Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes

Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes”.
This conference is all about celebrating I’m challenging the creativity, the ingenuity that you all bring to build new and great things on top of platform innovations that we make available to you. What you will hear us talk about in this conference and even in this morning’s keynote, is perhaps the broadest lens through which reviewed developers, development and platforms. This up until now, there’s been two main ways that you can really write: music traditionally using pen and paper, which is very creative, maybe not that convenient, sometimes or the digital way, which is very laborious to input but very convenient once it’s in that form, so staff That is handwriting recognition for music notation. Let’S just take the pen and I’m gon na start writing in the bar. So it’s very natural, as I move into the next bar, the music notation, is recognized and turned into a great notation.

Thank you. So how about we get started by talking about how we’re moving from office from us to office with partners? Let’S talk about making a presentation, and when I’m doing this, I of course want a constant source of high-quality professional photographs that I can integrate into my slide. Deck pick at me is a relatively new company that is building just such a service, and it’s provided an add-in here that lets me search through the photos in those surveys and paste them directly within PowerPoint. So here’s an add-in that uber has built that I can set an uber ride, reminder to show up ahead of time and make sure that I get to where I need to go as we switch over here to the iPhone and it sets my pickup location. The cool thing is that it got my destination because that lived in Outlook, so I look knew where I needed to be, and now uber knows where I need to go.

It helps me search and discover the content that my colleagues are using there’s something funny going on. Oh keep going. I know you all waited very patiently to hear about Windows and it’s now time to talk about Windows. Our goal is that within two to three years of Windows, 10 s release there will be 1 billion devices running Windows. 10.

You see the USA. Today’S live tile from their new Universal windows, application. The application uses our standard standard platform controls, so it resizes and reflows as the application is resized on the desktop, and here it is running on the Xbox filter down to just video. So an investment in this one Universal Windows application. They now have phones, tablets, PCs, interactive television, all covered with one code base in one app. My name is Technica Garlin and one of the project leaders working on the technology that will enable you to build great Windows apps by reusing a lot of the code.

Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes

You have written for Android here I have an Android device and on it I am running that choice, hotels up there, I’m going to switch to Windows Phone. I am also running the choice. Hotels, app. This app is reusing.

Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes

The code you just saw running on the other device. You can see that the windows – graphics in touch just work and in tomorrow’s keynote we will show you how you can light up your apps experience with native windows features such as live tiles and with Microsoft services. So today we’re announcing that you will be able to compile the same objective-c code, that’s being used in iOS applications within Visual Studio on Windows, great syntax, highlighting support for you’d expect from visual studio, including highlighting all of the weirdness of objective-c, and now we can debug It and execute this tablet app on Windows. I want to show you some of the work we’ve been doing to continue to tweak the design and improve the visuals and the interaction we’ve got the most used apps here we’re putting File Explorer settings power all apps at the bottom, we’re bringing jump lists back in So you can see here’s File Explorer with jump lists and this will work for other apps as well. Thank you project, Spartan project, Spartan. You know, I have to admit our PR team has been giving me and us a hard time, because they say it’s not a great idea to keep saying project Spartan when that’s not really the name of the weapon.

Would you like to hear the name of the new web browser in Windows? 10? Ok, let’s run the video Microsoft edge. Is the browser built for Windows 10. Now I get the pleasure to show you how to do incredible things with Windows on no screens at all Windows. Holographic embraces this notion of experiencing life in three dimensions: by mixing digital content writing to your world. Now, before we start, let me explain the set up a little bit. Darren is wearing at Parliament and he sees this globe open.

Microsoft Build 2015 keynote in 9 minutes

We showed you in January right in his world now. We also have this custom camera rig over here, so that you can see the Holograms up on these screens as if the camera is wearing a hololens. Now, when we introduce Windows holographic the globe was just a slide today, Darren is experiencing it as a universal Windows.

App and guess what it’s running on Windows 10: welcome to Windows holographic. These are simply Universal windows, apps that were placed as Holograms, I’m going to pull up my holographic Start menu and I’m gon na open up Skype. I’M gon na pin them to this wall right here that way, every time I walk into this room I’ll see their smiling faces and be inspired to reach out to them yeah. So all I need to say is follow me now, wherever I go in my house, my entertainment tags along, I simply place it and I can scale it as big, as I want now mark is part of a team from Case Western in the Cleveland Clinic, we Invited them to use Windows holographic to advance medical education beyond what is possible. With today’s state-of-the-art using holograms, we can easily separate and focus in on individual systems.

For example, we can focus in on the femur, and students can immediately see some of the types of fractures they may one day encounter in the clinic. Let’S learn a little bit more about this amazing magical device that is microsoft hololens we envisioned an all-in-one device. That is untethered with built-in batteries hands-free and floating on you. You have to come up with holographic.

You know because you’re constantly producing data, every single millisecond, the enclosure wraps around their users head to provide greater weight distribution. We have so many sensors on this product to read all those in real time and to do that in a very power. Efficient way requires the power of what they developed with the new version of Windows. Please help me welcome on stage my very good friend, miko b15.

Wake up up, say hello to the real b15 b15 control panel. This facial UI system is a universal Windows. App see you later Alex later guys at the core of our company is empowerment, empowering us all. Thank you and have a great rest of bill. Thank you very, very much. [ Applause, ] .