Mesh Wi-Fi Explained – Using the ASUS Lyra!

Mesh Wi-Fi Explained - Using the ASUS Lyra!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mesh Wi-Fi Explained – Using the ASUS Lyra!”.
Labeled, as the next generation of home networks, mesh Wi-Fi, is here and here to stay, so asus is actually sponsored this video and sent out their Lyra, and I’m going to use this as a demonstration to explain how mesh Wi-Fi works and how it’s beneficial for you. So what is it well, unlike a typical single Rooter mesh, Wi-Fi uses in this case three Wi-Fi nodes and these create better coverage and a more stable connection, and they eliminate what is sometimes known as dead spots. And what this means is that in larger houses, especially, you can reach a lot of the harder to reach areas such as corner rooms and even your garden. Now what some people with traditional route is tend to do to boost their signal is get a Wi-Fi repeater, but the problem with this is that Wi-Fi repeaters in themselves. They sometimes limit the connection of your speed, whereas in this case each of these nodes is a full, a tri-band Ruta in its own right. Each node communicates via what is known as a dedicated data backbone, which means that you get full data rates at each node. Also setting up a Wi-Fi with different nodes, as opposed to separate route, is entirely is a bit more convenient because it means you don’t have to manually switch between the different Wi-Fi connections and you’ll automatically be connected to the fastest one.

So let’s kick things off with a little bit of an unboxing. The outer packaging itself is pretty small, but pretty dense, it’s covered in branding and it’s got an entire site dedicated to the immense specifications of it. Opening the outer box contains a further box inside of it in which we have the discs themselves.

Mesh Wi-Fi Explained - Using the ASUS Lyra!

First, impressions they’re quite a bit lighter than you might be, expecting also they’re, made of a fairly decent quality plastic and they’re, pretty unobtrusive. To look at there’s no flashy design going on here and in some senses that’s gon na help them fit into any type of room. Underneath all that we have the warranty information and the instruction manual, and now it’s here that by default you get a two-year warranty as standard and right at the bottom.

Mesh Wi-Fi Explained - Using the ASUS Lyra!

We have one Ethernet, cable and three power adapters, which is everything you’re going to need. So the test house, I’m gon na use to set up this Wi-Fi – is e 6,000 square foot behemoth. It is a four floor setup and follows a pretty open plan which is recommended to stop the Wi-Fi signal getting interrupted when it comes to setup. As with other mesh Wi-Fi systems.

Everything revolves around the app once you’re plugged in the first node into the power and your previous router through that Ethernet, cable, it’ll, more or less automatically connect Wi-Fi, and this will be done within two or three minutes to set up the second node. You simply need to find a location that is not only far enough away so that it is somewhat broadening the signal, but at the same time, close enough so that it can still communicate with the first node. And it’s really not very long after you’ve plugged. In the second node that you can sit next to it and perfectly use the internet there as well, it seamlessly connects to the first one, and the communication happens without you really realizing.

The same goes for your third node: try and find a location that, with your previous single Rooter, you were kind of struggling to reach a little bit and then with this node in that location. All of a sudden, you will have full five bars of signal now, something I do think worth bearing in mind and something the company is trying to focus on here is that these hubs are not completely unobtrusive in a modern contemporary home with their gentle multicolored pulsing Leds and this soft matte white finish, they really won’t look out of place even in the fanciest of rooms. Another thing the company is trying to push share is the application, and there are some useful features. Bundled in the family.

Protection section allows parents to restrict content. Seen on either one device or a group of devices Asus has built in its own security features as well known as a eye protection, and on top of that, you can set bandwidth priorities if, for example, you’re a huge gamer and you don’t want your downloads to Interrupt that you could set gaming as a priority and then not worry about it. So now I’m gon na show you the before and after speed tests in what I would call the Wi-Fi problem areas starting off with one of the bathrooms.

In our previous single Rooter setup, we were getting 9 down and 13 up moving over to the library. This improved by about 30 %, whilst the upload speed stayed identical. The download did move from 9 to 13 megabytes per second.

In a slightly more extreme case scenario, we were getting a cripplingly low speed in the garden previously, but all of a sudden with the lyra on this was actually coming out to more or less the same as what we had in the bathroom now. This right here is a huge improvement and, to be honest, kind of sums up the whole point of the product. There’S a similar story when it comes to the entrance or the front porch here it was not working at all previously and now we’re getting a good 15 megabytes per second down.

So what is the conclusion here? Well, to be honest, if you’re using a laptop and phone next to your router, there’s really no problem and, to be honest, you wouldn’t face much benefit by moving to something like this. Having said this, if you have a large apartment or a multi floor house in which you actually find problems actually trying to connect when you’re in certain rooms, certain locations or if you’re standing just outdoors, then to be honest, that’s exactly what this product is made for. Most homes right now are probably filled with dead spots, whether it’s your patio, your garden, your doorway and this product really does eliminate them.

Mesh Wi-Fi Explained - Using the ASUS Lyra!

So guys. Everything if you enjoy the video I’m Steve’s boss, .