Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour

Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour”.
Hi, I’m Caleb craft senior editor for make, and I’m here in Nantes, France at our maker faire. Not this is an amazing amazing event, and I want to take a few minutes to just go around the event and show you some of the incredible and just awe-inspiring stuff that is here on the location, we’re here at the machine, which is a group that makes These massive animated sculptures, like you, see behind me this elephant. This thing is, as you can see, it’s huge it actually walks around and people can ride on it, 40 or 50. People can stand on its back and it walks around the facility there’s tons of stuff here to look at let’s, let’s just walk around, I want to show you some cool stuff at Maker Faire, not another one of the exhibits here and not are the carousels this One is the small carousel you can see each one of these sculptures, which are handcrafted, have children on them, causing them to have this motion and an activity. I mean just incredible incredible: craftsmanship kind of mind-blowing really and humbling to see all the work that goes into this stuff.

I mean it’s just gorgeous, there’s also a larger carousel, though we’ll check out later here we have another one of my favorites from any Maker Faire. We have the blacksmith’s showing off some traditional smithing they’re, pulling in kids and having them do some work here watching these shows this young girl how to bash on some metal she’s. Getting that this marionette is very cool. I mean I’m kind of obsessed with different insects and praying mantis, especially so I’m drawn to it that you can see this massive praying, mantis, marionette and down in front of it is a small scale model, so you can see how it works.

Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour

People pull the cables. All around it to animate it moving around. It’S beautiful work, this book really caught my eyes. These are these giant wooden sculptures that give you those sensibilities of different animals.

Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour

You can slide your hand inside the crabs arm there and actuate the crabs pincers or stand in between the rabbit ears, using the funnel noise to your ears, beautiful craftsmanship and a wonderful imagination. Had it been at work. This was one of my favorites.

Maker Faire Nantes Video Tour

This is a robot that does portraiture. So if you watch it’s got a little webcam look and looks down at the paper. Listen drawing arm and the robot itself has a lot of life to it. And then even the portraits don’t seem like they’re made with a printer, they’re, very organic and flowing it’s going to post a look at some of these portraits. It’S really beautiful work behind me, you may have to look very close to see.

What’S happening is what appears to be a vagrant in the middle of this crowd and that’s dirt he’s a robot. He walks around. He begs for money and if you give him some money, he plays his music box and he is so convincing and taking people a while, sometimes to realize that – and I’m not going to point out who it is. But somebody in that crowd is actually controlling dirt and nobody knows who it is, of course Gail lengthen and the N move project are here demonstrating you can see he’s using voice commands to make the end move. Robot move around for crowd of people. Here’S another one of the incredible sights you’ll see at Maker Faire.

Not this is the thing is massive elegantly in the crowds kind of you can see. There’S a crew Oh hanging below it. Well, as a few people, on top of it control and a driver as well elegant beautiful here, we have some massive robot printing 3d printing with foam using a robotic arm. I mean this thing is just huge. You can see how tall I am. It hasn’t finished.

Yet, and over here in the background, you can see a finished piece of giraffe back there behind me here. You can see in here a massive ballerina that, as the music begins to play, she’s going to dance and they’ll drive around with her dancing up in the air there. The crowd will follow her as they go along the grounds here at Maker Faire. Balloon creatures are fascinating as well.

There’S this one that has somebody hanging off swinging their arms like they’re flying and then these other two which are kind of difficult to make out from this angle, are fish, and the motion is incredible: they look like clown fish in an aquarium. One of the organizers explained that they wanted to bring a little bit of Burning Man to this event, but they didn’t want to burn one of their works of art, so they instead lit this massive sphere and it was really beautiful at night it was just engulfed In flames and hot coals were dripping from it. This makerfaire really came alive at night. Things were glowing lit up and moving all over the place.

I really wish more Maker Faires had the opportunity to have a time period where they were open after dark and here’s. The big carousel, this one’s giant, it has technically three levels, even though it’s probably five storeys tall and it signifies the ocean. The top level is the ocean surface. Then you have the middle level which are fish swimming around and the bottom level, which are the creatures at the bottom of the ocean.

There’S even a sub level that some of the things dip down into the deep ocean that you can’t even see unless you’re on the right itself, all four on the top level here and this floor is the ocean surface. Here is the lower level and the ocean floor each one of these meticulously crafted I mean it’s just incredible. Look at this manta ray coming up here. Look at the way, the wings flap, it’s just incredible.

Every single one of these is beautiful metal work. It is just amazed, let’s take a few minutes monster, so that is Maker Faire knocks I wish we could have worked for here, and I hope this video at least gave you a taste of some of the incredible stuff this year. At this event, I want to thank the French maker faire team for the culmination of ten years of hard work that went into making this happen. I mean this was truly incredible and I just going to take a long time to come down from the high amazing. You .