Moto 360 Impressions!

Moto 360 Impressions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Moto 360 Impressions!”.
Hey what is up guys – I’m Kim PhD here still here at Google i/o 2014 back with some more coverage of the number one most requested thing I saw on my Twitter timeline mostly, and that was of the Moto 360 smartwatch, which I think we can all agree Is easily the best-looking thing that was unveiled at the show, so, as I’ve mentioned earlier, there were three smartwatches unveiled at Google i/o. We already saw Android wear and these were the three SmartWatch is basically flag shipping. It. We have the LG G watch as we’ve already shown. It’S a square. We have the Samsung gear. Live haven’t showed that yet, but I also have it in store it’s a square and then we have the Moto 360 and that, as we’ve shown now is a circular SmartWatch. It’S the only circular SmartWatch, and for that reason there are some things that are unique about it, but there’s also something else: that’s unique about the Moto 360 and that’s it’s the only one, that’s not on pre-order. Yet it’s the only one, that’s not finalized! So really what we get to play with here is the Android word demo on what they say is finalized hardware. So Motorola is not talking about the price they’re, not talking about the specs. The material is the battery life. We only can really look at the things that have been shown, which are like the display resolution and the final materials that it’s made of but again Merola did say this is finalized hardware, so everything that you’re, seeing that I’m observing about the Moto 360 will be On the final retail version once available later this summer, so the number one thing, obviously that sets the Moto 360 apart and that’s why it has its name is the circular design and we notice it’s a significantly thinner, bezel all around the circumference of the device. Then the square watch as we see with Samsung and LG, and something we’ve also noticed in a lot of these, renders at the bottom. There is this bar across the user interface. It’S not very big, but you’ll notice it and that’s actually where the display drivers are.

So if you talk to Motorola they’ll tell you that, instead of putting a whole bezel around the entire display, that’s where all the display drivers are in the bottom of the screen. So soon, as you put on the Moto 360, and actually the first thing you want to know is how does it fit on your arm? How does it look, and I got to say it does look very good and it’s super comfortable as you’ve probably seen in a lot of other videos. So the number one thing I noticed when I put it on is it’s very light. It’S much lighter weight than the LG G watch that I’ve been rocking for the past day and I got to say it’s comfortable because of the fact that it’s a circle. So when you have this square watch, you’re actually taking up a lot more room on your wrist and you a slightly larger display. If I were to measure it diagonally, I’m sure it would be larger than the square G watch, but you get that in a very compact form factor thanks to those really thin bezels, there’s also one button on the right-hand side of the Moto 360.

Unlike the lack of physical buttons on the G watch and that’s used to sleep or wake the device, and that’s also your power on, and power off, and also on the back. They wouldn’t really tell me if it’s wireless charging, but you can imagine here that this is where it’ll rest in a cradle to charge that there’s no microUSB port, there’s also interchangeable bands. Now, I’m what role, if doesn’t, recommend that you exchange these bands, but it is the same size where you can actually go in and change which band you use. But the the black version has this sort of black metal band and the silver version has a sort of a lighter grey band here, but you can tell that they’re custom tailored bands, pretty high quality, looking material, and I honestly probably wouldn’t want to change them anyway. Now I don’t know what it is about, this Moto 360s display. Obviously it’s a circle and that’s unique, but there’s something about it. That just looks a lot better now it could be because of its beveled edges, all the way around the sides. That was definitely different from the square watches it could be because maybe the display is laminated to the glass it’s closer to the surface. It definitely looks a lot closer to the surface and the square watches, but it feels a lot more natural, like a genuine high-end watch, and I think that’s the idea of the circular design talking to this LG peeps. They were talking all about why they use a square design, because it’s more industrial and more durable but Motorola seems more concerned about a premium experience that feels more comfortable and usable as a watch and trying to get people who, like high-end, watches, to like a high-end Smartwatch but other than that you can see basically the Moto 360 demos look very similar to the G watch demos.

I showed you guys earlier because it is in demo mode and really they’re just here to showcase the final hardware alongside Android wear, but I am very excited for when this comes out later this summer now, like I said, Motorola is not telling us anything about the Price, it could be anywhere between 200 and 400 dollars, I’m assuming it’ll be on the higher end of that scale, because it’s a more premium experience, but I couldn’t tell you what exactly the price is gon na be, but either way that’s been it thanks for watching. I hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace you .