Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….

Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….”.
Only the truly intelligent can understand this show so ask yourself if you’re mentally acute enough to handle all of this tetch T nois tets, yeah, um Windows, 11’s. Ai powered recall, feature announced by Microsoft on Monday, has gotten attention from privacy Advocates, including the information commissioner’s office, which is the UK’s data protection watchdoc? The agency says it’s making inquiries into the feature which takes screenshots every few seconds, giving Microsoft’s co-pilot assistant a literal, photographic memory of the last 3 months of a user’s recent activity by default. According to Microsoft, the feature is optional and these snapshots are encrypted and stored locally, meaning only someone with access to the device could access the images. Further users can restrict recall from collecting screenshots when certain apps and websites are open, as well as pause snapshots with a click of a button and delete them at any time. However, this doesn’t mean that the feature couldn’t wind up capturing sensitive information like loging credentials or I don’t know your social security number if you accidentally forget to pause recall while filing your taxes or participating in a hot Tik Tok Trend involving showing your social insurance number To the camera, it’s the hottest Trend, mine according to privacy Advocates if a malicious person does access the device or if Microsoft changes their mind about storing this information locally, the recall feature could still pose a serious security risk. Even with the guard rails, Microsoft has provided a user who is temporarily Bor.

Borrowing a device or using a public device might not be aware that recall is even enabled accidentally exposing their information. All in all, it’s an incredibly invasive feature just for the benefit of a slightly more effective AI assistant, a bit like replacing your hand with a machete just to make hiking easier. I mean I can never hug my children again, but I’m cutting through these bushes, like butter. Butter was my first child before I realized the European Council has reached a final set of AI safety rules as part of the AI act, which goes into effect next month. These EU rules are significantly stronger and more comprehensive than the United States own voluntary compliance approach, with tiar of increasingly strict transparency and Reporting requirements, depending on the level of risk posed by a given AI system. The rules restrict EU governments from using real-time biometric monitoring, such as facial recognition, except to locate suspects of extremely serious crimes or prevent violent terrorist attacks. Are there any other kind? They likewise ban law enforcement from using AI for social scoring, predictive policing and untargeted scraping of facial images.

Meanwhile, in a conference in South Korea, several major companies involved in AI development, including Amazon, Microsoft and open AI, signed onto a voluntary agreement to publish AI safety Frameworks outlining how they plan to manage risks posed by their AI models, such as misuse by malicious actors and Automated cyber attacks, these plans will apparently include a kill, switch to stop all AI development if the company is not able to guarantee that red lines like the AI enabled development of bioweapons cannot be prevented, if only because it’s really hard to make money. When all your customers are dead, of course, it might boost public confidence if these companies made more of an effort to communicate their respect for safety and boundaries in the here and now, especially open AI, which has seen a lot of high-profile departures from its safety and Super alignment departments in recent months: it’s not exactly the most serious issue in the world that open AI very clearly based their Sky voice on Scarlet Johansson, even after she told them. No.

Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….

That being said, how should we expect open a ey to treat everyday people with no lawyers, when this is how they treat a rich famous person with effectively infinite lawyers, lawyers all the way down? On Monday, we briefly mentioned until it happened to drop a preview of his NextGen lunar Lake Mobile chips the same day as the Snapdragon X Elite laptop lineup reveal, but we didn’t have time to mention that said: preview contained more juice than it seemed there’s all a Little more juice, I learned that in juicing school and it’s filled with P for one Intel claimed that an unnamed lunar Lake processor outperformed a Snapdragon X Elite by 1.4 times in stable diffusion and that its single core performance will be faster than the exite as well. Intel also says: not only will lunar Lake chips far surpass. Microsoft’S 40 tops requirement for AI performance.

