Must have TV Tech for 2024!

Must have TV Tech for 2024!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Must have TV Tech for 2024!”.
For’S video is sponsored by segue Nao, so TVs at CS have been like a thing for a very long time, but usually the TVs they show here are like crazy Concepts. They’Re like 17 years from now, you can have this in your house. It’S where the new tech tends to debut, usually, there’s not like a road map from that new tech can get into your house uh this year. Ces is actually showing technology actually has a road map to get onto your wall and some technology that I have like. Never seen before, nor did, I think, was ever going to make it into a TV. So let me show you all the cool TV stuff that we’re showing at CF 2024 all right. So, let’s start like weirdly with uh translucent.

This was a theme. I don’t think anybody saw coming here at CES uh, so LG was showing off with, they were calling their signature. Oled T translucent OLED screen and it sounds exactly like it is. It is a translucent OLED screen.

Must have TV Tech for 2024!

This is one of those things. That is definitely like. Not going to translate well to video, but let me try to describe it to you. It is a clear display and when you’re watching something on it, it has kind of a 3d effect, but that’s only fun for so long uh. It also has a screen that kind of rolls up along the back to makes it look like a more typical TV uh. It doesn’t look like an actual OLED set now like their G3 or now their G4, but it does look good, I’m not sure who would use this in their house where I can see this being used. All the time is in advertising, advertising advertising and then more ads, uh being shown at you from Windows and buildings to Windows and walls to even one day, maybe the the windshield on a car CG wasn’t the only one getting in the translucent game. Samsung uh was here as well, showing micro LED they’ve got regular translucent OLED as well, but Micro LED is the star here and it is incredibly bright. Images look like they are floating on and behind the screen. It’S kind of difficult to describe this unless you’re, seeing it in person and the video is probably not going to do it justice, it feels completely threedimensional.

This does not seem like a consumer Tech. This seems like something that would be like a luxury business thing. I’M imagining sitting at Sofi stadium in a sky box and sort of there’s a window in front of me. They could have these that kind of display, information or replays of the game actually happening, but whether we actually end up seeing these or not translucent technology is incredibly cool.

I think, like the actual use case for them into a consumer’s house, I I have no idea – or even the business use case – it’s like still a big head scratcher, but it was just incredibly cool to actually see these as actual things. So, while you’re sitting down on the couch watching your new TV, one thing you might not think you could do is actually mow. Your lawn uh segue got got an answer for you and how to do that with the Nao uh, with a full app connected robot lawn mower. Let me tell you about it: there’s been a ton of them on the market, but there’s always been some problems with them. Either they come in crazy, expensive or you got to lay wires for perimeter. So it knows where to go, enter segue with the nav Mo here looking to solve all those problems at a low cost and it’s designed by segue a company. You know and trust it’s got expertise in this area. It’S going to utilize AI to make sure it’s navigating the best way and the most efficiently way to cut your grass obstacle. Avoidance, of course, is also here, but no physical barriers necessary is gigantic and that’s been something that’s been reserved for really high price. Robotic mowers in the past segue is bring it to a much more affordable price and also looks really good.

Must have TV Tech for 2024!

There’S a ton of Technology crammed into this so think about. If it’s your chore to mow your lawn now, you can tell your parents that you’re doing it from inside the couch just with the app open the Nao does what it is supposed to do and and it does it at a really affordable price. If you’re in the market for a lawn mower or somebody that just hates to mow your lawn yourself, you owe it yourself to check out the segue Nao it’ll be available starting March 1st. If you want to learn more hit, the link down below all right. So aside from like translucent stuff, there was some real like practical technology, it’s probably going to see more often so Samsung was showing off micro LED in a regular set, and this is still mostly a B2B technology, but we’re finally starting to see consumer friendly sizes of They probably will not be uh at consumer friendly prices, so the same s was showing screens from 140 in all the way down to 76 in in size, the screens are still sort of modular. I guess tiles that snap together, but the seams are so hard to see case you’re wondering micro LED, is brighter more efficient, have a higher color accuracy than regular OLED Tech.

Must have TV Tech for 2024!

Yeah pricing was not announced. Uh for any of these sets at CES, but Samsung is showing a 76 in size is probably a pretty good sign. They plan to get these uh into homes sooner rather than later, and, as all these micro techs start to get into consumers homes. I think the big differentiating factor between them from different brands is going to be how they hide the seams because of power consumption. They have to kind of be tiles inside of a giant display, and I think the more expensive ones will hide those seams better. Samsung also showed off a cutie Ola display with an anti-glare coating. I think glare has kind of been a real big issue for OLED TVs. This looks like it could potentially solve it.

Sometimes anti-glare has a tendency to sort of bring down the sharpness of a screen, but this seems to maintain that crisp look of OLED not quite sure how they did it. But it was weird seeing anti-glare on an OLED and still seeing the bright colors and, of course, black blacks of an OLED, Samsung LG and pretty much every other TV brand was showcasing brighter oleds too, and I think kind of the old adage about OLED they’re. Not getting as bright uh seems to be a thing of the past, so my house, I have the LG G2, that’s the TV set that I bought and I absolutely love it, but now LG showing off two more iterations away from that uh with the G4 with Mla, it stands for micro, lens array uh and showing that Tech all the way up to 83 in this is going to help create kind of an overall brighter and more color. Accurate image. Lg is also expanding. Their Wireless transmission, Tech into a whole new series, they’re calling it The M series basically brings all the things you love, and I really like about the G Series, but just like takes me all the wires completely uh also offers things like g-sync and freesync wireless um.

If you’re a gamer as well, I’ve really loved the Samsung frame TVs. I haven’t found a reason to get one for myself yet uh, but if that’s something you’re interested in uh Samsung did find a way to sort of make the matte finish on their new frame. Tvs look way more convincing, and now it doesn’t look like an illusion. It looks like an actual piece of artwork and they’re. Also expanding the frame concept into a speaker too, which is weird they’re, making a speaker that you can use as framed artwork kind of better hide and integrate the surround sound speakers into your house. You can make the art whatever you want on that speaker.

You take off the panel change the image and all the speaker, stuff uh is still right behind it. I’Ve loved seeing the evolution of TV technology throughout CES and seeing the next generation of stuff here is really huge. Reminding me of the first time I saw OLED and I couldn’t believe that was real. That’S kind of the same thing now with seeing micro, LED technology is getting incredibly good.
