Making Makey Part 5: Testing the Fit

Making Makey Part 5: Testing the Fit

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Making Makey Part 5: Testing the Fit”.
Welcome back to the next installment today we’ve got most of the pieces out of the mold, we’re missing a leg in most of an arm, but we’ve got enough pieces that we can go ahead and have someone strap it on and try it out. So today we’ve got my designated victim who’s going to be wearing this thing for the duration of maker faire. This is gordon hi there, i’m gordon uh, i guess i’ll, be the mascot a little bit about me. I go to san jose state. I study film.

I’Ve done a couple things like this. Before, like i was a marching band in high school, i won a couple mascot uniforms. I say that’s one but um. This is gon na, be crazy, exciting! Look at this, it’s beautiful when it comes time to put the foot on and i’ve got trevor cutting blocks.

So what’s gon na happen is you’ll. Take the thigh and the shin piece slip a foot through and then we’re going to have some crisscross straps and a heel block in there. Basically you’ll step toe into here. Someone else is going to need to reach in buckle across the front of his foot to pull his foot back towards that heel block so that this becomes captured on top of your shoe and then that guy has a socket.

So it wants to sit there and stay there, and then this will get pulled up as high as you can stand. I’M gon na have a suspender strap. You can cinch that, however, you want and a block of foam to keep it pressed out to give it the thigh gap that it needs. He doesn’t have much in the way. So this is a shuffle step more than anything else, but your foot will pick up and the good part is with that joint for the ankle. You actually can lean quite a ways and if it goes past no big deal because it will re-center right, the foot can twist the knee, can’t that’s all right. Um, your legs really aren’t any longer than mine, so that works out well and then the bottom of is just a big open bell. So you know huge rectangle shape yeah.

The horrible part is that the arms have to be manipulated by reaching out through the armpit hole, so hanging out the bottom of the shoulder. There is going to be this guy and i haven’t got bolts in to actually hold it in place yet. But that gives you an idea i’ll need to cut that shorter and you’ll have a handle here, so you’ll be reaching out and about like so and then dealing with you’ve got a little bit of movement once i trim this for an elbow, but then the biggest Problem is you don’t want to beat up the side of this thing with this too much, because it’s going to want to tear up the paint? My plan is to add a spring here that will attach here that will kind of detent the arm out a little bit. So this one will give you this movement, and then this here will give you.

You know a hinge condition and then that’ll be whatever you can get out of it with the handle moving it with your wrist. It’S uh still sharp edges. If you want to be careful, but it’s not a tremendous amount of weight and what’s missing is the hand on the end of it.

So i mean momentum is going to help you a little bit. It is going to be suspended, so there will be a cable holding the handle up, so you can’t drop it, but other than that. It’S going to be entirely up to you to do whatever you, whatever that does just by swinging it around with your wrist, so figure here and the rest of that is going to be whatever you can do with your wrist one, two, the fiberglass three, the best Part is aside from the way the straps will be arranged, there’s nothing about either part of this.

That makes it left or right, okay, so well. The feet will be a left and a right because of the fact that the straps are going to be specific to your and where your heel goes. How dare you then we’ll have a wad out here? Okay, so scoot this way a little bit all right set you up there just go over to it a little bit again i’ll make that yolk a little narrower got it. It’S not going to last too long, as is so you’re missing about 12 or 14 pounds worth of left arm and right bicep, but otherwise i mean that’s the weight you’ll be carrying around and that’s about how you’ll be carrying it, except you won’t actually have to Keep a grip on the arms they’ll be able to hang. Can you pull your left arm back in without uh yeah perfect? So, if you need to puppet the head, you can reach up and grab the inside of that lazy susan.

So if you would just go ahead and lift by those big round corners, thank you, sir back to real life. So uh at this point. What’S left is a little bit of body shop work. You can still see some pretty ugly, visible seams where the mold came apart.

Making Makey Part 5: Testing the Fit

All of that needs to be sanded down a tiny little bit of filler to make it all smooth and then we’ll go ahead and scuff. It get the shine off of it and then put a coat of the final red paint that is going to get and then, of course, i’m still missing. The big letter m, which i’m going to cut out on my cnc machine first thing tomorrow morning and paint to match and then stick in place, there’s also just a couple more pieces of fiberglass that are in the molds waiting to be pulled, and once we replace All the duct tape with actual nuts and bolts this guy will be ready to go less than 1 500 for a single second, you .

Making Makey Part 5: Testing the Fit