Miss Tickle and the Creature Quads

Miss Tickle and the Creature Quads

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Miss Tickle and the Creature Quads”.
Her name is miss tickle and she’s, a creature quad – and she also has a brother hawk so talk to ms tickle, the creature, quads, and then the next one will be genevieve. She will be amphibious and her eyes will change color and blow bubbles and lots of good stuff. At one point, i wanted to have a car with the moving creature, hood ornament, but that’s actually kind of dangerous. This is cool all these kids.

Miss Tickle and the Creature Quads

This is kind of cool because you can like look underneath for little feet and stuff and it’s hugely interactive. It’S based on the same principle as one of those desk lamps. That kind of move like that and just with stronger metal and some springs.

Miss Tickle and the Creature Quads

It gives you more money and these used to be stainless steel cables, but i replace them with this uh boatline, because it doesn’t you don’t get the little splinters and stuff. I’M constantly making little adjustments. Creature cross has been to places like the obtainium cup race in vallejo and also the mad hatter parade. They they’re friends with the obtaining works and they also go to different parades like fourth of july parades and they do some stuff. In fairfax, like fairfax uh, like toberfest in the fairfax parade and uh some different parties, they were at a fundraiser for the very discovery museum. They also were at a fundraiser for a kids school in santa selma and uh, so they get around they’d like to do.

I think i’d like to like to try to take them to kids parties idyllically. What i would really like is to go on like a european tour, take creatures over to europe and just check out the different countries and see, i imagine, there’s the same reactions, but it would be kind of cool you know bringing them globally. That’S what i would like, especially with genevieve .