Moore’s Law is Irrelevant

Moore’s Law is Irrelevant

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Moore’s Law is Irrelevant”.
Hello, l, l, n d, with the end or near the end of Moore’s Law. How do you expect to see continued generational performance Improvement as the transistors can no longer shrink um? You know I just I I It seems impossible, but they keep doing it yeah. They keep finding some lever to turn some wheel to crank yeah IPC improvements, uh yeah, like there’s, there’s things 3D stacking, oh yeah, looks like it is going to be huge. Uh chiplets, look like they are going to be huge. You might find other ways to expand.

Moore’s Law is Irrelevant

The amount that you’re using not necessarily the amount we can fit in a certain area like uh, okay technology, like in Intel’s foverose chip where they’ve got. I forget it’s like three or four different manufacturing processes and all these buses that are communicating with each other. On this, like giant package, um stuff like stuff like that is gon na make its way to Consumer technology or to consumer electronics at some point and could be a game changer. I mean the way that the way that the way that AI is changing the game too, is massive.

Moore’s Law is Irrelevant

I think that we are super mad about Nvidia, giving us underpowered gaming chips at a price that isn’t palatable right now, but when we look back so 10 years from now when we’re playing photorealistic games at you know 300 frames per second or whatever on chips. That fundamentally, haven’t changed nearly as much as the 10 years prior we’re going to be looking at it going wow. They were way ahead, and that was early teething pain for what was ultimately going to be the future um. I mean just just looking at the way that uh man I was, I was looking at um.

Moore’s Law is Irrelevant

Ah this new Photoshop feature where you basically just give it an image and then just tell it like. Oh yeah, I want a lake in the middle yeah and I want a car and I want a cloud. That’S shaped like the car, you saw the same article, I did it yeah.

I was, I meant to send it to our our thumbnail designer, but I forgot yeah um, I’m sure they’re already so Photoshop just has generative AI built in and if we’re doing that in Photoshop now, then give it a little bit more time and we’ll be doing That, in real time in games, you know you’ll be able to mod a game by simply typing in a prompt, uh. Okay, I want to play Super Mario World, but all of the all of the Koopas are procedurally generated. Games are going to be a whole little faces with mustaches ball of wax. Like that’s insane, I don’t think I’ve even thought about that before yeah procedurally generated games, so they have to pre-make the assets yeah like it’s just like. I want to play Half-Life 2, but all the opponents are donkeys and you know what it’s not going to be perfect, but it’s gon na get pretty good like you can hugely simplify the modding scene for certain things you know when they make like they made all The dragons in Skyrim into Thomas, the Tank Engine or whatever I didn’t see that, but I love it.

That’S my favorite, it’s a fantastic! Would they fly in. You normally hear the dragon roar. They have a train, it’s very good, it’s very good um, but you could do stuff like that using this instead, oh, did you find it yeah? Do you want sound? No, no, I don’t think sound will be necessary entirely. So it’s going to land on top of the tower that you’re looking at right.

Spoilers, if you haven’t oh, come on it’s Skyrim, [, Laughter, ] fighter out of the background, [ Laughter, ], there’s people who would uh they’d be like arachnophobic or whatever, so they would replace all the spiders in the game with like Teddy Bears or or whatever else Too right, yeah, um, so yeah that sort of thing is only going to get easier, oh so good, which is great yeah, oh man, it would be. You know what would be really interesting. Oh man, I wonder if we’ll get to the point, you know how we’ve been waiting for uh or I have whatever um for for Sky Oblivion and more Oblivion or more more skywind. Sorry there we go, which are it’s Morrowind and Oblivion, rebuilt in Skyrim’s engine yep um with really high resolution textures and all this other kind of stuff, because you can do some pretty cool things in Skyrim’s engine, even though it’s pretty old um.

I think we’re going to get to a certain point eventually where, because of because, like yeah, it’s going to have some issues doing this kind of stuff out of nowhere creativity, problems all that kind of stuff. It pulls from something whatever. But you might be able to go like okay, here’s a game, here’s all the information! I have all the local files, all that kind of stuff. I want you to recreate this using ue5 or whatever.

I want you to recreate this using this other thing. Oh, I see what you mean, because it’s pretty good at like translating yeah right, even stuff like RTX remix uh. You know: okay, uh, a just AI, replace all the light sources with real Point, light sources, um, yeah and then you’ll have to go in and tweak it. You’Ll still have to be a graphic designer or game designer or whatever, but man yeah. It’S like it’s like the the generative AI in in Photoshop right. It’S not replacing artists yeah.

We still need an artist to do that. I mean all the same people who do all the same stuff. It just make their job easier well, more realistically, it makes it so they have to do more of it, but yeah, because that’s what working here is like it’s always going to be. I mean that’s what that’s what work is like Luke? I I don’t make the freaking I I was reading a uh, I was. I was reading an article uh. They they surveyed. I wasn’t saying that in a bad way, because they surveyed a bunch of gen Z and Millennial people who have sort of pioneered this concept of it’s called lying flat in China or quiet quitting in North America of you know the their their top priorities. Being you know, work-life balance, as opposed to all these other things and then when they continue asking them questions they’re like okay right, but is that a is that a thing and they’re like? No? No, actually, I have a second job hustling because you get bored well, no, no, it’s just inflation’s out of control and like it’s, it’s not actually feasible. Yeah yeah, like you have to you, have to you, have to bust your butt, and so it’s this sort of aspirational thing. I I don’t know it’s uh, it’s a it’s a big.

It’S a big challenge. It’S one of those things where I I feel like we. We do, I think, a pretty good job of trying to make it so that people don’t have to work outside their 40 hours, um but stuff right now by and large the way the world’s going right. Now it’s it’s not like that um it’s! It has shifted from uh from uh from an employee’s Market to an employer’s market like looking at, what’s going on with the big Tech firms and the way that they’re bringing everyone back to office, cutting perks, laying off, without literally thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of staff.

I watched a video recently of a certain excessively rich person and it was like how much is a banana if we no something else that one was really funny. That was really funny very funny, but no, they were like okay. If we take this person’s net wealth in single American dollar bills, so like one US dollar, because I know a lot of other countries – don’t have that so making sure you know and we stacked it like horizontally and tried to wrap around the world yeah. How far would we get and you single US dollar bills like like the wins, almost yeah pressed against each other right? You almost make it the whole way around the world wow. It’S just like. Does this make any sense like I I don’t know, anyways sorry, I’m gon na get back on the tech topics. .