of 10? What do you think you think eight is fair, eight, eight out of 10. Now this one is more my style. I love it. Look how freaking clean the setup is using a floating desk. It looks so empty, but it’s it looks awesome.
At the same time, right we got a floating desk mounted against the wall triple monitors. I know that’s what I’m saying. That is what I’m saying it’s so cool, but unfortunately the right monitor is blocking the PC.
That is definitely unfortunate. I feel like you could have put that on the ground, but it would defe defeat the whole purpose of a floating desk setup. Um.
Your other option is to maybe do what the um one of the previous setups did, is basically do a well-mounted shelf, and then you can put the PC on that. Instead of leaving it on the main desk. I feel like that. Pc in the corner really just ruins the whole super clean. I know that’s what I’m saying. That’S what I’m saying I agree. I agree it. It ruins the whole minimal floating desk.
Look so if you can find a way to put that to the side or somewhere else, I think it’ll be phenomenal. Plus it looks like you just started. It’S not exactly finished. You can put some stuff on the wall to better compliment or add some personality, but yeah overall, very, very good start.
What would you what would you rate this setup out of 10? I know it’s not finished, but I would say like a six, because it’s unfinished oh you’re slapping me right now. Okay, so I guess you didn’t like the rating another setup, but the big boy, Kev speakers, boys and girls, girls wow. That just looks so beautiful yeah. I know look at look how beautiful that looks wood table once again, we got some drawers underneath for storage.
What are you doing? I’M so sorry guys, I’m so sorry, I’m stuck with you, I’m stuck! You have to behave Olivia! Okay, if you want to be a part of these episodes, you have to behave. Your sister was so nice was so well behaved in these videos before okay, baby girl, so anyways beautiful desk. We got some storage space underneath and then the PC is tucked away in the corner, with an ultra wide and again those KF ls50 speakers sitting on stands. It looks it looks sophisticated.
It looks beautiful, no RGB ins sight, but there’s definitely some extra space above the setup that can be used for a bit of personalization. But yeah I mean it’s, it’s fantastic! It’S a fantastic setup, gaming microwave setup, just when you think you’ve seen it all on the um battle station subreddit I mean you can’t, beat the convenience hers and hers this one’s, pretty cool. We got a dual sibling or couple setup. I guess we don’t know exact details here, but I love the execution here.
I love how the monitors are symmetrical. One is basically flipped or reversed on the opposite side. Uh and the speakers are mounted on the wall, but unfortunately it looks like it’s connected to the right PC. Only so the left setup doesn’t have any speakers which makes sense. I guess you can’t really have speakers on both setups, but other than that. Everything else is super clean.
I love the wall shelves on the top for a bit of decor and the PCS are sitting on wooden planks on top of carpet. They definitely know what they’re doing here I love it. The only potential issue I see here is The Accidental kick of the PC cases, because it’s literally right there in front of them and those cases are pretty wide, so already they’re having issues with some leg room.
But at the same time I mean there’s really. No other space for the PCS unless they make their own separate wall shelves and put them on the side, but yeah I mean other than that. I think it’s an awesome setup, this one’s kind of interesting we haven’t really.
I haven’t really seen something like this. In a while, actually um, don’t really know the style of it. It’S a bit of I’m getting a little bit of a Miami Vice mixed in with like the Roman Empire, but it looks interesting, they’re calling it aesthetic.
It’S definitely all over the place like there’s. No exact theme that I want to pinpoint, but I think that’s what makes it so cool it’s kind of all over the place. Okay, it’s time to go say goodbye, go play. The mouse pad could definitely use some cleaning. It looks like it’s very dirty and the second monor isn’t exactly aligned with the main display, but I mean those are just very small, nitpicks Hallelujah.
Finally, we are getting to some juicy setups boys and girls. I don’t know what this guy’s obsession is with those electronic blueprints. This guy has one of every single one that was created, but underneath that is actually a pretty badass battle station. We got quad displays dual ultra white stacked up and two additional 27 in on the side.
The left one is blocking off the PC, that’s in the corner, which is unfortunate, but at least he mounted the speakers on the wall. Very good use of space in this corner area, which I think is in the living room of some sort or maybe like a loft. I would say I mean this dude is definitely a baller he’s rocking a Herman Miller and body chair.
That’S how you know if your wallet is loaded, I’m curious how much those rames are they’re, actually a sponsor on the channel sometime last year, but I forget $ 139 for each one. Okay hold: let’s do some math. How much did he spend on those 1? 2.
3: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 $ 2,085, just on the frames plus tax and plus shipping um wow yeah he’s definitely a baller. I’M still digging a setup, though. Oh, this one’s cool built this setup for my daughter and I and she still chooses to play Roblox on her iPad.
