Minecraft – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD

Minecraft - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Minecraft – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance review time. Minecraft were playing minecraft today on this Azusa m32 ad desktop computer, but wait we’ve upgraded this. This is not the factor. Shipping configuration I added 8 gigabytes of RAM and a nvidia geforce gtx 750ti dedicated gaming graphics card. Yes, that’s a mouthful! In short, I put a $ 100 video card into this, roughly 300 ish dollar computer for less than $ 500. We now have ourselves an inexpensive gaming machine in the video description below will be links to two videos. The original review of this as it comes from the factory as well as my video, showing the upgrade and installation of the RAM and the video card in here. It really takes five minutes. It’S not that hard go check, those out if you haven’t seen them before now.

I played minecraft, and I have another video of this on the factory configuration of this using the integrated Intel, HD 4400 graphics, which are relatively weak. They work but they’re relatively weak. Now we’re going to play it on the graphics card and see what the differences I want to show you options. Video settings.

I’Ve changed nothing since I shot that video everything is the standard settings except well. I did change one thing as I was playing around with it. Sorry, okay, now I’ve changed nothing see.

This is why I always double-check render distance is 12 chunks? That’S the default, will turn it up in a minute. Framerate is unlimited, vsync is off, otherwise you can see everything is the standard configuration looks, hit done and done. Single player create new world, which of course, we will call up.

Caps lock is on tech deals, game mode, creative because I don’t want to work that hard seed tech deals like see how long this takes to render. Now I do have fraps or our framerate counter running up here in the corner. If you can see that now we’re in the loading screen, so it doesn’t mean anything, looks like the world render and we’ll see what kind of performance we get it’ll be a lot more. I was playing with this before I started, filming it’s massively improved compared to the integrated graphics. Now, when I did like how fast when I did this exact same test in the same world using the same same seed generation, did this work? Yes was the performance great? It was good enough, would it play at 60 frames a second yes on the ground? It slowed down a bit in the air, but it certainly did work now. Look at our frame rate, two hundred and fifty two hundred and thirty frames.

Minecraft - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

Let’S go way up in the air which, of course, you don’t normally play the game from up here, but it’s fun. Look at our performance, the difference between integrated graphics. Now I will put a link in the description to the first one I did of this on this computer before we put the graphics card in just if you want to see the difference, but it’s what we’re talking, maybe seven or eight times as much performance or More, it could be close to ten times as much performance. I’M actually shooting this on different days. So I didn’t do it five minutes ago trying to remember exactly what it was. I have not edited or posted that video, yet I haven’t actually looked at it since I filmed it.

Minecraft - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

It’S gorgeous. You don’t need a powerful computer to do this now. The reason I had it set options.

Minecraft - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

The one thing we’re gon na change render distance I’m gon na put at 24. This is actually quite demanding. I’M setting render distance to 24 chunks and the reason why that’s demanding is it’s going to render far more of the game world in front of us.

You can actually watch it rendering as we go you’ll also see the frame counter come down if you’re the kind of person that likes to build amazing things or set up beautiful worlds, or you like to climb up to mountains and see huge distances. You want to turn your rendered chunks on further, but, of course that kills your performance. This would be a frame, a slideshow on integrated graphics. You really couldn’t set it to 24 chunks and climb up here on integrated graphics. This would be running at 10 frames. A second, but on the gtx 750ti, a $ 100 gaming graphics card, look at the performance of this thing, 150 hundred and one hundred and thirty frames per second, it’s over 100 frames.

A second so will Minecraft play with all the details turned up at full. Hd. 1080P resolution at over a hundred frames a second even with the render distance doubled on this.

A Zeus M 32 ad desktop computer with a $ 100 gtx 750ti. Yes, it will. I can recommend this without any reservations whatsoever. If this is the kind of game you want to play, the performance is perfect. Spending any more money will accomplish nothing.

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