Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MRWHOSETHEBOSS CHANNEL UPDATE 5.0”.
So guys welcome to channel update five, my home, so it’s boring, but I wanted to just start by saying. Thank you. Thank you to every single one of you, because mr. user boss is growing faster than we’ve ever grown before literally faster than I’ve ever even thought possible. It’S insane like I woke up the other day and I checked the stats and I realized that the day before we’d gained two thousand subscribers, two thousand people in one day, he’d sort of seen a video on the channel and thought I’ll subscribe to this guy. That’S just like I don’t, even I don’t even understand it’s amazing and it’s all thanks to you.

So thank you so much like it really makes me so happy. So for those of you, who’ve been following me for a while now you’ll probably realize the quality has gone up a fair bit like I’ve spent a lot of time trying to refocus the quality of my videos. I’Ve tried to make them shorter, sharp, a kind of more to the point and I’m trying to get my personality out there a bit more. I think, if you look at my older videos, they were very stale. I was just kind of speaking really tired, really kind of sounded a bit bored to be honest into the microphone and it wasn’t great, but I’m trying to work on that.

I’M trying to get my personality out there and I hope you guys are starting to enjoy that and speaking of the quality I may or may not have just spent half of my savings on new camera equipment. So yeah, it’s all on the way, I’m getting any slider, I’m getting any lens couple of bits and bobs for the camera, a new tripod, new tripod head, but more important than anything. A three-dimensional fully rotational time-lapse slow-motion motorized camera head. I let that sink in. So now that I’m going motorized, it means that I can spend less time sort of going like this with my hands, which is good, and it also means that the footage just comes out so much more smooth and refined. So I’ve looked at loads of reviews of this stuff, so when it comes, I will show you it all and you’ll notice a quality difference straightaway. Hopefully, when I can figure out how to use it all. So one of the big things I wanted to say today was just that in a couple of days, I’m going to be going back to university, so yeah, I’m still a student just finishing my final year and going back to uni it’s great. I love it. I love the people that I love the fun you have, but it means slightly less time for YouTube. So, as you notice, I’ve been doing a daily upload every single day, I’ve been uploading. I’Ve been spending 810, sometimes even 12 hours a day, just with my camera. With my laptop with my microphone – and it’s just been amazing – and I’m going to try and switch that to once every two days scheduled. So it’s not bad.


I’M soaked keeping up with pretty regular uploads and I’m going to do my absolute best to keep that up. For you guys and the quality is just going to get better. So, on a slightly lighter note, a lot of you guys have been asking me about my setup tool and it’s coming I mean my room is just getting ready now, I’m kind of seeing it this bits all over the place, but I’m waiting on my desk and As soon as that sorted it out, there’s been kind of delay after delay. As soon as that’s done I’ll bring you the video and trust me.


It’S going to be really good. In fact, I’ll promise you right now it’s going to be the best video I’ve ever made by far, and I think there’s just one more thing so about two weeks ago to celebrate 200,000 subscribers. I made a draw my life video and in that video I made it really clear like super clear that I wanted to get to 1 million subscribers like I wanted it. So bad and obviously I still do, but I never really specified when by and a million to me like since I’ve started, YouTube has always seemed way over the hill, like you can’t even see it like so far ahead that there’s no point even thinking about it, But only recently, with your guy’s help, I’ve started to realize that we can actually get there like okay, it was so far off.

We still 200 thousands still small compared to that, but that number is in sight and I’m more determined than ever to get there. So for those you who currently follow me on Twitter you’ll seen that we’ve set our channel goals and by the end of this year I think we can get to 300,000, but by the end of next year. Let’S go for a million guys thanks a lot for watching. I really really appreciate it. This is just kind of me to you saying. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything, because you give me so much and also let’s do this thing like I feel more determined than ever, and I think we can do this. So if you don’t already follow me on my social media, that would be awesome.

So I’ve got my Twitter and my Instagram. Those are my two main ones: I’m trying to get more creative on those posts and really cool stuff. So if you do follow me, that’d be really good and with that being said, I miss dude is a boss and I’m signing out. Oh gee, .