Oh no, the ultimate disrespect! If I build a setup like this for my daughter and she ends up playing fortnite, Minecraft or watches cocomelon on there. I have failed as a father. Wait is that a texor mouse pad yo he’s using a teur mouse pad.
There’S two of them. Oh, no way he’s walking the black toppo and the daughter is walking the white toppo V1. It looks like your boy has officially made it all right if his mouse pad is being featured on the front page of Reddit on setups, then we’re climbing the ladder, boys and girls. My mom would be so proud right now, but yeah as far as the setups are concerned, I think they made really good use of space um.
The dad was smart enough to do a stacked monitor for both of them to maximize the amount of space. For that entire wall, uh, aside from that, the decor is pretty cool. I’M not a big fan of the Chucky doll, it’s a bit creepy, but given that this was uploaded two months ago, I’m going to assume that this was done for like a Halloween theme. Aside from that yeah, it’s a pretty kickass setup.
Let’S, let’s give this Dad the dad seal of approval. Please you, my friend have my respect. Let’S see if anybody actually mentioned my mouse pads in the comment section bad, oh here we go badass setup though please leave me. Those Topo keyboard, pads, badass, setup class, complimentary, appreciated mouse pads are from Tech Source, any link to my store.
I love it respect you big Justin. Thank you so much another step closer to finish the witch cave. What do you have on that? Second monitor huh? What what? What do you? What do you? What are you trying to hide? It’S okay, you can show us we’re adults whatever it is. I’M sure your dogs are judging you for it. I mean just look at them. Look at the face of judgment. All jokes aside: it’s a pretty cool Corner setup, but I feel like it’s missing it. It looks so it looks so barebones to me mar layout’s awesome.
You got a boom on for your mic, PCS on the floor, although you could have put that in the corner. I feel like that would have been the perfect spot for your system and I’m absolutely loving the Black Walls, but I feel, like you, can just add a bit more to the right wall um just so it’s not looking so empty, but yeah really awesome start here. We go boys and girls, finally, something so creative, something we haven’t really seen before. I mean just look at the amount of creativity that went into this setup.
We got separate slate wood panels in different areas and then we got a shelf on top of each one. This is a very interesting design and you know what it works. It complement the wood desk. We got a bunch of green plants to add a bit of warmth as well, not a single source of RGB, and of course, we got to have that black wall.
To add that contrast, that beautiful beautiful contrast, I’m actually digging this wall shelf over here on the right side. I’Ve never seen this one before it looks like one of those wood monner risers that we see a lot of, but just tilted on the side. This guy loves, loves his wood, like there’s, no denying how much he’s into wood. I’M telling you this is the new trend, guys like starting 2024, 75 % or more are going to be just wood, themed, setups rgbs in the past. Forget about that nonsense. Oh, this has to be Ben setup, yeah, it’s the same layout and I recognize the name twin, skunk Ben.
Where have you been my guy? You took home the seal of approval and you just disappeared. You never came back on setup Wars. This. This looks like a completely new setup that you’ve made damn this looks so chaotic and I’m I’m in love like this is not the band that we all know and love right. The B we know is all about symmetry. Everything has like its own theme.
This is like all over the place, and I and I love it – there’s a bit of abstract to it, especially this side of the wall. Look at this there’s a wall mounted PC. He moved the ultra wide to the right side. That’S interesting man, that’s so badass! It looks so bad.
I would love to get more angles of this more pictures, so Ben. If you’re watching this video, please come back on the show and make sure you’re displaying your beautiful well-earned seal of approval on your desk when you’re taking the photos enjoying that G9 curve with the sun. I don’t know why, but my first instinct when looking at this picture is that this dude’s a principal of some high-end college, or something or university. Why does that remind me of a university for some reason, this guy’s either the principal the dean or some sort of counselor? Okay, you don’t get that in modern houses these days – okay, this is this – is this: is Art look at the beautiful molding with the brown colored wall like you, don’t see that in modern houses right this guy’s not messing around too he’s rocking that G9 Ultra IDE With very clean cable work, so yeah, you know what this can’t be a school there’s no way the cable management is actually good.
A US senator’s office, Circ. 25Th. That’S what it is it’s it might also be in the white house actually or a pentagon for all.
I know where you live in the White House see I I had the same idea. This is what happens when you mix classic with modern tech and, oddly enough it it it works. It weirdly Works.
Speaking of classic here’s another setup, that’s mixing traditional, like 18th 19th Century interior design, with modern tech right. It’S like complete, opposite sides of the Spectra on, but somehow, when you combine them it just I don’t know it looks. It looks weird, but it works works.
It somehow works and that will do for today’s video. I do have a few more coming up so make sure you guys stay tuned on the channel. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you very soon in the next one.