Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MIND-BLOWING FUTURE CONCEPTS YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED!”.
Foreign, the Linker, a six-person flying automobile that has wings like a plane, but six propellers is a crazy concept. The wing plane, propeller combination is a stroke of Genius. It’S like the designer was saying: let’s just put everything, we’ve got into this thing and see what happens. Six people flying around in a plane the size of a car – that’s like if you took a smart car and strapped some airplane Wings on it. Imagine flying to a party on the Linker everyone’s just slamming beers and yelling over the Roar of the engines. Hey watch! This bro, then someone grabs the controls, does a barrel roll and everyone’s puking, their guts out all over each other. They probably have little link or decals on the back of their cars that say flying high or Sky King Ram Revolution truck the ram Revolution. It’S the ultimate machine for truck enthusiasts with a sensitive side. This truck is electric, that’s right, no more stopping at gas stations just plug in and let it charge up while you’re inside getting hammered and watching cat videos on YouTube. This bad boy comes fully loaded with biometric face scanning technology, so you can unlock it with a smile. What, if the truck doesn’t like your face? What if it’s like nah, I don’t feel like driving with you today. Chief, this thing has all the goodies of a regular truck. You can haul butt tow whatever you want and go off-roading like a madman, whether you’re, hauling a trailer full of manure or just need to get out of Dodge.

This truck will get you where you need to go poojit Inception. The poojit Inception is a wild ride. Man, instead of a steering wheel, it has a tablet called a hyper Square.

I bet you’ll be able to play video games on it while you’re driving too. That’S like the ultimate multitasking achievement. Remember right! Imagine trying to play Grand Theft Auto while steering this bad boy. I’M telling you it’s gon na be a wild ride. It’S marketed as being feline luminous and sophisticated uh, the feline part.


What will it start meowing every time I hit the accelerator? Is it gon na run on catnip or something if I want a feline, luminous and sophisticated car I’ll just buy a cat and strap a flashlight to it and, let’s be real, a hyper Square as a steering device is just weird seed pod. The seapod is a pretty cool concept who wouldn’t want to live in a floating house. That’S like a mashup of The Jetsons in SpongeBob SquarePants, it’s like a giant egg on a stick, a spaceship from the ocean and a crazy ass home. I mean who needs a climbing wall in their shower.


It does desalinate the ocean water, which is pretty cool and floats like an iceberg. I bet it could destroy the Titanic like one though I wonder if you’d get seasick in the toilets man, they incinerate your crap sewage treatment plants. No thanks. I’Ve got a high-tech toilet that turns my waste into Ash. It’S like living in a spaceship, but instead of blasting off into space, you’re blasting your crap into Oblivion. This is the future.

We all deserve picks robobus. The Pix robobus is like taking a trip through the mind of a mad scientist, except instead of a laboratory you’re in a fully autonomous passenger vehicle that can sit six people, it’s Sleek, futuristic and straight up stylish. But who, in the right mind, would want to sit in a tiny metal box with five other strangers, all while being controlled by a computer? That’S like something straight out of the freaking Matrix. I mean six people, that’s like five too many.


If you’re gon na put that many jerks in one confined space, you might as well just call it a prison bus and be done with it. Sorry, sorry, I I just really hate buses. I must admit this is better than a city bus in almost every way. Jet capsule gtf, okay: let’s talk about the fancy ass boat called the jet capsule gtf AKA The Flying spaceship, it’s a mini yacht with wings.

It’S got a hydro propulsion system that looks like it’s gliding across the water and a shell made of carbon and fiberglass. That looks like it was built for Intergalactic travel. This boat is just a way for wealthy people to show off their status and make the rest of us just feel bad about our lack of carbon, fiber and fiberglass and honestly, who cares just enjoy the damn ocean and stop trying to pretend you’re in a spaceship? It’S obviously not a spaceship, sorry to break into you, but this is a boat and don’t all spaceships fly by definition. It’S like they took a boat and just stuck a rocket up its ass. It’S still cool, though Shadow 6 typhoon, the shadow 6 typhoon man. What the hell is this thing: it’s like a four-wheeler with a Twist instead of driving through the dirt in the mud.

This is built to conquer the Seas and lakes. I mean it’s not like people haven’t tried to make four-wheelers that can float before I tried to put water wings on one once I imagine some redneck hicks buying one of these things. Thinking they’re gon na be the king of the lake. They rev up the engine start driving across the water and then bam the thing capsizes and they’re all like whoops guess. We should have ran the manual they’re all flailing around trying to swim back to shore, but the typhoons got their hunting rifles and Budweiser in a floating cooler, so they’re just Treading Water getting eaten by leeches and wondering what the hell they were. Thinking just wear a life jacket and don’t drink and drive equallyus.

If the law enforcement, boys and girls need to chase down some Rogue mountain bikers or ATV enthusiasts in rough terrain, they better strap in and hold on tight because the equilius is about to take them. For one hell of a ride, the equilius I mean just think about it a few years ago, the idea of a cop on an electric mountain bike would have been straight out of some sci-fi movie. Now here we are well. I bet it sounds like they’re riding around on a swarm of angry bees for its rough terrain. Do you mean rough terrain, as in protests and demonstrations, we’ve got cops on electric mountain bikes for Christ’s sakes, it’s like we’re living in some sort of dystopian techno nightmare.

Can I use it for mountain biking? If I’m not a cop emblem the emblem, huh holy cow, what a ride that thing must be. Can you imagine cruising down the tracks in your little glass pod, the emblem is probably a mixed bag. It’S like a roller coaster. Instead of being strapped into a seat, you’re strapped into a glass pod hurtling down the tracks at top speed, it’s a wild ride, but it’s probably also a complete Nutter nightmare. It doesn’t even look like it has a chair inside that’s the price we pay for freedom and Adventure right, it’s like paying to be in a prison cell with a better view, but then again some people just like to sit and watch the world go by.

Maybe they find it calming or something. I hope these things become real because it would be hilarious, Citroen Miami buggy, the Citroen, Miami buggy man. It’S like a golf cart that got all dressed up for prom and decided to hit the streets. It’S got style I’ll, give it that, but what’s with the lack of doors, what you just want, the wind in your hair and bugs in your mouth while you drive around, is it a car or a go-kart? The Miami buggy is Just a hipster’s Dream.

It’S got that look at me, I’m different and eco-friendly Vibe. You know the type they wear all organic cotton and ride around their fixed gear, bikes to the local farmers market to buy artisanal cheeses. Just imagine cruising around on that thing. On a hot summer day, the wind in your hair and your sunburned legs dangling out of the side, we’ve just scratched the surface of flying cars, cities in space and all sorts of other crazy ideas, because the future is calling and you’re the only one who can Answer the call so go ahead. Take that leap of faith and join us in creating a future. That’S even crazier than our wildest dreams subscribe for more crazy, futuristic Tech, and let us know in the comments what you want us to cover.

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