My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!

My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!”.
This video is sponsored by script. It’S an app that provides you with a huge library of books, audio books, magazines and other reading materials. I get asked so many times in the comment section about troubleshooting their pcs because it stopped working for some reason and because of that, I recommend my viewers to check out upgrading and fixing computers for dummies. It’S easy to understand and very informative when it comes to upgrading your rig or diagnosing it. Script has a ton of books and audio books like these, with over 100 million active users, so you’re gon na find something you enjoy and the best part about.

All of this is that it cost a lot less than audible, so make sure you guys check out the book. I recommend it by clicking on the link below. I know it’s gon na help, a lot of you guys out there, and it’s also going to help support the channel. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sad to say that this is the finale of big red.

I may think it’s a few days to finish the bill, but for you guys it’s only gon na be one episode, because I know you guys are tired of seeing episode after episode. You just want to see the finale, so that is what I’m gon na. Do. I’M gon na condense everything into one final episode for you guys and I’m gon na be doing benchmarks.

Because, apparently, a lot of you guys want to see that as well and I’ve been reading the comments section on the past few videos and that’s what you guys want. I also asked you guys to vote on the RGB or non RGB SLI bridge and 90 % of you voted for the RGB and actually today I got in the new SLI bridge. So this is the brand-new one.

That’S actually cut to the perfect size, and this is the RGB one. It’S interesting that there’s a lot of space near the bottom, I’m guessing they did that, because all the circuit board is here for the RGB lighting. So it’s not quite as centered as the non RGB, but I guess I’m gon na have to go with this one, oh and also look what else came in guys so fan grills for the fans. These are custom made by hasan himself for the text source build. So I think these looks sick and I think I’m only gon na use five of them, so the three fans and the bottom and then the one rear fan so actually four fans, not five.

My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!

Another thing that came in today was the smaller reservoir from ek. Huge thanks to ek, by the way they’re so quick and clutch when it comes to ordering new parts attila if you’re watching. Thank you so much for the fast responses on the email they sent this over and literally got it within the next three business days. I replace the top cap with the white one, obviously to go with the build, but the bottom one still remains black and it looks kind of stupid.

To be honest, so I did order some white skins that are coming in and I’m gon na have to skin the bottom portion here. So it matches the top cap. So that’s what’s happening, but yeah we’re gon na basically install this we’re gon na plan. The loop do the band’s fill in the coolants and then pretty much wrap up the video. So I got my PT G tubes over here on standby. I’M pretty sure I’m going to go through a lot of them, because there’s gon na be a lot.

I repeat: a lot of mistakes, because the is so small, it’s gon na be very difficult to get those precise, benjin speaking of mistakes. A lot of you guys have been saying ed. Why don’t you just switch the case and go in a bigger case? Yeah? I can do that, that’s an easier fix. Actually that’s the easy way out.

I can get the r8e version of this case, which is a bigger version that thinks the full ATX case instead of the micro ATX, but that’ll be taking the easy way out, and I don’t want to do that. I want to challenge guys building pcs for so long here on the channel. It’S not a challenge to me anymore. It’S not fun! So building something like this in a tiny case. It finally gives me the challenge, I’m looking for – and it’s very exciting to me.

So yeah, I’m not gon na, take the easy way out and besides I’ve come so far. Why would I just switch cases? It makes no sense, but I appreciate you guys looking at for me all right so in order to mount this to the bracket, we’re gon na have to drill some holes on the red mounting bracket. I do have the mounting pieces here, which are white perfect. For me, I’m gon na basically put one down here and then put one on the top. Is just broke. It’S fine though I can. I can fix this. That’S it can’t fix that. That’S not an issue, but anyway, so I was trying to say is actually I just realized.

All I really need is one clamp, since the reservoir is really small, they sent them to originally because it came with this one. This reservoir is a little longer, so I swapped it with a smaller one. So I think one should do the trick. Don’T want to overkill here yeah this goes on the reservoir and then it basically mounts against the bracket right in the back here.

My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!

So I’m gon na mark some holes over here where the screw is gon na, go drill, some holes and then mount this baby. So, let’s get that drill out of here all right, so where’s the born pump successfully mounted it’s a little too close to the power supplied to know what I’ve liked. But it’s fine. I already figured out a different way of modding the PSU cover which is gon na work out in the end.

My $9000 PC is Complete but FAILED!

So I’m fine, let’s go ahead and plan the loop. I think I’m gon na do actually it’s a very simple one: we’ll do a GPU block two CPU out from the CPU to the top radiator from the top radiator to the pump from the pump down to the bottom radiator and from the bottom redditor back up Into the GPU, that seems like the obvious choice right now for this build so yeah. I think the next step is the bends. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the hardest part of the build.

Let me get the heat gun out. These are the tools I’m going to be using. Of course, you got my heat gun, got the inner silicone and needed to do.

The bends got the tube cutter and whatever this is to smooth the insides of the tubing, and I just realized I forgot to put this inside the reservoir. Let’S see if I can do it. Actually it look like you know what screw it.

It’S not important right now, I’ll do this at the end, yeah mr. spark, ladies and gentlemen, alas, the build is finally complete. It took me two days for the entire bands. It was definitely a long process, a very tedious process, as you guys can see in front of me.

