Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes”.
You know when I think about what progress we’ve made even since last time we were here at build, we’ve built really three platforms. The first is Microsoft co-pilot, which is your everyday uh companion. It puts knowledge and expertise at your fingertips, helps you act on it and we built the co-pilot stack so that you can build your AI applications and solutions and experiences. And just yesterday we introduced a new category of co-pilot plus PCS, the fastest AI, first PCS ever built, and so today I want to highlight our top news for this event across every layer of this co-pilot stack.

It all starts, though, with this very deep, deep partnership with Nvidia, which spans the entirety of the co-pilot stack across both all of their Hardware, Innovation, as well as their system software Innovation. Together, we offer Azure confidential Computing on gpus to design to be really help. You protect sensitive data or around the AI models, end to end uh, we’re bringing in fact the latest h200 to Azure later this year, uh and we will be among the first Cloud providers to offer nvidia’s Blackwell gpus b100s, as well as gb200 configurations coming to AMD.

I am really excited to share that. We are the first Cloud to deliver General availability of VMS based on AMD Ami 300X, AI accelerator. It’S a big milestone for both AMD and Microsoft. We’Ve been working at it for a while, and it’s great to see that today, as we speak, it offers the best price performance on GPT 4. Inference 6 months ago is when we announced our first general purpose Arm based compute, processor, Microsoft, Cobalt and today I am really excited to announce the public preview of cobalt-based VMS. Look with Azure AI, we of the broadest selection of Frontier and open- Source models, including llms and slms, and it all starts, though, with our most strategic and most important partnership with open AI.

Just last week, openai announced GPT 40, their latest multimodal model which was trained on Azure. It’S an absolute breakthrough. It has text audio image and video as input and output.

It can respond and just have a a humanlike conversation in the video I’m just going to play. Notice that you can share your screen or session as a prompt in copilot and have co-pilot help you in whatever it is that you’re doing, let’s roll the video, hey, co-pilot how’s it going hey, I’m doing great and it looks like you’re about to dive into some Minecraft, I see you’ve got a crafting table in front of you, which is a great start to craft a sword. You’Ll need some material. Can you open your inventory? Just press e on your keyboard yeah. Do I have what I need? Oh my God.

What’S that? Oh, no, it’s a zombie run. You need to get away from it fast, either Sprint away or quickly build a tower of blocks straight up to get out of its reach and as open AI innovates. Our promise is that we will bring all that Innovation to Azure 2. In fact, the same day that open AI announced GPD 40, we made the model available for testing on Azure, open AI service, and today it I’m excited to say that it’s generally available on Azure AI one of the coolest things is that now any app any website Can essentially be turned into a full multimodal full duplex conversational canvas, I’m going to go on an overnight camping hike where we’re camping.

All this, it’s going to be dark cold. Should I should I use these shoes, it’s the mountains. It’S probably going to be cold. He no worries.

Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Let me take a look. Ah, those are the trar hiking sandals, while they’re fantastic for summer hikes and keeping your feet cool. They might not be the best choice for Co. Oh my okay, I’m sorry to interrupt.

Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

You pick the best thing that I should use, and can you just add it to my car? Just one product no worries, let’s go with the Tre ready, Hawking boots, they’re durable, provide great ankle support and, most importantly, they’ll, keep your feet warm in the cold mountains. Today, I’m very thrilled to announce a new partnership with KH academy uh, we’ll be working together to use 53 to make math tutoring more accessible, and I’m also excited to share that they’ll be making K Amigo their AI assistant free to all us teachers and I’m excited To announce that Azure AI studio now is generally available, it’s an endtoend development environment to build train and fine-tune AI models, and do so responsibly. It includes rebuil in support what is perhaps the most important feature which is in this age of AI, which is AI safety. Azure AI Studio includes the state-of-the-art safety tooling, you know to everything from detecting hallucinations in model, outputs risk and safety monitoring uh.

Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

It helps understand which inputs and outputs are triggering uh content filters, uh prompt Shields by the way to detect and block these prompt injection attacks. Um, and so today we are adding new capabilities, including custom categories, so that you can create these unique filters for Proms and completions with rapid deployment options, which I think is super important as you deploy these models into the real world. Since no two business processes are the same with co-pilot Studio, you now can extend co-pilot to be able to customize it for your business processes and workflows. Today we are in introducing co-pilot connectors in co-pilot studio, so you can ground co-pilot with with data from across the graph from Power Platform fabric dataor as well as you now have all the thirdparty connectors for SAS applications from Adobe atlassian service now Snowflake and many many More we’re also extending co-pilot Beyond a personal assistant, to become a team assistant, I’m thrilled today to announce team co-pilot.

You know you’ll be able to invoke a team co-pilot wherever you collaborate in teams right, it can be in teams, it can be in Loop. It can be in planner and many many many other places someone think about it right. It can be your meeting facilitator uh when you’re in teams creating agendas tracking time taking notes for you or a collaborator. Writing chats surfacing the most important information tracking action items addressing unresolved issues um, and it can even be your project manager ensuring that every project that you’re working on as a team is running smoothly. These capabilities will all come to you all and be available in preview.

Later this year and we’re not stopping there uh with co-pilot Studio, anyone can build co-pilots that have agent capabilities and work on your behalf and independently and proactively orchestrate tasks for you, you know simply provide your co-pilot a job description or choose from one of our pre-made Templates and equip it with the necessary knowledge and actions and co-pilot will work in the background and act asynchronously uh for you right. That’S, I think, one of the key things that’s going to really change in the next year, where you’re going to have co-pilots plus agents with this async Behavior. There are many announcements that you will hear about at build, but I want to go back to. I think the core of what I think why we chose to be in this industry and why we come to work every day as developers, which is the mission ultimately of empowering every person and every organization at the end of the day. It’S not about Innovation.

That is only useful for a few it’s about really being able to empower that everyone and it comes down to you all as developers and Builders of this new world. For us, it’s never never about celebrating tech for tech sake. It’S about celebrating what we can do with technology to create magical experiences that make a real difference in our countries in our companies in our communities. .