Microsoft Forms Tutorial – Build Online Surveys and Quizzes

Microsoft Forms Tutorial - Build Online Surveys and Quizzes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Forms Tutorial – Build Online Surveys and Quizzes”.
In this tutorial, we’re gon na take a look at a Microsoft tool, called Microsoft Forms and it’s a way to easily create surveys, quizzes and polls. Now some of you will recognize right away that this sounds a lot like Google Forms, and it is this: is Microsoft competing with Google by creating Microsoft forms? So, let’s get started using Microsoft forms when I click get started. It takes me here to a sign-in page and at this point sign into your Microsoft account. If you have an office 365 account.

I recommend that you use that, but if you don’t, it should also work well with just your regular Microsoft or Outlook. Email address. Give me a minute to sign in and then I’ll resume the video once signed in.

I get a welcome screen like this, and it gives me a button that says, create a new form, I’m gon na X, out of that, because you won’t always see that instead, this is what you’ll typically see when you go to Microsoft forms and I basically have Two options I can make a form – or I can make a quiz for students in a school setting or an online course setting something like that. Let’S start with form so I’ll click new form. It opens up a window that I can use to title the form and just as an example, let’s say the school year is almost out, and I would like some feedback from my outgoing students in my English language arts class.

So I’ll just call this end of year, Language, Arts survey. As you probably know, a form can serve a number of different purposes. It’S very often used as a survey, but it’s basically a way to collect information from a group of people.

Next, to the title of my form, I do have an option to add an image. If I would like I can upload my own images or pull in images from onedrive or I can search being so I’ll. Just do a search for language, arts and there’s some good images that appear I’ll, just use this one here, click add, and that adds a little something to my Microsoft form. If I’d like to, I can click here where it says ABC.

I know that’s kind of hard to see. Let me zoom in a little bit, but I can click on that to put in some alternative text. I’Ll just call this decoration. So if there are people who have trouble seeing and are using a reader, they’ll be able to put their mouse over this and it’ll just say, decoration now I’ll put in a description of this form.

Maybe something like now that the school year is ending I’d like to learn what I can do to improve for next year. Next, I’m just gon na add a question for my students to answer so I click Add question and four different types of questions pop up. I can add what they call a choice: question multiple choice; basically, a text-based question, a rating, a date, related question and there’s more, a ranking which is kind of fun, a Likert scale or a Net Promoter Score. So I’ll just choose a couple of these, but I hope that you’ll check them out in more detail on your own, but I’ll just choose this multiple-choice option. I’M gon na close this pop-up and I’ll just write. My first question: it’s gon na, be: what do you think about the number of books we read in this class option number one way too many option number two way too few, and then I can add some other options. Okay, I’m pretty happy with that. Now, sometimes it’s possible to have more than one answer in this case not so much. I want my students to pick one of these five options, but if you want them to be able to choose multiple possible answers, you can turn that on and now they’ll be able to put checkmarks on all that apply. Next, I can require my student stands for this question or make it so that they can skip it if they want to. Also in these three dots, you’ll see it that it is possible to add a subtitle to this question and also to shuffle the options. So the possible answers would be shuffled, so they don’t look off each other’s screens and copy each other.

Microsoft Forms Tutorial - Build Online Surveys and Quizzes

So that’s question number one. I can just proceed to add another question. This could be a short answer, text-based question or I’ll just choose rating and I’ll. Just put in my question: how do you rate the quality of your learning this year in my class five-star scale? But if I want to, I can change that to three star scale or up to six or whatever you’d like to do. The symbol could be a number or it can be a star. So these are some really pretty good options that we have and I’ve already built two different kinds of questions into my form. I could proceed to add more questions, a Likert scale or ranking, but I think you’re getting the idea here of how Microsoft Forms works.

Microsoft Forms Tutorial - Build Online Surveys and Quizzes

So now over here on the right, there’s a tab that says responses, and this is where I’ll go to view, the responses that my students submit or the audience it doesn’t have to be students, whoever the audience is. This is where I can go to see their responses, but the question is: how do they get the forum? How do they put in their responses so that I can see them so the way that works is up here at the top? I have some symbols here and the words share now the reason those are just symbols, and not words – is because I’m zoomed in a little bit too much so I’m zooming out a little and you can see that there’s a preview button and a theme button. Let’S look at those and then how to share so here before I click preview. I might want to click theme and to choose a theme for my Microsoft Forum. I think I’ll go with this cloud theme, but I might choose skiing.

Microsoft Forms Tutorial - Build Online Surveys and Quizzes

I might choose a park whatever makes sense, and I can also click to add one of my own. I can upload images or search images to add a theme of my own but, like I said, I think I’ll stick with the cloud and the hills. I think that looks good so now I can click preview to see what this forum will look like for the end user they’ll be able to answer these questions and I should have changed it back to one possible answer only but they’ll be able to answer these Questions and then submit now. If I don’t want this to be anonymous, I could have question one be: what’s your name right, that’s possible to do now notice, even though I was just previewing my forum, the response does show up, and this is a good example of what you’ll see once people Turn in their responses, so again this is nice and everything, but how do people actually find my forum the way they do? That is by me using the share button, so I click on share. Only people in my organization can respond. That might be a problem, so I might need to change that to anyone with this link can respond to my Google form.

Next, I copy the form and I can paste it wherever I can paste it on my blog into an email onto my website or LMS. Whatever I’m using to share with the public, I can put this link there. There are other options, though, if you don’t want to use a link, you can generate a QR code if you’re not familiar with those QR codes can be easily scan to take the viewer. To the right place in this case to a form, I can also embed the form using this embed code and I can email it directly from Microsoft forms. I could share this as a template or I could share it with other people to collaborate. I could have someone help me build this Microsoft form jumping back to forms just by clicking this button. You can see that now my survey is there it’s on my forms home page, and I can see that there’s one response now, if I wanted to, I could create a similar thing, but make it a quiz and you’ll notice that this is very similar I’ll call. This parts of speech quiz I’m gon na skip adding a photo at this point and also a description and I’ll just go to adding a question. So far this looks identical, but because this one is a quiz, it’s a little different. For example, here’s my question: what part of speech is the word pink option? Number one: it’s a noun option, number two: it’s an adjective and I’ll stop there, but I could add more options, because this is a quiz look, there’s an option for me to say this is the right answer and not only that, but I can put some feedback In for people that select this answer so I’ll say something like yes, that’s absolutely right and if I want to, I could explain why it’s right and then up here on the wrong answer.

I could click to explain why it’s not a noun pink, actually describes a noun which makes it an adjective so that way, even with an incorrect answer, I’m teaching my students. Another thing that makes this different is points because it’s a quiz there are points associated with it. I’Ll make this worth five points, and I could continue to build this quiz by clicking. Add question so from there on out: it’s pretty much identical to creating a form, but this one, like I said, is a quiz with points with right and wrong answers. Once again, I can look at responses here on the responses tab angle from there, so I really like Microsoft Forms.

I think it has a lot of potential, it’s very similar to Google Forms, but it has its own charms, its own pluses and minuses, if you’re, primarily a Microsoft user. If you use Microsoft Office a lot, for example, you might prefer Microsoft forms to Google Forms thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful.

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