Massive Tech Unboxing – EP32

Massive Tech Unboxing - EP32

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Massive Tech Unboxing – EP32”.
What’S the guy’s effing text service and welcome to the continuation of the what’s in the box series, if you guys missed the first episode or the episode before this one make sure to watch that first, because we had so many boxes that we had to split it Into two parts but anyways: this is the final video of that. So let us begin. This article was sponsored by Linkous, it’s an app that gives you key insights of the world’s best-selling non-fiction books, and I love the fact that you can get through the main points of a book by reading or listening to it in like 15 minutes, it’s perfect for People like me that just can’t find extra time to dedicate to sitting down and reading a book. You know it’s easy to spend 15 minutes on the internet, browsing through memes or Instagram videos. Why not spend 15 minutes and listen to a book that you are interested in? I really like how user-friendly the app is, and it gives you the option to read or listen, and I feel like blankest is an awesome way of discovering new books as well.

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Massive Tech Unboxing - EP32

This will actually look nice and a black and white build to be honest, so these are 16 gigs, ddr4, 36 hundred megahertz, some very fast RAM sticks. Thank you so much G skill for sending Xen. Hopefully, I will put them to good use in an upcoming, build moving on to the next box to get some boxes back here as well speaking of RAM sticks. So these are the RAM sticks, we’re gon na be actually using in his build holy crap. Is our eight sticks so 32 grit 32 graves grapes, 32 gigs of ram is that these are the courser dominators. I think.

Massive Tech Unboxing - EP32

What’S the speed on these 32 hundred megahertz, so yeah, these are the ones that he wants to use is actually his RAM sticks that he sent me from his previous build. So this is the only ones that wouldn’t be using and his new build. That’S coming from his previous build. That makes any sense yeah. Here we go. You got the power supply.

Massive Tech Unboxing - EP32

Ladies and gentlemen, the corsair HX 850. This is going in his build at 30 self-explanatory. Nothing else talk about its power supply. Uh-Huh we’ve got probably the rest of the props that we ordered from Amazon. So it’s good these others curtains. We picked up to cover the blinds to block out the lights.

Of course we got these two per side and we got two windows all right, so we picked up some colorful notebooks, we got yellow, we got blue, green and red. These will make for some really nice background props in our videos, all the cool people are doing it. I think we’re cool, so we’re gon na win a clue. This is actually the minimalistic art of Siri there’s a bunch of colorful ones, but these are actually one of the best ones out there I’ll leave a link below if you guys want to check it out. I also picked up this interesting blue base.

I don’t know if I put flowers in it, but I just think it looks really cool. Let me actually take this out of the box. I’Ll show you guys. Oh just wow, this looks trippy, it’s actually looks cooler in person. Do you see that see? The reflection? Oh, that looks really sick, that is pretty sick, yeah, probably feeling like an RGB light in there or something it will give off a really nice glow effect. So very very nice prop and it comes in different colors. We picked up a turquoise one, because I personally, like that color I’m just kidding guys they’re the vases here knows what that was a bad joke.

We also got this moon light. This is actually Bob’s peg. He saw this on Amazon he’s like hey. We should pick this up because it looks cool. What the hell is this so apparently there’s glows. I think it’s RGB right.

It can glow them different colors and it looks like the moon, so it got some pretty cool textures on here. I don’t know we’ll see we’ll find use for it somewhere on one of the shelves. Maybe, but we picked this stuff as well.

How comes it a wooden stand, they’re supposed to put together yeah, hey guys. This is all the experimental. Obviously we don’t know if all this is gon na work.

This is gon na, be there’s gon na, be a lot of trial and error. So there’s some things that gon na work there’s some things that are not gon na work. We’Re just gon na learn from that and then move on eventually putting together the perfect office for us in order to shoot awesome videos. So that’s that’s kinda what the goal is. This is clearly from Asus judging by the Samsung sticker. Obviously this is the motherboard.

I’M gon na be putting in the subscriber build. You decided to go with the X 299 XE gaming from Asus, and this will definitely provide the CPU with enough juice, and I pick up a CPU already. I don’t watch the CPU yet but yeah anyways. Let’S move on it’s, why I’m still missing a few obvious? Maybe it’s in this one, I think the ones I unboxed earlier or in the another other episode were 140 millimeters I’ll, actually the 120s, so only using these as well.

So I for some reason I thought of course, they’re again send me to look at products but yeah. Those are the fans. I’M gon na be using three more boxes to go guys. Aha speaking of the GPU and the processor, you decided to go with a single Titan XP.

This is the newer version of the Pascal Titan XP. If that makes any sense, this is the April release. So this is the faster Titan XP in order to make it more simplified and it’s already open, I think they’re supposed just supposed to come. Sealed now, but anyways that looks like a seal brand, new packin XP.

Now, the reason why I told them to go with this instead of a 1080 Ti is because the prices are so ridiculous for a 1080i that I told him just to spend a few hundred dollars more and get the XP instead, literally, the price difference was like Only $ 200, so I’m like, why not go for it? The processor he is going with. You’Ve got a brand new i7 7800 X. This is a six core processor clocked at 3.5 gigahertz. Of course, I went overclocked it as much as I can, and last but not least, did amazon send me two motherboards by accident, so yeah. That was a mistake. It was my mistake. I actually ordered two so yeah one of them is definitely this. I think I know what this is. Yes, I can see it.

Where is my Kingdom Hearts fans out there? This over here, ladies and gentlemen, is a very sharp blade and that is her table Wow. I did not expect this to be. It’S actually pretty heavy.

You can literally chop someone’s neck off with this, but this is one of the key blades from Kingdom Hearts. I don’t know which one if it’s the second or third one yeah it looks really sick. It’S black and red. It’S my color scheme, I’m gon na put this on one of the shelves that we’re gon na have in the office and it’s gon na it’s gon na look really nice.

In the background of some videos. I did order one more though, or maybe it’s in this box – let’s check it out, no joke, it’s, not it’s, not a toy box. The rest of this episode with this actually beautiful the Keyblade has so many uses. I literally have no more space for the boxes, but anyway this one, you can only tell based on the Mickey Mouse emblem over here, ooh the original Keyblade of Sora. I think this is both from the same company judging by the quality Wow. The only thing I don’t like is this part: it spins, I don’t know if that’s I’ve been reading. The review is that this part is it spins on all of them, and it’s not supposed to, because it’s annoying save me with this one. It spins, but it’s not as loose well yeah. This is the other Keyblade. It’S actually built really well.

To be honest, will stainless steel I’m walking in with both of these things. Everybody was yeah pretty badass. Officially. Last but not least, we have this box. I don’t know what this is. So this is an RGB ring light.

That’S pretty much it! You can control the lights, I think using your smartphone and you can set it to any color. You want any effects. Any brightness and it’s gon na look really nice again in the background of our videos and that’s the main purpose of this so yeah, it’s actually yeah. This is the default mode, as you can see, it’s kind of just cycling through all the colors until you hook it up with the app and you can control it. I think it looks pretty sweet. I don’t know how much this thing was. Things like.

Don’T need bucks or something so it kind of a flimsy bill to it. So hopefully this lasts, but anyways with that said, I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did feel free to pass the mic to show your support. Anything mentioned in this article will be linked below. As always, I love your faces and I will see you in .