This is the PT G graveyard. I went through a bunch of tubes this one over here the silicone snapped, while I was pulling it out so to start up Benny when this was actually a perfect band for me, but yeah. This is officially guys my second hard line build. So obviously, I’m still learning I’m not have not mastered this, I’m nowhere near close to mastering it.

It’S definitely difficult getting the bends at the perfect angle and at the perfect spot, but anyways so far, I’m really happy with the way it turned out. It’S looking amazing before I put in the fan, grilles and SLI bridge and do the cable management guys. I want to do a complete flush of the system. We’Re gon na be using the mayhem blitz a cleaning system, I’m gon na leave the system running for about twelve hours. So that way, all the radiators and all the loops are nice and clean. Before I pour in the fresh coolant once I pour in the coolant, I’m gon na stop talking and show you guys some cinematic, b-roll and, of course, at the very end benchmarks, just like you guys requested it in the comment section, there was one thing I do Want to mention about the PC will quick, and that is the PSU cover that I was originally planning on modding for, of course, the power supply.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that, because my original plan was to cut acrylic piece and run it down this entire side of the case, but you guys can see here there’s a tube running through it, so that is gon na interfere with the cover. So the alternative is to essentially mod the power supply itself. I’M just gon na leave this side alone, because it’s gon na be great for our flow, and I think it’s gon na look really nice in the build overall. So I’m gon na cut an acrylic piece and just cover up this side of the power supply and I’m gon na take off the fan, grills and paint that red or white I haven’t decided.

Yet I think I’m doing red actually so yeah, that’s gon na be after the flush. Oh there’s also one more thing that I did in the back here, which is gon na make draining the fluid a lot easier, as I attached a valve over here and basically, when I’m ready to flush, the system we’ll have to do is hook up the softube Right over here, like that and then and after tightening it we’ll have to do, is turn the lever and have the cooling flush straight out of the back all right, some, I think, to sell them and flush. It and I’ll see you guys very soon. So this part of the video is usually when I talk about the benchmarks and go over temps overclocking and all that, but, as you guys can see, it’s off so yeah. There’S no easy way of saying this. I’M just gon na jump straight into it.

My computer is dead, it’s 100 % dead. Now I don’t know how many components got damaged in the process, but I know so far. The power supply is dead, and so is the motherboard.

After hooking up everything, I hit the power button. Nothing happened, there’s not even any LEDs that are lighting up on the motherboard. Usually the debug code area is usually lit on motherboards, but for this one nothing not a single light source coming from the motherboard.

So I’m like okay, maybe something’s, going out with the power supply, so I bought in an extra power supply from EBG. I hooked that up still nothing. So I’m like wait a minute.

Maybe the motherboard got damaged somehow it’s funny, because all these components we’re working before I tested everything in episode 1 and episode 2, I told you guys that all the components was working. Fine. Only one of the cables was the issue. Why I wasn’t working – and I swapped that and everything was fine, so then I went back and I’m like okay, let me test the power supply by itself and see if it’s working or not so I bought over my power supply tester unit. So I hooked this up to the power supply and I shoot you guys not when I turned it on.

I heard this loud popping noise like something blew up. I don’t know what it was I freaked the hell out. I should I switched off the power supply. I’M like what the hell was that noise so yeah, I. Needless to say, the power supply is officially defective because they won’t even turn out and even with the power supply tester. I don’t know what the hell happened during this entire process. I didn’t do anything special to it. I just took off the cover and I painted the cover.

I didn’t touch anything inside the power supply. So yeah that’s gone. My only fear is, I hope it didn’t fry the components inside.

I hope it didn’t fight a processor $ 2,000 processor. Let me remind you guys, which is deleted and I hope the GPU is didn’t get damaged and also the RAM sticks so the hardest part about all this. The most disappointing part of olice is that, after swap, I have to take everything out again to swap out and put in the new motherboard. I ordered a new motherboard. It’S coming in.

I am at a loss of words guys I don’t know what to say. To be honest, I was expecting this to work. Nothing ever goes according to plan with my bills, apparently so when, once the new power supply and motherboard come in, I’m gon na have to completely redo everything. Honestly, I feel really bad for you guys, because I know you’ve been waiting so long to see the actual benchmarks of this and see what it can do and actually turn on and light up. I can’t even give you guys that so for that I apologize. I don’t know if I’m gon na be making a follow-up video. I think I’m just gon na do this offline and figure out what’s going on, unless you guys want to see that that’s up to you. Let me know in the comments section yeah I don’t. I don’t know I don’t know what else to say. I love the way. You turn that I mean it’s such a beautiful PC. To be honest, it’s just a shame.

It’S really a shame. I think, though, I think the worst thing that could happen beyond the power supply and motherboard dying is if the CPU is fried and the graphics cards are fried. If those are fried. I think I’m done.

I think I’m done with this and I’m moving on to the next one. Alright anyways, I’m sorry guys. I know you’re expecting something different one like equals. One prayer, one this like means, I should move on start on other other projects. Anyways. All of you guys. Thank you so much for sticking around this entire process. Well, it’s been what five episodes for this entire series I’m gon na I’m done! I’M done! Thank you guys for watching I’ll, see you in the next article .