Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes

Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes”.
Good morning, it’s fantastic to see you all welcome to build. We are bringing such grounding and being to chat GPT. We are very excited about this. Yeah you can clap look chat. Gpt is the most sort of fast-growing consumer app we’ve ever seen, and such grounding is very key feature right so that all the information is current and grounded uh by what you have from the crawl on the index. And so it’s fantastic to see that we are excited to be able it’s going to launch in chat, GPD plus immediately and quickly, coming even to the free tier uh and we’re. This is just the start of what we plan to do with our partners in open AI, to bring the best of being to the chat, GPT experience um next we’re bringing the co-pilot to the biggest canvas of all windows.

Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes

Today, as Satya said, we’re excited to announce that we’re going to bring chat, GPT and Bing together, as with the default search experience to give you higher quality answers and more timely answers. Let’S take a look here. I am in Chachi PT and, as you can see now, Bing is the default and when I come in and select it, I can now ask sort of real-time queries.

For example, let’s ask what I should expect to hear from about build and Dot net, and what you can see is the results now are more up to date. They include fresh content and they include citations. In fact, if you can see the links on that page there, you can click.

Those and they’ll. Take you straight to a web page, that’s sourced by Bing. We’Re also excited yeah.

Absolutely you can clap right, [ Applause ]. We’Re also excited to announce that we’re going to bring interoperability between chat, GPT and Bing for plugins, so you write them once and they’re going to run everywhere. So, as you can see here in chat GPT, I’ve got Zillow and instacart enabled, but I want to show them to you here in Bing chat, so we’ll flip over and you can see again. I’Ve got the same plugins now in both Bing chat and in chat. Gpt and what we’re going to show you now is I’ll.

Do a search here for houses in Chicago, and I can ask for a set of criteria, learn a little bit about the neighborhoods, and now I can automatically call Zillow by saying: hey give me three houses in a certain price range that meet my criteria. Now what you can see is now I get these great options and I’m also going to get all of the other great things you get with Bing like helpful City Guides and maps and prompts I’m going to tell you now how we’re going to further add value To the plugins that you write they’re going to work, not just in chat and chatgpt they’re, going to work across the entire web, courtesy of the edge browser. So here’s an example: I’m on a web page here checking out a recipe for a cake, and now I can call Bing chat and ask it to tell me hey give me the ingredients from this webpage and notice. Bing can read the context of the web. Page understand those ingredients put them into chat, and then I can say, hey give me a shopping list for this and it’ll automatically call the instacart plug-in. Take those ingredients right off the page and put them into an instacart shopping and with one click I can get those now delivered to my house. This is incredible: productivity benefit for people uh. Let’S, let me show you now how yeah, let’s show you, how you’ll be more productive at work uh here, I’m going to use Microsoft, 365 Copilot! I now I’m in Microsoft Word and I’m going to need some help for drafting a legal contract.

Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes

I got a legal contract here and I need some help with California law, so I’m going to call three plugins from Thompson Reuters to edit this document. First thing is I’ll: go into copilot and I’ll I’ll, pull it up and I’ll say: hey help me understand how to edit the limitation of liability using the Practical law, plug-in it’ll read the document, find the paragraph and make that change next. I want to know if this is enforceable under California law, so I’ll call the West law plug-in. That will do that analysis and it’ll come back and give you an analysis about it from a legal perspective and, finally, since we’re making lots of changes, I’d like to know the summary of all of these changes and with document intelligence, I get a simple table that Shows you all of those changes in an easy to read format by joining the power of Microsoft, 365.

Copilot. In word, with the support of these real, powerful plugins like Thompson Reuters, now you can draft a legal contract in so much more powerful way Studio. This is the full life cycle tool chain for you to be able to build your intelligent, AI apps and your co-pilots, everything from being able to train your own models, uh, to be able to then ground whether it’s open, AI or any open source model.

Microsoft Build 2023: Everything Revealed in 7 Minutes

With data of that, you bring built-in Vector indexing in Azure, search, built-in support for rag or retrieval augmented generation support, um or a built-in support for prompt engineering with prompt flow and orchestration and, of course, built-in support for perhaps the most important feature, which is AI safety. One of the things that we’ve been hard at work is to build into the tool chain – AI safety, it’s it’s. We’Ve been at work on AI safety.

For the last five years. We have principles which we have translated into a core set of processes that we Implement across our engineering stack and then, of course, we have all of the compliance and oversight. But the real challenge is not just to have these things outside the Engineering Process, but to build it into the everyday tool chain and that’s what we’re doing with AI Studio, introducing Microsoft fabric, a unified data analytics platform, one product, one Experience, One architecture, one business model, Unified data is stored in one link: a SAS data Lake for the entire organization data is integrated and stored in an open format, allowing one copy to be used to train machine learning models, visualize data and run SQL queries on the lake and data warehouse, a unified Experience brings together all the tools data professionals need pipelines for orchestrating data movement, experiments for training, machine learning, models, semantic models for defining key metrics and much more. Thank you very much and have a fantastic build.
