More like WORST BUY

More like WORST BUY

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “More like WORST BUY”.
You consume tech news every day, but do you really know what it’s doing to your mind? [ Man off camera, ], Ugh !’Cause, we don’t.. We need some more studies, … [ Man off camera, ] Call the scientists. To never publish.

The internet already called out Best. Buy when they locked the ability to purchase a PS, five or Xbox series X behind a paywall but apparently Best Buy just don’t care and they’ve added GPUs to the list of in demand items, which is to be fair, an accurate representation., [ Man off camera ]. I demand them. Gamers are absolutely starving for frames out there.. You see they recently restocked various GForce, RTX 30 Series graphics cards, but to actually buy one.

You had to have paid $ 200 for a total tech membership, which has perks like two day. Shipping extended product protection, oh right and the right to actually buy anything at Best, Buy apparently. [ Man off camera, ], You’re special.. Now, that’s all fine for existing members who managed to buy up all of the available inventory.

But it’s less fine for people who signed up only to miss the drop as they waited for Best Buy to confirm their shiny new, expensive membership. [ Man off camera, ] Should’ve already been a member.. I mean the way I see it: sure.

They don’t have a graphics card, but they’re part of something bigger now and that is truly priceless.. [ Man off camera, ], Like being part of the NFT community. Valve’s Steam Deck, is proving to be quite popular among PC. Gamers who have pined for a Switch of their own and GPD maker of Windows, Gaming handhelds would like everyone to take a step back for a second all right In a post on Chinese social media. Recently, translated by users on the Steam Deck subreddit, the company points out that “, Actually the Steam Deck’s hardware contains nothing outstanding and that it’s overall performance is actually not as good as GPD’s Win 3 and Win Max 2021.”.

To be fair, there aren’t many benchmarks directly, comparing those just yet., So that’s just like their opinion man, but it’s probably wrong. [ Man off camera, ] Ha GPD goes on to say that if you’re hoping to install Windows on a Steam Deck to get around the Limitations of Steam OS well, you are just naive and do not understand the logic of capitalists.. So you see they’re trying to make money while GPD is making a handheld Steam game console for the people. They’re gon na break it up and everyone will get a piece.

[ Man off camera ]. I call the d-pad. It’s our console. [ Man off camera, ] Yeah, all of us.

And Gamers Nexus posted an update to the Newegg being a scam. Lord saga, which, despite Newegg’s attempts at damage control, actually makes the whole situation. Look even worse. Turned out that Newegg received a damaged motherboard from a customer and asked Gigabyte to fix it. Gigabyte said the fix would cost $ 100. [ Man off camera ]. What Which Newegg declined to proceed with and instead sold the board to Gamers Nexus? Who ended up not actually needing it., So they returned it unopened at which point Newegg was like “ Yo. This board is broken.” [ Man off camera.

More like WORST BUY

] Guys. Did you break this board Way to go? Idiot. Newegg has now refunded Gamers Nexus the $ 500 and sent them the board after being at’d on Twitter by an influential account. So I guess the system is working.

More like WORST BUY

[ Man off camera ] Exactly nothing to fix here, Definitely watch Steve, unbox that board and maybe watch Paul’s Hardware talk about his experience, working as an RMA tech at Newegg. When times were simpler, back then. Back then Back then., [ Man off camera. ].

More like WORST BUY

Is this a wrap or are you gon na … It’s Riley time Now it’s time for quick bids brought you by the Roborock S7, the cleaning robot equipped with sonic mopping technology.. I didn’t think we’d see it in our lifetimes.. The S7 scrubs floors up to 3000 times per minute to eliminate dried on dirt that other robots may leave behind, because no one wants to say it, but they’re just lazy..

It also uses ultrasonic technology to detect carpet and then lifts the mop up.. That’S right., Get you a vacuum that can do both.. It even comes with a dock that automatically empties your robot for eight weeks without needing to be emptied itself. I mean come on..

What is this Star Trek? Make cleaning easy and get your Roborock S7 today at the link, below. Ugh. Don’T ever let me catch you talking about the BitQuick’s that way. [ Man off camera ]. Ah, I’m sorry. They’re sensitive.

[ Man off camera, ] Okay.. There was a Nintendo Direct on Wednesday right as we were posting tackling Twitch pretty rude. I think., But there were some interesting developments. If you guys were willing to wait two days’cause who would actually watch the Nintendo direct event. You get all your tech news here right, [ Man off camera, ] Exactly. Right Instead of Mario Kart 9 gamers are getting 48 new tracks for Mario Kart 8, which are all actually remastered tracks from older games, which is pretty much what a new Mario Kart would’ve Been anyway. ( Man off camera, laughs, ), There’s now an actual Wii Sports sequel called Switch Sports. A new Mario Strikers is on the way and Fire Emblem is getting the super hero on the battlefield warriors treatment, plus Portal and No Man’s Sky are coming to Switch, but most importantly, Kirby Car.

( sniffles ) Nintendo arigato, gozaimasu. ( Man off camera, laughs, ) Watch Out for spiking SSD prices by the way in the days to come thanks to a containment issue at Western Digital’s NAND production facilities., That’s right the alien embryos they were storing. There broke free of the capsules and they- [ Man off camera ]. I hate face hugs. No, what actually happened was that at their NAND production facility, they lost somewhere in the neighborhood of six and a half exabytes of flash., That is 6.5 billion gigabytes.. Do these companies know what’s going on down here on the ground? There’S no GPU’s..

I’Ve resorted to copying files back and forth between my drives for entertainment. [ Man off camera ]. I feel it man. And I can’t do that anymore.

Either. [ Man off camera ], I’m right there with you. SpaceX was already having a bad week, thanks to the loss of 40 Starlink satellites that it had just freaking launched due to a geomagnetic storm caused by a solar flare, and now it’s even worse. NASA has Said they are reevaluating, whether launching tens of thousands of satellites into already crowded orbital spaces was such a good idea.

After all. Elon Musk also said, the company is having some difficulty executing on its Starship plans, but revealed a really cool animation of what Starship would look like once it actually launched.. So it’s basically Star Citizen, now., ( Man, off camera, laughs, ) And Twitch is continuing its attempts at detoxifying its site with new restrictions on what usernames can look. Like.

Account names that reference sexual content or hard drugs. What about hard content or sexual drugs? [ Man off camera ], Those are fine.. Those are fine. Okay.

Are going to have to change to something else going forward, meaning that everyone from ( beep, ), 69 to gamer and even ( beep ) lover 420, is gon na have to get creative about a new name.. That’S really a shame. ,’Cause those names really roll off the tongue., Especially Ballsface. You know Just rolls.

[ Man off camera, ], Stop it., Stop it. And a Russian 16 year old has been sentenced to five years in a penal colony on charges of training for terrorist activities., The kids’ crime Messaging, with his friends about blowing up a virtual representation Of the FSB, the modern incarnation of the KGB that the teens had built in Minecraft. To be fair. This might be an example of really bleak Russian humor, Not everything translates well, but if it’s, not Russia, … What [ Man off camera ], It’s a child. I don’t think I can take any more tech news today, so you’re gon na have to come back on Friday for more.. Until then, it’s probably smart to take a break.. We still really aren’t sure about the long-term effects. [ Man off camera. ].

Are you feeling-? Whoa, oh, I had a tech news: overdose. [ Man off camera, ] Glitching, bro., (, glitching noises ); .