Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…

Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…”.
Uh meta is blocking Canadian news, including satirical news um, so the recap meta has been blocking links to Canadian news on its platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. Since August 1st, in response to a law passed by the federal Canadian government requiring large tech companies to pay news sites when their content is linked on their platform, Google meanwhile says that it will do the same once the law takes full effect. The news block has been criticized for potentially endangering Canadians during ongoing crises such as the ongoing forest fires. In addition to many legitimate news sources, Canada’s own version of The Onion news, the Beaverton, was caught up in the ban. The site’s editor sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg and clarified its Page information to indicate that it is satirical.

Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…

The ban on Beaverton material has since been lifted. I love their letter by the way, Dear Mr Zuckerberg, and I’m I’m skipping a lot. This action is out courageous to label us and our content, as news is not only false. It is highly insulting and defamatory be clear. We are satyrists, satirists, liars, miscreants, fabulous, hyperbolists, beguilers tricksters and every other Tuesday charlatans, if meta God, what a stupid name in practice. It’S supposed to block the content of pages that engaged in this activity. We would have no choice other than to accept it, but to be labeled as a common news organization alongside such dreck as uh the rebel and the national post. It makes us feel dirty just to think about it anyway, love their love, their letter. It’S exactly what I would expect from the Beaverton perfect. Thank you.

Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…

Uh yeah uh Matt in Matt from Labs web posted in flow plane, chat, saying uh links to snope are also apparently considered news. What seriously they’re just cleaving too much and then probably seeing who’s gon na complain and they’ll clean it up from there. That’S my sister. What a stupid name! It really is now that the metaverse is well and truly dead and buried. It really swing on a Miss on that one yeah it aged, like I’m, trying to think of something like let’s see they should just rename to like AI. Is it a mayfly mayfly that has like a 24-hour life cycle or something like that like? What are they like that um mayfly life cycle um, it’s just like whatever, whatever the next thing they’re working on is they should just rename it that they should have renamed themselves threads for like four days yeah.

Meta Didn’t Just Block the News…

Some mayflies live for only eight to ten hours after they become an adult. So there you go they’re a little biology fact that it aged, like a mayfly .