My channel might be about to end

My channel might be about to end

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My channel might be about to end”.
Okay, this is not clickbait. This is not a joke. Um, i’m pretty worried right now. So it’s probably not a surprise to you that this channel and youtube generally is very important to me. It’S something i’ve spent the last seven years trying to build a community on, and all i want to do, is to just carry on making videos that help people you might have heard of article 13..

My channel might be about to end

It’S a new european copyright law and it has the right intentions, but the wrong consequences is trying to make sure that the work of artists and music producers isn’t plagiarized without credit. But the way it’s phrased means that youtube themselves will be liable for anything that any one of its 100 million users uploads that contains any amount of material that they don’t 100 own. So currently, when i make a smartphone news, video, i’m allowed to use a picture from someone else. If i provide credits, this is considered fair use because it’s for educational purposes, but from what i can see.

My channel might be about to end

Even this wouldn’t be okay with the new regulations, and, to be honest, if that was a, i would be fine. I would just not use images, but that’s not even the problem, given that there are literally millions of youtube users, youtube can’t possibly even take on the risk, and so what they’re saying is they would have to block the videos instead with no exceptions. So that’s past current and future videos, all the videos on apps and games and smartphones. We make now the video thanking you for a thousand subscribers six and a half years ago.

My channel might be about to end

Any future plans we might have had it could all just disappear, and so, when i heard about this, obviously i panicked as you would, when your life’s work is up in the air and i reached out to everyone i could think of who might know some answers. Other creators youtube support. Google live chat, nobody seemed to know what exactly was going on.

I thought, even if the thousand videos we’ve made, that i’ve poured my heart and soul into even if they disappeared. I could deal with that as long as i could just have. The reassurance that there’s some sort of future here – the kind of answers i was getting, i can show you in the google live chat.

So i sent a message saying i’m worried about how article 13 might specifically affect my channel and how to prepare for it to ensure i can continue doing what i love and, to start with, it was going well, and i thought i might actually be about to Get some answers, but then it turns out what she was. Checking was actually just what article 13 was, and she then proceeded to give me an answer that i could have got from google and then, when i pressed she just refused to tell me anymore, because apparently it affects other channels too. Why would that stop her from telling me what i should be doing? I don’t know so yeah, it’s not looking great, and i just don’t know what to do i mean do you want me to make my own sound effects? I’D be willing to do that. Do you want me to play my own background music i’d be willing to do that. Do you want me to build my own font, so i’m not using something from someone else. I’D be willing to do that.

This channel means everything to me if anyone watching this right now knows any more about this than i do, then let me know i would really appreciate it. Instead of seeing my videos you’ll just see something like this, and instead of uploading my videos, i might be seeing something like this imagine sinking everything you have into a job for seven years, working through weekends, working through nights, barely taking holiday, giving up time with friends, Family, the people, you love, because you tell yourself it’ll – be worth it one day. Only then to have some rule come out of nowhere and tell you that you might lose it in two months time. There is a way you can help.

If you share this video and use the hashtag save your internet as much as you can online, we’ve got a better chance of reaching policymakers, and even if one or two of those see this video, that could be enough to at least make them realize how much Of a consequence, this article 13 could have any hope is appreciated and even if worse comes to worse – and this doesn’t work out and this channel does have to be blocked, then i’m still very very grateful that i’ve had this chance to make something great and yeah. It’S been a real journey, so thank you. You .