More like Cyber-SUCK

More like Cyber-SUCK

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “More like Cyber-SUCK”.
The Cyber truck may be bulletproof, but it’s not waterproof. Uh Car Wash wo turns out that the bullet resistant truck is not able to handle a bit of water. The terms and conditions of the Cyber truck say that if you fail to put it into car wash mode, your new $ 80,000 truck can be rendered. A paper weight, Tik, Tok user uh, capan, caption caption. ad, went to uh went to the beach with his dogs and then he didn’t even pressure wash it but rinsed it out. Uh rinsed out the bed with a hose, and now his infotainment screen is completely nonfunctional. Whoa uh: this includes the truck’s speedometer okay, uh charging information and rear camera, which is necessary to back up the vehicle, because the back window is otherwise too narrow and often obscured by the truck’s bed cover. Several other users have reported problems with corrosion in part, because stainless steel is not rust, proof merely rust resistant uh. All the cyber trucks are apparently recalled. Every cyber truck has been recalled due to a fault with the accelerator pedal.

Uh recall here means that Tesla will be replacing the faulty Parts. Not they like slip off right yeah. I think at least part of it will slip off and gets stuck under.

It gets stuck so that it forces the accelerator down. There is the the brake overrides because they’re all digital, the brake overrides the accelerator cool. So if you would press the break it wouldn’t matter that the accelerator was down cuz, you would just break, but I mean how long would it take you to realize that you’re not pushing down and – and are you actually going know that that would override it? You can’t put it into neutral and you can’t like turn the engine off a lot of the tricks you would do in a gas car are not going to work just right into a wall and a trick that you wouldn’t really necessarily do in a gas carard. Does work so it’s like I yeah yeah, it’s terrifying, not not good um.

More like Cyber-SUCK

Should I use more hot glue, maybe uh! Oh yeah! Here we go here’s the details. Specifically, it is possible for the accelerator pedal to slide up while flooring it lodging the pedal cover against some trim and causing the pedal to get stuck all the way down rough, it seems like a problem was caused by an unapproved change. Yeah sure we’ve experienced one of those we’ll we’ll backpack. Okay, I take it back yeah.

More like Cyber-SUCK

This happens all the time. It was caused by an unapproved change to the assembly of the pedal and introduced a lubricant, some soap to help the cover slide on. But I guess that stayed there uh the recall also revealed that Tesla has only delivered 3878 cyber trucks – oh my gosh. So how much does the cybertruck cost? It’S like a hell of a lot of money? Isn’T it people are saying the brakes? Are physical still, um? A non-f flyby wire brakes, but the I don’t think they’ve figured that out perfectly yet, but the accelerator is the accelerator.

More like Cyber-SUCK

My car has a a flyby wire accelerator, cuz yeah, you know a lot of automatics will have the automatic cut and blip and things like that. Right um, I mean why would they this is like a $ 100,000 truck or something like that Flagship product? I think so. Why are they just like gluing on or slipping over a cover? Why isn’t it like mil aluminum or you know, there’s a screw in it. Like one screw right at the bottom, one single screw like you know, this is just just one right there and then it wouldn’t fall off like come on. I I I was seeing people do like uh. I don’t want to deal with the Recall yet, but I need to drive my truck a little bit.

What is my fix? Just take it off. Some of those were pretty funny. You just take the cover off. You can screw it on yourself. You can do there’s like some wood screw just right through it yeah was it going to hurt the resale value it’s been in the air for like a week, it’s already rusted and you’ve had to clean it. 6 you’re not going to get your money back on.

Like the rags and the cleaning fluid for yeah yeah yeah, I don’t know yeah. I can’t I can’t get uh Tesla’s website to play nice right now, um, it’s just forcing me to select a language. What? If I actually just pick one okay? Now it’s working! That’S weird um a rivet. That’S a good idea! Joah one rivet! Do you know the price of rivets like practically nothing, I think they’re like $ 4, a ton or actually uh? What about that? Uh microwave welding thing, where you just like squo it and then oh yeah, yeah yeah, like I think, even the stream deck is made with that dream deck can do it. Why can’t Tesla? I bet I bet they make a good car pedal. I don’t know, I wonder, I wonder how good it was before they did the soap thing cuz. It was an unapproved change that they’re blaming it on, but there wasn’t a Fastener fit yeah, I’m not sure. Maybe it like clipped on, I mean, have you could have a pretty strong interference fit with like rubbers or metals, or things like that uh, but why would it need soap like? Are they putting them on by hand yeah, not sure what the manufacturing process was, but it was a lubricant to put it on yeah. You would normally well.

Why isn’t that lubricant glue, glue and slippy little bit of super glue? Nice uh, nice, smooth stuff it just yeah there bloody hell, whatever? Obviously they would buy it in higher quantities with bigger discounts, but a a 50 pack of rivets from Home Depot is n bucks. Canadian stainless steal, I think so goes along with the build, goes along with the build wash your petal after every time you expel down there, but careful, don’t wash it with too much water cuz. You might short out your whole truck.

Put it put it in car. Wash mode first, I was, I was promised Utopia I don’t like current year. I don’t think I have for a while. Just make good things. Don’T make bad things uh. I we had a discussion question. Did we even talk about it? What kind of process results in a truck that isn’t even weatherproof yeah? I don’t know man, the um ego. Is it ego? Is it I’m happy with like what Tesla did by existing, which was like get more interest in EVS, yeah um, but, like this ain’t it? I mean to me on paper stainless steel, car cool, DeLorean yeah, you clean it with gasoline. That’S the best way to clean the DeLorean is gasoline. I didn’t know that yeah, it cleans stainless steel really good, which I think is hilarious. Cuz. We don’t do that anymore and it’s an electric car and gas is like what three4 a gallon now nearly $ 3, a liter here, it’s about 2 pound, a liter in the America that is over on the other side of the pond.

Like I don’t know, it’s crazy uh apparently this is, I don’t know if this doesn’t seem like an actual official video, oh yeah white diesel that makes sense but uh here’s their fix. I thought this was a do-it-yourself version of the fix, cuz I’ve seen this video. I didn’t think this was Tesla’s fix yeah, I mean just literally that so they I think this was so when I saw the the one that was claiming this was a DIY fix. People were saying: n, it’s official, okay, I don’t know uh, but this looks like just like a 3D printed block that ensures that you line it up properly and then uh, I think they’re drilling a hole and then just riveting the hole, I think, is the whole Thing we’ll see here in a moment, so he’s coming back, wait for drilling a hole in it, wait for it wait for it. There we go there. It is looks like a rivet to me.

I’M not a fan of rivets they’re, not serviceable, yeah yeah me too. You’Re going to have to drill that out right to rep, I mean you could drill it out, though yeah, but I agree, put Roberts in there uh an open Future is on the horizon, get it cuz. That’S the name of the operating system. .