Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri

Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri”.
I have an amazing treat for you today we were out driving around close to marshfield missouri and on the side of the road we found this yard absolutely packed with these incredible horseshoe sculptures. I pulled over and asked the woman living there if she would tell us about them and she did. She told us the whole story uh. These are the work of bill, danby and and bill passed away a few years ago. His wife, mary, is still here and she’s, keeping up the grounds, keeping up the sculptures and selling them off.

Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri

I’M just my mind is – is almost blown by these super cool sculptures. Let’S walk around a little bit and look at these they’re, so cool, look down on the information for how you can get a hold of mary if you want to buy one of these or just kind of some rough estimates on the prices too. These are incredible. Let’S walk around and look at them made almost entirely out of chain appears to be an owl.

This bronze eagle with two eagles in the nest, is especially beautiful because the bronze is weathering, there’s also actual birds making a nest in this eagle’s nest. I love how you find additional little details, the more you get down and look such as the bug on this frog’s tongue. These are all so impressive. This rhinoceros appears to be pretty much life-sized.

Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri

This elephant is not life-sized. It’S about six feet tall still just a massive structure. Mary told us that when bill was making this he had to crawl inside of it to weld the head together.

Metal Sculpture by Bill Domby in Marshfield Missouri

I’Ve seen metal roses. I don’t know that i’ve ever seen horseshoe roses like this. These are really neat when making this giraffe.

It was brought up that its neck was pretty low. Mary told us that bill said if they don’t like how neck the how low the neck is. They don’t have to look at it. As you can see, it’s not all horseshoes here are a couple eagles.

Fighting that appear to be made out of some kind of a tread surplus. Tread material, almost missed this one. This is a bull with a rider hiding up underneath this tree about to drive away and almost missed it. Let’S see the cowboy hat on the rider there running an angry bull.

Look at that face. That is incredible. There you go. These were amazing, i love them. So much thank you for watching this video again checking the information below for mary’s information. If you would like to purchase one of these somehow be sure to subscribe, to make and like this video .