There’Ll also be the first chips built on Intel’s 18a process with new lion, Cove performance cores and skymont efficiency, cores, plus the first iteration of the company’s nextg battle. Mage GP GPU before it even shows up in gaming graphics cards now for some of their performance claims Intel relied on benchmarks published by Qualcomm, since those fancy new co-pilot plus PCS won’t launch for a month and Qualcomm hasn’t. Let anyone review them yet, which is reason enough to stay skeptical, that the windows on arm revolution has actually left those stuffy x86 chips in the dust. Another reason is amd’s expected reveal of its next gen Zen 5 architecture at computex in a couple of weeks, with possibly more details revealed at hot chips in August and Zen 5 laptops dropping shortly after that, it looks like with Zen 5 AMD will continue their tradition Of improving performance by stuffing even more cores in there, because why would they stop people love cores? They can’t stop talking every day. I just hear cores cor cores and more cor. I’M like stop.

I’M getting flashbacks to juing school people. Also can’t stop talking about this. Video sponsor Samsung and their discover summer sale, raising awareness for the little known fourth season discover summer is a huge event. From now on, until May 26th, you can on flak ship phones, gaming monitors appliances and more.

There will also be new limited time offers announced every day where you can get even bigger deals even bigger than that time. Your brother got into his dream school. We get it Devon. You like Harvard check out Samsung’s, discover summer event, using the link in the description below.

If you thought those stories were thrilling, strap in for the quick bits seriously, you may get injured. A new brain implant is allowing a paralyzed man with only limited use of his vocal cords to communicate bilingually in English and Spanish through a brain computer interface. Previous implants have only allowed for unilingual communication, but this single implant is able to easily switch between both languages.

After being trained on how the patient’s brain activates, when they imagine saying specific vocabulary – words, that’s really cool. Amazingly, the patient, a native Spanish speaker, learned English as an adult after the stroke that left him paralyzed, possibly because he wanted to make the rest of us look bad bastao. The Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it will be increasing the number of inspections of water infrastructure following a heightened number of cyber attacks hitting local Water Systems in the United States. According to the EPA, over 70 % of the systems they’ve inspected since September last year have failed to comply with mandates intended to reduce the risk of these kinds of attacks, including basic measures like changing default, passwords and revoking former employees access to these facilities. Look, I don’t claim to be a cyber security expert, but poisoning the water supply should be a little harder than guessing password 123 put an exclamation mark on that bad boy.

It’S perfect! Self-Driving cars may not be dominating our streets, yet despite Elon musk’s past lofty promises, but the development of self-driving trucks seems to be heating up. Volvo just showed off its first production, ready, vnl autonomous, big rig, designed in collaboration with Aurora, a company that you won’t be Sur, surprised to hear specializes in autonomous vehicles. It’S got one of those fancy names. The duo plans to roll out up to 20 of the semi- trucks by the end of this year.

Those are like cyber trucks but they’re bigger and they work. The upcoming ddr6 Ram standard May more than double the speed of current ddr5 memory. According to leak, slides ddr6 is expected to reach speeds of 17,600 megga transfers per second, and even has the potential to go as high as 21,000 as a point of comparison, ddr5 currently maxes out at 8,400 megatrans per second and is unlikely to crack 10,000, at least At a price affordable to mere mortals, though, no matter how fast ddr6 is, it will never be faster than time it marches ever forward, as the void calls for all of us, no matter how many Chrome tabs you can keep open anyway, sleep, tight and Cooler Master Has added AI to thermal paste or at least to the marketing the company’s Chinese site apparently claims their new cryo fuse 5 product is competitive, AI thermal paste, but the most notable feature of the product line is that it comes in six different colors for some reason That was the one place I was missing: RGB even weirder. The product’s official name is apparently thermop paste, AI Sports Lottery, either Cooler Master just threw in a bunch of unrelated SEO terms and their product names, or they created artificial life, trapped it inside multicolored goo and gave it a gambling addiction.

Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….

I don’t know which I’m scared of more. Meanwhile, I just want to give you you more Tech news. So come on back on Friday, you little smarty pants. You understood everything I said today.

Microsoft will see EVERYTHING….

Didn’T you you’re a genius, and I love that about you. .